Still breathing!
Yes, I know, I�m probably the last person you expected to hear from, since it�s been so long from my last blog entry. But guess what! Yea, you�re right - I�m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! A lot has happened in these past few months - My sister god married, I celebrated my 23rd birthday and found out that I�m going to be an uncle! Yea! Then I also realized I�m finished with studying (but I still have 18 exams left till graduation. 18! 18! AAAH!), and my faculty moved to another location which basically means total chaos and mayhem for a couple of months, which also means - no internet connection! The hardest part, definitely, since that was my so to say base where I could take the time to download and upload content. Now I�m forced to cough out serious amounts of money in cyber cafes with slow connection and practically no time to surf in search for some new stuff. And yes, I know, there always is and option of installing ADSL internet connection at home, but here it costs. A lot! Thanks to leading German Telecom and the monopoly it has on the market.
I�m not going to bother you with details. Let�s get back to the magical Sim world. As for the future uploads, I don�t know in which order they�ll appear, but there�s a lot of hairstyles waiting for you, accompanied by clothing sets. You know, I do make skins for the Sims as well. Actually, that was the first thing I started creating. But somehow everyone�s complimenting my hairstyles and requesting more. Weird...Oh well, feel free to comment my clothing sets as well, ok? I won�t mind ;)
Okay. I don�t know when I�ll post another entry (I�m going to surprise both you and me), so till then - Sim away! And stay away from hot tubs during thunder storms!