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Midnight222's Guestbook

GosikDec 6, 2009

Hi! Thanks for your nice comment on Halfwall Fence! I really appreciate it and I hope you'll find it useful \:\)

spitzmagicDec 6, 2009

Hi midnight , thanks, I am glad you like me new screenis. I do love China the best...I think it's the music  \:D

fredbrennyDec 6, 2009

Thanks so much for your support Kaz. Yes I am test playing a family that was not infected by the blue lot thing virus.... Took out all my mods, not building, decorating or cheating, just playing. So far so goor. I send them to China and Egypt, they got home safely. France is my greatest concern. I save twice before they go and when they come back. This leaves you with a zillion saved games and that is probably not what we want. Yes I'm waiting for a solution too. I'd hate to re-install....

fredbrennyDec 5, 2009

Thanks my dear for your comment on my Blues Blog!

dgandyDec 4, 2009

Thank you for the nice comment on my Grandbabie's pictures. I was amazed at how you were right on with their personalities. It's neat how I have seen such distinct differences between them since day one. Aeryth got her name from the Final Fantasy game. It took me a while to get used to it, but love it now. Thanks again! Debra \:\)

AbsintheBessDec 4, 2009

Hey! Just dropping by to let you know that the very last part of 'Apple' has just been published. Hope you have an awesome weekend \:\) -Bess

DragonQueenDec 4, 2009

\:wub\:   Thank you so much for your wonderful comments on my story, The Face in the Mirror !  (I'm a little slow in my reading, too!  LOL)  I'm tickled you enjoyed Rachel's tirade.  (I have friends just like her, I swear!  *giggle*)    Yeah, the whole "dream" thing was my main point of contention with the story.  I didn't want to end the story where I actually woke up.  The whole Twilight Zone kind of ending was just too cool...  \:D  

CyclonesueDec 4, 2009

Hello Midnight! \:wub\:  The drawbridge can be made to look as though it crosses water by using two strips of temporary foundation either side of where the drawbridge will go (over your water), then placing floor tiles in the space between between the foundation and then deleting the foundation.  The drawbridge will then sit on top of (and hide) the floating floor tiles. It works a treat and looks like the bridge is indeed over water.  I'll post up a 'how to' with the drawbridge as it's much simpler than I'm making it sound! \:D Sue

mensureDec 3, 2009

Hi, \:wub\: \:wub\: Thank you for checking my blog. I have some problems with Winnie mesh. It looks all black in game. I think, it needs a little bit more work.\;\) Happy simming and happy weekend. 

spitzmagicDec 3, 2009

Hi ya (((Kaz))) ROFL  thank you so much for reading my little story Charles and Affera. I am happy that you enjoyed it. I so love that simmie couple. No, they spent too much time doing other things, LOL \:D  Have a wonderful week. \:wub\:

Jennifer_RDec 1, 2009

Hi Midnight, thank you for your lovely comments on part 2 of My French Adventure. I really appreciate. \:wub\: Have a super day! \;\)

shaml_sim Nov 29, 2009

Hey Kaz \:\) Thanks for commenting on Part 3 of my story, it is a bit like days of our lives, isn't it? \:P And yes, all the that missing money...someone's definitely rich now and loving it! Part 4 shouldn't be too far away and I hope you're having a great day so far...

Jennifer_RNov 27, 2009

Hi Midnight, how are you? Thanks for your cool comments on part 1 of 'My French Adventure'. I just love reading them, they are so funny sometimes! I laughed out loud when I read 'Will she find the booty...' :P  And yes, Simstralia, I just couldn't resist that one. lol Part 2 should be out on Saturday. Hope you have a super weekend! \:\) \:wub\:

fredbrennyNov 26, 2009

Hi Kaz! Thanks mucho for commenting on Transformation Day! I do miss the pets... Hope EA will read this story...hahaha...wishful thinking?\:wub\:

UM CreationsNov 26, 2009

Hiyya Midnight! Thank you for the nice comment you left on my blog post! Happy that you like my upcoming object set! Can't wait to release it! Yaaaay! \:wub\: Have a great day! UM

shaml_sim Nov 25, 2009

Hiya Kaz \;\) Thanks for your always welcome comments on Part 2 of My Own... \:wub\: I'm glad you have a love/hate relationship with cliffhangers cos somehow I always put some in there \:P Yes, I agree with you about her sister. I wouldn't be so composed with her, let me tell you! But Part 3 will reveal a little more...\:D

fredbrennyNov 25, 2009

Oh.... and THANKS for your always wonderful feedback on the story! Cora...well... maybe... I don't know...don't tempt me LOL.. she might be back. She's quite a character!

fredbrennyNov 25, 2009

Haha...LOL....fred is determined to make her own wine... Being a little bit crazy she went in once with her evening gown on... hahaha. *hickups* hahaha! Thanks for commenting!

spitzmagicNov 24, 2009

Hey Kaz, thanks for ccommenting on Dragon's Breath, our final chapter is out. But no worries there will always be more...\:wub\:

DragonQueenNov 21, 2009

\:D   Thank you for your comment and concern regarding my car...  I'm hoping I've already complained to everyone necessary, but I figured it never hurts to put the word out "on the streets," so to speak.  LOL  I'd hate to see someone else go through that kind of wait, ya know?  \:eek\:

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