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Kriss's Blog

Art Deco Project - Delayed because of RL

Because of real life issues this project is slightly delayed but I think I will be able to resume meshing this week. I just hope that I can remember where I left off. My memory good but very short, lol.

Becoming a FA and a messy minisite

I have become a Featured Artist and I am still trying to get used to it. It was unexpected but I am very happy and thrilled about it. I want to thank all of you that have downloaded and commented on my work. I appreciate it very much. :)

I am sorry for the current state of my minisite but I tried to change the profile banner and ended up nothing. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I have tried several times to upload the new image and I have tried the older ones as well but nothing happens so I will look for some help on Monday. Hopefully things will sort themselves out during next week.

The Art Deco project is progressing steadily and a new update will probably be up next week.

Have a nice weekend!

Art Deco Project - Update 1

I am having a lot of fun with this project. So far I have created several window drafts and this is my favourite so far. I like the way the chevron design has turned out and it will definitely be a part of the set.


Starting a new project - Art Deco Build Items

I have been thinking about this for a while but have never gotten around to do it. A few weeks ago a member, erwinsims, posted a request for art deco stuff and by chance that post caught my attention so I finally got the kick in the butt to go for it. Now I realize why I have put it off until now, lol. There is so much great architecture out there in the big world that I am drowning in reference material already and I will get more in a few days. Am I excited? Will this drive me mad? Will it be fun? Yes, yes, and yes!

Asarina Build Set and Asarin Curtains Set publish dates set

The Asarina Build Set has been delayed because of a bad cold but will be published on Monday (March 7th).

I have also created a new set of curtains and valances because the windows are high and no other curtains fit them they way I want them to fit. The curtains will be published on Wedensday (March 9th).

The curtains have solid and sheer versions and the shorter curtains are moveable up and down the wall. They can be used standalone but look a lot better with the valances added.


Back again with a new build set to be published next week

Long time no see but that doesn't mean that I have stopped creating. I have been busy with a new build set that has taken much longer to create than I expected. The final design is clean and simple but technically it has been a challenge in many ways. OK, I also made a few design changes as well along the way. ;-)  It was originally intended to be a set for rustic log homes but it took a life on its own and dragged me away in another direction. In the process the set grew in number of items as well, lol.

I am currently in the process of doing the final checking and trying to figure out the best way to present the whole set so it is ready for publishing next week. In the meantime this is a sneak preview of some of the items in the set. 

Holiday Season Greetings

2010 is coming to an end and I want to wish you all a Blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

New sets are in the works but due to serious illness in the family it's now impossible to say when they will be ready for upload. Meshing takes my mind of the reality for a while and makes me relax so I am grateful for this hobby right now even if I mess up occasionally and have to redo parts here and there. :)


New set to be published next week

It has been a while since my last post but that doesn't mean that I haven't done anything. It has been like a duck pond. Quiet above the surface and frenetic paddling under the surface. Design choices and technical issues has delayed this set by weeks but now it's finally ready for publishing.

This is the Monterey Modular Shelving System, a contemporary storage system that has 24 decorative shelves at various heights to make it easy to customize it to your liking.

I hope you like it.

Keeping toes crossed

I need my fingers for the keyboard so I have to keep the toes crossed. I installed the game a few hours ago on the new desktop and had a small hickup when it didn't start properly. It turned out to be a temporary glitch with the firewall and a second start made the game fire up. It was the first time I had the game running for nearly two months.

I have decided to stick to playing this week. I haven't had any chance to play Ambitions so I am eager to try it out. I also want to check for any temperature issues, any problems with running the game with a quad core, or any other problems that may turn up.

On top of that I have tons of CC to install, play with and just enjoy the fact that I am able to actually run the game again.

IF any heat issues should arise I have the option to add some more fans to the cabinet so I am starting to feel pretty optimistic about life again. :-)

About requests

I have gotten several PM's asking me about doing requests. I would like to state here and now that I don't have time for doing requests. It may sound harsh but I have a very long private to-do list and not enough time to do everything that I want to do so I have to draw the line somewhere. Thanks for respecting and understanding my decision in this matter.

Latest Headlines

Art Deco Project - Delayed... Becoming a FA and a messy minisite Art Deco Project - Update 1 Starting a new project - Art... Asarina Build Set and Asarin... Back again with a new build set... Holiday Season Greetings New set to be published next week Keeping toes crossed About requests
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