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JCIssette's Blog

New Egyptian World: Alexandria

Founded by Alexander the Great in 331 B.C., this Mediterranean city became the world’s most magnificent center of trade and later, home to Cleopatra. This beautiful world was created and fashioned after an actual ancient map of Alexandria with its canals and the connecting lake that was fed by the Nile and the sea.  There is even the great wall that was built around the city for protection. Though not an exact replica of Alexandria, I offer you a beautiful, exotic city of mystery and charm for your Sims to live, love and die in this historical era.

Please read all the below information before downloading. This is a very large world, and it will take a high end computer to play. Note that the world may lag or have some short freezes at first until all the NPCs and spawners are placed in the world. Populate the world with the Sims of your choice. I have tested this world extensively for any routing or game issues, and it has played fine for me. This is not a perfect world, but I tried to pay great attention to detail, game play and the Sims interacting with it. Have fun!!!

World Information: 253 lots, large map, finished file size is 104 MBs. All spawners have been placed either in the world terrain or in the finished lots. All rabbit holes have been included as well as community lots needed for careers, lifetime wishes and badges. Water activities have been added such as ports, houseboats, beaches and islands.

Important Note: You may use ports and houseboats in Lake Mareotis, but not around the island coastline or in the canals. For the coastal and canal areas, you may use only small boats, speedboats, sailboats and jet ski’s as well as fish, snorkel, and dive. This world will not play exactly as Island Paradise, but you can enjoy most of the water game play. There is plenty of room on Lake Mareotis and the coastline to add dive lots or do a hidden island. I did not add these due to file size.

World Requirements: all Eps up to and including Island Paradise, Stuff Packs used are Outdoor Living, Town Life and High End Loft. The free store world of Riverview is required for the farm items. Some free store items are also required and listed below. Jinx rabbit hole rugs are required for the rabbit hole lots to function. The game rugs are placed and ready to be replaced with the Jinx rugs. You may find the rugs at Custom Sims 3. You must be patched up to 1.63.

Store Content Required:  All Free Content
The Deserts End Table (end table), Kushy Tushy Dining Chair (dining chair), Table of Solitude by Scarab Corp, Bookshelf of the East from South Sea Imports (bookshelf), Tower Ivy and K2 Ivy from Prius Collection (wall ivy), Thanksgiving Floor Cart by Louie’s Market (wheelbarrow), Mr. Turnwillow (scare crow), Bountiful Harvest Centerpiece (light centerpiece), Thanksgiving Pumpkin Plant (pumpkin), Thanksgiving Wreath- door wreath), The Mysterious Cat (black cat), Clark’s Pack of Ghosts Lighting (lighting), Grinning Grimmy (wall hanging) All store content placed in the world are free items and you should already have them.

File Link:

Sims 3 Official Site:  http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html...Id=7929458


Thanks, everyone. I hope you will have an interest in this beautiful world. I have also created some Egyptian Sims to go with the world, and you may find them at the official site under Judy Sims in My Studio.


World Pictures: just a few highlights of the world









New World: Victoria Isles

Presenting a new world, Victoria Isles - a quaint Victorian world that offers the charm of a time long past. This beautiful neighborhood offers the Sims population many special places to live, love and work. Come enjoy the wonderful adventures offered in this fascinating world.
















Total Lots: 132 lots with buildings-80 lots without buildings. Lots are all different sizes with many 60x60 and 64x64 lots for future expansions. All lots remodeled and updated.

Requirements: all expansions, including Showtime and  the free EA Riverview world for the farm objects. No custom content was used in this world. All rabbit holes are EA.

Key Areas: due to the vastness of this world, subways have been added to accommodate the Sims in their travels.

Victoria Township -  places to work, play, socialize, learn skills and shop.
Victoria Courthouse, Rigly Towers, Phobie’s Pet Shoppe, Dawson Doggie Playland, Marshall Memorial Library, Miss Kitty Pet Shoppe, Jasmine Parkways, Victoria Central Park, Victoria Fire Department, Victoria Police Department, Historical Society Museum, Barton’s Bistro, The Green Room, Madam Rose’s Spa, Hollis School & Gym, In Style Salon, Candy’s Community Pool, Percy Plaza, Philly Plaza, My Mother’s Attic, Randolph Hospital.

Victoria Residential - beautiful 2-3 story Victorian styled homes with a lovely Victorian park for the children located nearby.

Victoria Beach - a sandy little beach area for homes and venues.
The Crab Shack, Bailey Beach Cottage and Glendale Home.

Butterfly Circle- a wonderful area close to the beach where Sims can smell the salt air and watch the gulls play while they work, play and socialize.
Starlight Aquarium, Butterfly Pavilion, Diva Drama Club, Butterfly Circle Subway, Butterfly Pond There is a residential development on Butterfly Circle- Marston Manor.

Bayview Wharf - the industrial area of the hood where Sims can work, play, socialize and gain skills.
The Wharf Dinner, Sea Horse Pond, Sea Port Lounge, Bay Port Warehouse, Captain Bluebeard’s Salon, Bayfront Swim Club, Bayview Fareway I, Bayview Fareway II, Bayview Fareway III, Captain Hook’s Greasy Spoon, Bayside Swap Shoppe, Captain Ahab’s Bar, Sea Serpent Bar, Baywater Science Center, Bayside Park, Bay Port Hatchery, Thompson Scrap Metal Inc. Mermaid Laundromat, Canton’s Warehouse, Pier Two Imports, Martin Marine Life Inc. Scholl’s Shoe Company, Bay Point Research Center, Four Winds Shipping Company.

Celebrity Row- where the rich and famous stars gather to make movies, practice golf, visit the local lounge, attend the sporting events, or attend the local live concerts.
Celebrity Row Driving Range, Regency Movies Inc., Starlight Pond, Regency Sports Center, Celebrity Row Subway I, Ye Olde Train Station, Regency Event Center, Actor Trailer Park (CAW). This area also offers two residential celebrity developments- Radford House, Celebrity Row Subway II, Dale Manor, Blueberry Hill.

Equestrian Ridge- where cowboys and girls can enjoy anything to do with the lifestyle of the Old West.
Equestrian Ridge Subway, Lancing Equestrian Center, Victoria Equestrian Club, Old Landon Farm, Billy Bob’s Saloon. There is a residential development on Equestrian Ridge Road.

Snob Hill- where the rich founders (The Issettes) of Victoria make their home. 
Snob Hill Springs, Snob Hill Commons, Goth Manor, Laurel Springs Manor and there is a country church and cemetery down the hill on Snob Hill Lane.

Renoit Island - a sunny little island famous for its hospitality and fine wines.
Meloire Winery, Cherimola Vineyard, Gralladina Park, Renoit Island Pond, Avornalino Vineyard, Island Storage Shacks (CAW).

Victoria Farmlands- across the Bay lies the farms of Victoria Isles as well as many community lots.
Farmland Subways I-VI, Sutter’s Pond, Olde Mill Pond, Victoria Military Center,  Big Bend Springs. Farmer John’s Garden, Dino Amusement Park. Meadow Wood Farm, Holly Hills Farm, Chesterfield Farm, Casey’s Cabin (starter), Green Point (starter).

World Information:  90 MB file size-74 zipped. (this world will need a high end computer to play), large map (due to the size, the world will render and save a little slower), all base and expansion spawners have been added to the world and community lots.  All rabbit holes have been added  as well as all job or career lots from all expansions. World play tested for six weeks. Add CAS or Custom Sims to populate world.

World File Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?t76e106vnsp5i7j

Thanks, everyone. Hope you will have an interest.

Dracul Isle Update

Hi there, I just wanted to let you know that I have fixed a routing issue with Dracul Isle and if you want the revised world, you will need to redownload the file. Just click the link again on my Dracul Isle presentation thread. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but the world will have problems eventually without the fix. There was a routing issue with the wooden bridge. I have also updated the world for Pets, so you will need that EP and be fully patched now to play it. Please see my Dracul Isle blog for further details. So sorry for the inconvenience, but CAW is not always a perfect science and routing issues do not always show up right away. If you have any problems with the new installation, let me know. I really appreciate your download and am thrilled you liked my world. Hugs, :sunshine: Judy

New world: Dracul Isle

Come play this beautiful medieval world full of quaint little peasant villages, grand castles and bustling shires of trade. Enjoy the rolling hills and forests, the sandy beaches and the grassy green meadows of Dracul Isle where peasants, nobles and lords share a quiet life in peace. Or do they? It seems these medieval folks have suffered through their own dark ages when certain sinister strangers came to their peaceful little island long ago in the shadowy night. Does one dare go to the far side of the island? Perhaps, only the brave and the curious will venture beyond that old rickety bridge to find out what really lies beyond. Will that be you?

Key areas:
Three Small Peasant Villages-
each peasant village has the usual community and residential lots as listed. All base game spawners included.

Peasant lots
: All homes fully furnished. (51 lots) Several empty lot for building.

Castles: Four fully furnished castles.

Cornwall Castle- 60x60            Dracul Castle- 60x60
Braxton Castle-60x60              Camelot Castle- 60x60

There are 3 centralized locales full of community services, job opportunities and entertainment.

Seaport Shire-
60x60 (Fully Furnished)
Pub, Diner, Real Estate Office (business/journalism), Inventor's Studio, Grocery store, Game corner, Doctor's Medical Clinic, Art Studio, Spa, Art Studio, Public Stables and Restrooms.
Belfast Shire-60x60
Theater, Pub/Bar, Diner, Police Station, Book Store, Grocery Store, Game Corner, Sculpture Studio, Spa, Library with a wedding chapel and reception area, Public Stables and Restrooms.
Buckingham Shire-60x60
City Hall, Diner, Bookstore, Grocery, Pub, Science Lab, Music Theater, Spa, Music Shoppe, Game Hall, Public Restrooms and Stable.

Community lots:
There are many community lots scattered all over the island that meet the needs of the peasants and nobles. Sims can slum in the beach area or travel to the finer part of the island for trade, business, entertainment or jobs.

Barnsley Antique Shoppe, Bristol Tattoo & Style Shoppe,Brighton Pool,Brita Pond, Cheshire Park, Croydon's Inn, Darby Shipping Yard (junkyard),Debtor's Prison, Dracul Academy of Fine Arts, Dracul Academy Park, Dracul Academy Fishing Hole, Dracul Isle Cemetery, Dracul Country Church, Dracul Isle Fire Brigade, Dracul Fish Hatchery, Dracul Winery, Earl Pond, Eston Fishing Hole, Glen Pond, Leeds Village Wash n' Dry, Little Eden Pond, Norwick Lighthouse (dance club), Peasant Playground I, Peasant Playground II, Peasant Playground III, Peasant Playground IV, Seaport Cemetery, Seaport School, Seaport Village Rest Area, Sheffield Art Gallery, Sir Lancing Sports Arena, Shakespeare Theatrical Troope, Wheaton Martial Arts Academy, Wigon Pool

Nomadic Camp- 60x60
Located on the far side of the island is a camp of several Nomadic wagons. The colorful wagons form a circle for privacy with a small well in the center of the camp. There is a fenced-in stable for the stock and a small pond for fishing. The camp is surrounded by a gated fence for privacy. And unbeknownst to any curious travelers who might venture into the camp, this area is taboo to just any peasant or lord. Take heed! There could be some strange goings-on just beneath their weary feet. Beware!

Base game, World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Outdoor Living Stuff Pack (must have for lantern lights to show in world), Fast Lane Stuff Pack, and Riverside Free World. 

Instructions: You will need the Jinx door for the movie lot to work. You may find it at ModtheSims. Please download the Pet Fixed Rabbit hole rugs by Carzarupt at TSR for the community lots or you may use the Jinx rugs at MTS.

World File Link:  http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ujay516668z5wq3

 Thanks, everyone. I hope you will have an interest in my beautiful new world. Hugs, Judy

Here are a few preview pictures of Dracul Isle









New World: Atlantis Renaissance

Presenting my new world...Atlantis Renaissance

Over 11,000 years ago, there existed an island nation located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that was populated by a noble and powerful race. This was the island of Atlantis. According to the legend, Atlantis was the domain of Poseidon, god of the sea. When Poseidon fell in love with a mortal woman, he created a dwelling at the top of the hill near the middle of the island and surrounded the dwelling with rings of water and land to protect her. When she gave birth to five sets of twin boys, they later became the rulers of Atlantis. Atlas was the first to rule.

To honor Poseidon, a temple was built at the top of the central hill and it housed a giant statue of Poseidon riding a chariot pulled by winged horses. This temple was the hub of the island where laws, tributes to Poseidon was given and judgments were passed. To facilitate travel and trade, canals were dug around the land masses and were connected together with one main water fareway to allow ships to enter Atlantis for trade. This made for three rings. The center ring holding the main temple, the second ring holding most of the commerce and entertainment areas and the third largest ring holding most of the general population. The outer ring entrance was always heavily guarded to prevent invaders and had a fortress nearby.

Atlanteans lived a prosperous life, but greed and power began to change them. When Zeus saw the immortality of the people, he became anger and in one violent surge, the island and its people were gone. This is the summary of the story told by Plato around 360 BC. The legend of Atlantis has been debated for 2000 years.

This legend inspired my creation of a Sims version, which I call Atlantis Renaissance. This rebirth is strictly my humble interpretation of the island, although I tried to build the world according to Plato's description and the different artist renderings. This legendary world has been modified due to the game limitations and to meet the needs of a Sims population. Sculpting the land rings and water canals was a very unique challenge, as well as building lots and roads in a circular fashion.There are dirt roads and pathways for your Sims to travel on by foot, bike or car. (cars are unavoidable) This island was designed and built with the legend in mind, but it can easily be converted to a more modern world play such as a tourist town or whatever your imagination can come up with. It has been thoroughly Sims tested.

Description of World:

Center Ring: Temple of Poseidon (town hall)  sits high on a hill and at the base of the hill is a small Bristro for socializing and hearing the latest island news. This ring is surrounded by a water canal and is connected to the second ring by bridges. (2 C-lots)

Second Ring: holds most of the buisnesses and entertainment areas. There are numerous little retreats available for the Sims hygiene, hunger, social and entertainment needs also.

Community lots available: Ammon Pool, Diaprepe's Market, Plutarch Academy, Saris Park, Sonchio Books & Scrolls, Atlantis Public Restrooms, Plato's Library, Azaes Canal Retreat, Hermocrates Spa/Fitness Center, Meneseus Hospital, Apollo Writer's Club, Psenophis Museum of Art, Atlantis Commons Park, Elasippus Theater, Gadietus Amphitheater, Atlantis Cemetery, Toteni's Tatto/Stylist Shoppes, Atlantis Winery, Atlantis Fire Brigade and the Kaza Sports Bar (EA remodel)

Third Ring: holds most of the residential homes, vineyards, parks, playgrounds and a few community areas. This ring is heavily guarded by the Atlantean military. There are watch towers on each side of the canal entrance to prevent invasion of the inner rings.

Community lots available: Canal Retreat, Persephone Hot Springs, Heliopolis Playground, Eumelus Park (EA remodel), Atlantis Seashore Retreat, Azaes Seashore Retreat, Seashore Public Restrooms, Evenor Pond, Fortress of Atlantis, Cumelas Park, Poseidon Aquarium.

The residential lots have been divided according to population classes: Peasant, Middle Class, Upper Middle Class and Nobility.

Peasant- 3 furnished lots (two are starters) 4 unfurnished on 20x40 lots. (built in rowhouse fashion) These homes are on the other side of the island near the beach front. Numerous empty lots are further down for any future lot needs.

Middle Class- 4 furnished/6 unfurnished on 20x40 lots (built in rowhouse fashion)

Upper Class- 1 furnished/ 3 unfurnished lots on 20x40 lots.

Nobility- 2 furnished lots/ 9 unfurnished (lots vary in size)

All lots were Custom built by me, except for the two EA lots.

Total Community Lots with Buildings: 34            Without Buildings: 7

Total Residential Lots with Buildings: 32             Without Buildings: 44

Custom Content used: 1 Greek railing and arch by Dgandy and Carzarupt's rabbit hole rugs. (or you can get the Jynx rabbithole rugs from MTS) 1 EA store item (Poseidon's Fury) is needed for it to show up in the Aquarium.

Requirements: Ambitions, World Adventures, Late Night, Free download, Riverview.

File size: 60MB           Total lots: 117

Link to World File: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?l728tqm0r2az7zl

Thanks, everyone and hope you will have an interest in my new world.

These pictures don't show the three rings as well as I would like, but it was difficult to get a good shot. As usual, game pics never do justice to the real game images, so hope the following shots will be enough for you to want to take a look see at my endeavors.






EA Remodels

Hello there! As you can see, I have been doing some EA remodels of the homes in Sunset Valley. I had never even looked at any of the homes in that hood because I have always built my own, but one peek, and I just had to bring in the designers and landscapers to make these poor homes look more stylist and more functional for our deserving Sims. I hope you like what I have done with some of the uh....homely lots. Hmmmm....maybe, Riverview next? Or Bridgeport? Who knows how crazy I might get with these remodels. LOL Well, hope you will have an interest in some of these to dress up your hood. Have a good one and hugs, Judy

Happy Easter

I hope your Easter holiday is filled with blessings and family.  Many hugs and love!!!!

Trouble with my game

Hey everyone! Sorry I have not made any lots for you lately, but my game is broken. I have a beautiful mansion built right now and ready for submission, but I am having a problem with my game packaging my CC. It will not package the CC or even some of the Store items. I am not the only one having this problem either. I may have to do the dreaded re-install. GRRR! If anyone has had this problem and has found the solution, let me know, please.

Hopefully, I can start submitting some lots soon. Have a great day.

Hugs, Judy

Update: 03-27-11 Good news! I got my game fixed and have submitted a new lot called Morris Avenue, which you can view on my upcoming pod.

Happy Holidays, everyone!!!!

I want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday!!!

A huge thank you to all the sweet people who downloaded my homes or left me those great comments. I have been so blessed to have such great friends at TSR. May you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous healthy New Year.

Love and hugs to you all. Judy

Presenting my new world, Pandora

Hi everyone, I am proud to present my first new world. Pandora, for your game pleasure. This beautiful fantasy world is a lush tropical island with rolling hills, island cliffs, several waterfalls, (5) and plenty of beach area. It is delightfully alive with the sounds of the falls, the crashing waves of the ocean and the many sea gulls that frequent the beaches. There is also a tiny companion island off the main island that would be suitable for added game play if desired.

This gorgeous world was inspired by the movie, Avatar, but was created according to my vision of such a fantasy hood, and of course, adapted for the needs of my wonderful Navi Sims race that was created to live there. The architectural style of the homes and community lots were built to accommodate the tropical weather of the island. They are designed to catch the full breeze of the ocean and utilize the beautiful views of the island landscape. Each home has an amazing visa view of the beach and ocean. Since the Navi are a fun loving people, the homes are built with lots of color and pattern in their decor. Due to limited materials on the island, the structures of the island take on a uniformity style and design. All the homes have a pool, a garden area and some have fresh water ponds.This island paradise is not your usual game play. There are no cars or modes of transportation other than walking. There is no electricity, so the island homes are lit with oil lamps and torches. Of course, due to the limitations of the game, certain electrical appliances were used such as the stove and fridge. Plus, communication with the cell phone is unavoidable.

The Navi race was loosely based on the Navi of Avatar. Again, due to the limitations of the game, they were created according to my vision and the help of TSR artists. These amazing people are fishermen, artists and gardeners. They all love the outdoors and will be able to enjoy and explore the full island terrain. They can enjoy many pleasures at the Palace Square, the Palace Fishing Hole, the Palace Cemetery and even at the Palace Rest Area. Since there are no highways on this island, there are pathways for the Sims to travel by foot to any destination or they may opt to take some shortcuts. The island is very small, so the Sims can travel easily about the island in a short period of time.

This world will be offered for download at Media Fire at these links.

Without Buildings: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?79amft9dq1c4h48

With Buildings: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?cxjp0xswoi7q07x

Navi Sims:

Jake: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?bcgbz5o5p096706

Jasney: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hg31a353t1jk0q2

Neyteri: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?k73um6zke3jv95j

Neytini: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ii4ukcuz0lokf0v

If you chose Pandora.With Lots, all the residential lots will be unfurnished, except for the Palace and the community lots, which are fully furnished and ready for immediate game play. The world files are very small, so downloading should not take long.

All the world lots will be available for download at TSR,  if you wish to get the lots completely decorated and furnished. The four Navi Sims will also be offered on December 4th, if you chose to download them.

I hope you will have an interest in my new world. It has taken many months of diligent work and laborious building to develop this amazing new hood. I hope you will find as much pleasure in this unique hood as I have in creating it.

Special credit goes to Daisylee for her patience and tutoring in CAW.

Also, thanks to all the other TSR artists, who provided their beautiful creations for the lots and Sims. Special thanks especially go to Dgandy, MelissaMel and Ghost21 for their wonderful custom content. Base game, Ambitions and World Adventures needed, as well as the free world, Riverside.

I hope you will accept this beautiful world and all its created components as my Christmas gift to all the TSR downloaders. You have alll been so kind with your wonderful comments and encouragement this past year.

Thanks so much and hugs to all, Judy

Preview Pictures:






















Twin Falls











Palace Square












Latest Headlines

New Egyptian World: Alexandria New World: Victoria Isles Dracul Isle Update New world: Dracul Isle New World: Atlantis Renaissance EA Remodels Happy Easter Trouble with my game Happy Holidays, everyone!!!! Presenting my new world, Pandora
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