Manderinchen's Blog
Hey guys,
wow my houses are already downloaded about 20.000 times. I'm so happy that you like them,
I can't tell you how much that means to me. :wub:
Thank you so much. :)
A new house will come in future, too. But I can't chose which you to finish first. xD
Well, hugs Anne (manderinchen)
New house
Hey ho :)
At the moment I'm lying in bed with a cold, so I can't go to school and I have time to build.
I think I will upload it this week, when it's finished. But here is a little foretaste of it. Hope you'll like it. :)
And thank you so much for downloading my houses, at least there are over 10.000 downloads. I'm so happy about that.
Hugs, Anne
Soon there will be new houses
Hey guys,
I'm so sorry that I didn't have share any houses the last weeks. At the moment I'm so busy with school and homework so that I unfortunately have no time for Sims... :(
But I have started to build a few new houses and I think I'm able to finish them soon.
Hugs, manderinchen =)
New House - Pacific Living
I finally finished my Country home, I nearly got crazy while furnishing it. xDD
I hope you will like it. :)
Hugs, Anne
Wow Selected Artist *happy*
Haii everybody,
I just wanted to say that I'm so happy and feel so honored to became a selected Artist for Sims 3. :) Thanks for all you comments for my houses. I'm really happy that you like them.
I will upload a new house this weekend I think, at the moment i do the furnishing.^^
Hugs, Anne
Thank you
Haii, this is my first Blog entry :lol: Thank you for downloading and commenting my houses, I'm so glad that there are so many downloads. :) I will upload another house soon.
Greetings manderinchen