Livdude (2268234)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

The Oakley
Published Jan 20, 2009
About Me
H E L L O : )
My name is Livdude. I've been playing The Sims for nearly 4 years now. I started off playing the original sims. Then a couple of years ago i started playing The Sims 2. Then thanks to my cousin (the famous Warray), she introduced me to TSR and i have been on here ever since. I like to create lots, mostly residential, and occasionally write some stories. I'm in to sports, like soccer and my favourite, which is horse riding : D. I'm from Australia, i love the place : ). I want to travel the world one day, see the sights of every country. I like to write, thats why i like TSR so much. You can write a story and then create it into a Sims 2 story. You can express yourself on here too. I guess thats what most people on here enjoy the most about it : D. Well i hope you can have a look at my stories and creations on TSR and please feel free to comment.
My Latest Updates Show All
Stories and Lot CreationsWritten Apr 17, 2009
Hey Everyone! Has been a while since i blogged on here. I am in the middle of making a new traditional residential lot called "The Kimberley". It should hopefully be out shortly. For the two hair sets i promised, it doesn't look like they are coming. Due to computer failure and program loss, it seems i have lost all files and am unable to compress them :( But i will making plenty of lots.... ...More
First Blog for 2009Written Jan 15, 2009
H E L L O T S R , Wow, 2009 already! Man has the year gone fast, well here's to a year of more siming for everyone! As you can see the site has had a makeover. I personally think there is a few minor details that need to be fixed. The way we now have to upload stories, is a bit annoying, as i have already written out my story on the actual game. So now i have to either have to... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Michelle 111Dec 29, 2009
Have a safe, peaceful and happy 2010!
WarrayfinsonNov 04, 2009
Hey! No, Sav is gone now, just me and the others.
Jaws3Oct 16, 2009
Hey, Liv! Just thought I'd drop by and say a quick hello! It's been a long time since I was here last!
So how are you going? Any new lots or hair or stories or anything?