Jron (12880)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (7 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Kendra Stallings
Published Jun 25, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (161 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Sunny Bliss Tile Set
Published Mar 28, 2009
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (22 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
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About Me
Name: My actual name is Jarron
Nicknames: Ronnie, Jron, or JJ or, in same cases, Jarry or Jar-jar (Happy now Karen?)
Location: Somewhere in in the center of Florida
Hobbies: The Sims 2- reading cooking, movies and television.
Pets: Two dogs, and 1 cat now. (Penny died January 23rd, 2006) (Tammy now lives with my friend, next door)
My Latest Updates Show All
So far am ImpressedWritten Jun 22, 2009
So far I am impressed at the effort TSR has put into the Sims 3 side of the site. I don't dole out compliments very often, but I feel credit should be given where credit is due, and after the frustrations of the change over, and waiting weeks, months, years for approvals, etc, I have to say it is a PLEASANT surprise to find that submitting Sims 3 lots is -for me, and I hope for every... ...More
WallPaper!Written Mar 18, 2009
I am glad to see that so many of you seem to enjoy my wallpaper. i make them mainly for friends, and myself, and sometimes they convince me to post them. It's nice to see, when I do, they are appreciated. I am thinking of making a Tacky Set, because you know Sims, they can have the tackiest of things and love them and we enjoy it because we can be tacky without it being a... ...More
Approved of but disapproving of.... lolWritten Mar 07, 2009
Well, I was happily sad to see I wasn't the only ones with problems. I knew I wasn't, but sometimes you do feel you are. Either way it's nice when fellow sufferers can join together and comfort each other. My one set of carpets seems to have been approved and another wall/flor set is pending. I am currently working on some vintage-feel walls and hope to have those... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PenelopeTDec 19, 2010
♥ Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ♥
tdyanndDec 17, 2009
Hello, dear...oh, and Merry Christmas!
Living Dead GirlJul 14, 2009
Heh. I'm okay, I've just been busy killin' zombies. Two words. Dead Rising. My wonderful husband bought it for me (it's an Xbox 360 game), and although it's not as good as Left 4 Dead, I got hooked. I honestly don't know how I managed to find time to make another set (much less sleep, bathe and eat), but I've gotten almost all of the achievements at this point, so I'm hoping to find it less addictive soon. But enough about all that. I hope all is well on your end!