KiduJoJole (3098081)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (34 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
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The allmenus cheat Written Aug 28, 2010
This is an except from the discussion topic about the allmenus command . It has a link to the tutorial in The Sims 2 at SimsHost. It works! And apparently it works with any version of the game. The trick is to make sure that you edit the GlobalProps.xml file in the folder that goes with the latest expansion pack that you have installed. Andrea and Sophie try out the... ...More
Zodiacal AtractionWritten Aug 28, 2010
This is pilfered from a message that ZirconiaWolf posted in the thread about "Necessary Hacks" in the Discussions and Help section: All I can gather from the Prima guide is that attraction is based on some (apparently very) complicated combinations of turn ons/offs, personality traits, aspiration type & of corse (the Maxis interpitaion of) their zodiac signs. This-... ...More
No more ugly Townies/Dormies!Written Aug 28, 2010
I used to nuke my new hoods with deleteallcharacters then cleaning up the stray crap in the neighborhood file with SimPE. However, I started a new 'hood for experiments in growing up Dormies, and discovered it is actually kind of nice to have a good supply of preexisting Townies and Dormies to interact with, instead of waiting for them to slowly generate. To prevent ugly NPCs... ...More
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srgmls23Nov 05, 2010
Ol� (hi) I want to thank you very much for the wonderful comment on my lot (Summer Breeze) I love getting comments, but it is always late to thank them sorry ... hugs Sergio
loopyproductionsNov 04, 2010
I'm a bit late, but thanks for your comment. check my new blog if you want, I'm sure you'll love it.
luckyoyoOct 25, 2010
Your very welcome, thank you for commenting on my download 7 Easton Close, it's very much appreciated, have a nice day.