The things that matter in life
Last week my dad was rushed to hospital with a combination of pneumonia and heart attack. He was quite bad for several days but is on his way to recovery now. It was a tough week for the whole family so we are all feeling relieved now.
This is one of those things that make you stop and think about what is important in life. Family, friends, and good health. Next is doing something you enjoy for a living. I think that I have started to look at different aspects of my life a bit differently after last week and it will be interesting to see how it will affect me and what choices I will make for myself from now on.
I am really missing the game. It's so nice to forget about the outside world for a few hours and watch my sims go on with their lives. I spent some time in a computer shop today discussing the specs of my new desktop with one of the sellers and now I have an offer that I will scrutinize and think about during the weekend. It will be a custom built PC and If I still like the specs after the weekend I am going to order it.