Lezibeth (1071042)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (61 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Island Beauty Pants
Published Aug 31, 2005
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Yngven93Feb 09, 2013
Hi, I just wanted to say thanks for your comments on my tomb
I started on a new tomb a while ago (inspired by the "blue palace" from skyrim), but I have hardly played any sims for months now so it's far from beeing finished. I hope I'll get it done someday though^^
ty again and have a great weekend^^
TNmom04Sep 08, 2005
I your Fig Tree recolors! They are very pretty!
ms_tereeMay 20, 2005
Hi again. I am so glad to hear that you like the walls and floors. Wanted to let you know that I have just uploaded 2 new wall and floor sets that have been approved but not published yet. I'm thinking maybe they will be available this weekend. I hope you see something you like there too. Thanks for stopping by to sign my guestbook.
Ms Teree