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JCIssette's Guestbook

tecjvwJul 21, 2013

\:D I LOVE your worlds but am unable to find the Jinx door on MTS for Dracul Isle. Do you have a link for that?

WendyladyMay 13, 2013

Thank's so much for your worlds. I am really enjoying Victoria Isles. You had us move the horses area, is there a way to chang the name of the road in the old area?

toolslaApr 13, 2013

You always have such nice things but I wanted to also say that I really like your icon...\:\)

GuardgianMar 22, 2013

I was so pleased to read your lovely comment on Steampunk Mississipi. Thank you so much for your feedback and have a nice day \:wub\:

djehmliMar 8, 2013

Hope your knee heals well. Keep up with the therapy! No skimping! Got the itch to try a world, equestrian based. So folks can have many 64x64 lots next to each other to make a complete farm. Ones out there now are too small. I want room to have the farm and a viable town experience. Should collaborate \:\) Take care!

Jblover45Feb 26, 2013

Your Welcome

Dux12Feb 15, 2013

lol i meant have a great weekend not only the sunday \;\)\:wub\:

Dux12Feb 15, 2013

Hi Judy thank you for your superfast response.\:wub\: I might have been unclear what i mean so here goes \:\) i have your world Victoria Isles on my computer and its filled with a lot of love victorian houses. including the laurel Springs and Goth manor which i found on snob hill . The dino park i also located. What i mean abot the community lots was this ..you uploaded some cottages like Agapanthus,Rose and Dianthus Cottage and have pansy comming up. 2 community lots goes in same style as these cottages The Tabatha's Elixirs and Sundries and the Starlight country Club. all these lots are in a different style from the rest of the lots on the isles well it fits the style but its more like fairy cottage than vitorian. What i was wondering was when you did coomunity lots for dracul they all had the same style like building materials and so on they looked alike. and i was wondering if a pool or gym or resteaurant in the same style as the country club or the Elixir shop will be comming up. i am also asking because i play the big world on my normal comp but i play your lots well the ones mentioned above on a little world 512x512 on my smaller computer. Also i wantet to ask you can you deside your own open_closing time on a club ? like it closes at 01.00 and opens again at 9 or is all clubs doing that. ? ok this was a long post..just know i love and enjoy your lots and world a lot. take care ..have a great sunday Anna

Dux12Feb 15, 2013

Hi Dear Judy. I was wondering if you have more community lots planned for your Victoria Isles. ? i mean like the dracul isle are you making gym, Pool, place to eat, cemetary and so on? I love your club and the elixir shop they work so perfect ingame and i completly adore the style you buildt those in. I am really looking foreward to your Pansy Cottage. Take care Judy \:wub\: Hugs Anna

PralinesimsFeb 14, 2013

I wish you an awesome Valentine's day!♥♥♥

roxiemydoggyFeb 13, 2013

I got it :3

EehnaFeb 13, 2013

oh, looking forward to your egyptian world \:D take care! ina

EehnaFeb 13, 2013

love your work! your worlds are awesome, and there are so many beautiful homes! thanks for creating, and for sharing \:wub\:

Dux12Feb 1, 2013

Ohh btw here am i calling you Judy \:wub\: I am Anna. \:\) \:wub\:

Dux12Feb 1, 2013

Hi Judy\:wub\: It makes perfectly sense and thank you for telling. I was not aware the manor was there already.Atm i am on my laptop ( mac) not able to do much because my pc on which i dl your lovely worlds is at repair. Thats why i am dl all your lots again so i can play them until its fixed. On my pc i also have your Dracul isle and i dl your Atlantis but i havent gotten around to play with it yet. style wise i think Victorian isle is the one i am gonna play the most.the great thing about your lots is they are so small file size and they are really beautiful. when i got your world i realized that you can make so beautiful things without cc ( even though it is lovely ) and i think it is a great achivement and shows huge skill making beautiful content with none or very low cc. I hope to get many more creations from you and you can tell by the comments you get i am far from only one that loves them \:\) I wish you a lovely week end and take care.

JCIssetteJan 4, 2013

Thank you so much for the wonderful comment on Victoria Isles. I am so thrilled that you are enjoying the world. I am making new lots for it all the time, so keep checking my site if you are interested. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:\:wub\:

lynnythegreatJan 4, 2013

Absolutely love Victoria Isles! Thank you for taking the time to make such a beautiful world.

PralinesimsDec 31, 2012

(((((Happy New Year!!!))))

PralinesimsDec 28, 2012


Ray_SimsDec 26, 2012

♥ ♥ ♥ Merry Christmas and Wishing you an abudance of friends, happiness, joy holiday season and very best for the new year ♥ ♥ ♥ ~ much love ~ Ray ~ \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

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