Of elves, recolors and requests...
It�s February, and in my world it means only one thing - exams, exams and more exams...Ok, that�s three things, but you get the point. Still, between all those books I have to read and numerous definitions to learn and remember, I found some time to pitch in for this months FA theme - fantasy!
The "Avalons Daughter" hair set is definitely not one of my finest works (I just remodeled my "Simple Delight" hair set, tweaked it a bit and made it longer), but it looks OK in the game so I decided to publish it anyways. Maybe someone will actually like it... The model in the preview is using Louis` fantastic elf ear accessory, which you can download from Sim Scribbling. Great work, I tell you!
As for all those PM`s asking me if I could make this or that, or if I allow recoloring of my textures, I believe it�s time for me to give an answer to these questions. Every FA has his or her own policy, so I figured I should explain my POW on that.
Recoloring - Sorry, guys and girls, but I�m not that positive when it comes to it. It�s quite easy to take someone�s texture that took hours to be made and just change it�s color and lightness, publish it and get all the glory. Not very artistic, wouldn�t you say? If you really want to recolor my creations, feel free to do so, but don�t publish them. This, however, doesn�t mean that you can�t use my meshes to make your own textures for them. On the contrary! Each mesh maker loves to see how his or her mesh inspired someone to make a creation that looks different from the original work. I�m actually kind of sad b/c I didn�t notice anyone making new textures for my meshes. But I hope that will change soon...**hint hint**
Requests - I sure would love to have the time to make requests, but I�m afraid I don�t. With real life, college and all I barely have the time to make creations of my own, so at this point requests are just wishful thinking... I hope that some day this will change, and if it does, I�ll be sure to let you know.
There it is. Now, if you would excuse me, I have some boring Q&A paper to read...Man, I�m having so much fun in my life. Somebody stop me...
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