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Midnight222's Guestbook

IllandryaApr 6, 2010

Hi Kaz! nooooo, she's not pregnant, at least I hope not ... I did catch her woohooing in a tent with a stranger (completely out of the blue, she doesn't even have any flirty or romantic traits), but that was after all the nonsense with Fee \:D I had to throw in that line about Simon, I miss him - he's my favourite character, besides Veronika of course, and you're right, Johnny is a bore! I don't know WHAT I was thinking when I created him *lol* I played around with a lot of effects before I settled on that one for the earthquake. I've actually been in one (a 6 point something in LA, it was scary) and that's kind of how the world looks when you're moving. The thing I remember the most was watching the waves in the pool in front of the hotel as the water sloshed out one side, then the other, then back again. When it was over, I rushed out into the corridor (it was 4:30 in the morning) at the same time as everyone else. Most of the people on my floor were Australians and none of us knew what to say or think - until one guy at the end of the corridor broke the silence and said "maaaan, that was trippy" ... we all just laughed. I was shaking with adrenaline for I don't know how long after that - at least I think it was adrenaline, it could have just been the earth, the aftershocks went on all day and I got stuck on a ride at Disneyland when a big one hit!

rubikaApr 6, 2010

thank for commenting my screenshot\:\) have a nice day!

simsjeanieApr 5, 2010

Dear Kaz, had to laugh out loud when I read your cat hatching the carrot. We just have kittens (they were not planned though, their parents just turned out to be premature, as little Dotty was pregnant though the tomcat was castrated when six months old ... :eek\:\) who were three weeks old last thursday. My husband had birthday on saturday and instead of having a centerpiece of bunnies or flowers he wanted to have the basket with the kittens as a centerpiece. Well, it was only the family and all of us love cats and live with cats - you couldn't do something like that with "normal" guests ... We sat there from 11 am till 6pm, though it was only meant as a brunch. Don't know what it is - cats are simply adorable. So cute! Of course they are spoiled now - since then they leave their basket and go to explore the world ... \:D Tell you, easter cats are even more loveble than easter bunnies! Have a great day and lots of hugs for you and your cat! \:wub\:

IllandryaApr 5, 2010

Hi Kaz! Hope you had a great long weekend - so hard to believe it is over already! Just thought I would pop by and let you know that the latest chapter of Veronika has been published. If you have a free moment or two to visit my blog, I'd love to hear what you think \:D

ShinoKCRApr 5, 2010

Hi! Glad you like the upcoming Kitchen. No - the cooker is single - just set side by side. Its a firealarm btw. The stove/oven is double... Huggles Renate

YrS92Apr 4, 2010

Thanks for commenting Gardener's Dream again\:wub\: I submitted the chapter 4 last night so it should be out sooner or later\:\) Asparagus will encounter things he has never even dreamt about so stay tuned\;\) Have a great day and remember to eat lots of chocolate, S\:wub\:

fredbrennyApr 4, 2010

Hi Kaz! And thanks for the comment on the Venice art! Have you been already? You better! Before taking a look at the paintings again...water...water...water... turn on the tap...hear the water...running...water...splash  splashh... HAHAHAHA   ROFL!

IllandryaApr 3, 2010

Hi Kaz! Thank you for your note in my gb \:\) I feel awful that I have been away and out of contact for so long, but life was just too hectic! I a on easter recess from uni now so I am hoping to catch up with everyone (and with Veronika of course!). Wishing you a happy and safe Easter \:\)

simsjeanieApr 3, 2010

Dear Kaz, have a wonderful Easter time and may your Easter bunny hide a lot of delicious Easter eggs for you! I leave some at your doorsteps, too! Lots of hugs from Jeanie. \:wub\:

YrS92Apr 3, 2010

Thank you for your wonderful comments on my Gardener's Dream\:wub\: Asparagus is tired... Almost all the time, but that is what happens when a sim doesn't get to sleep anywhere\:D Anyways, I'm so glad you enjoyed\:wub\: Have a great day and Happy Easter, S

shaml_sim Apr 1, 2010

Hi Kaz! Thanks so much for popping in to say hi \:\) I've been MIA for a little while because I've been quite busy but I'm looking forward to the easter break to work on updating both my stories! I hope you have a wonderful easter break, too...and get a visit from the easter bunny, of course \;\)

mensureMar 31, 2010

Hi,\:wub\: \:wub\: many many thanks for taking the time to my blog. I hope you'll like it in game. Happy simming, Mel!\:wub\:

fredbrennyMar 30, 2010

(((Kaz)))...yes. That would've been a better title, I admit: Tessa loosing her marbles... hahaha. Falafel...hmmm...tasty...I guess they are tasty! \:D

dgandyMar 29, 2010

Hi Midnight! Thank you for the comment on my Modular Units Benches with Pillows. \:wub\:

AngelaMar 28, 2010

Hi Midnight, Thank you so much for your comment! I hope your sims will really enjoy it \:\) Have a great Sunday!!

sims2fanbgMar 26, 2010

Thank you for congrats \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

GusluckyMar 26, 2010

I havent tried it yet because i was busy with school \:\) I think i try it in the next week i have holidays now \;\)

fredbrennyMar 26, 2010

Kaz! Thanks for your lovely comments on my screenies dear! I just uploaded my pictures of the LLLLLot for the LLLLLL-shaped competition! You might think...wow...that's fast... yep... but I've been working on it non-stop today. Silly me... Well, I'm an addict. LOL!\:D

Blackest_digital_artistMar 25, 2010

Hello. Just stopping by to say thank you so much for the congratulations. Wishing you have a wonderful day .... \:D

GlamuritaMar 25, 2010

Thank you for the warm welcome and congratulations on your new status!

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