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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
I've had requests for pose sets with teen to adult children and so this is the first one I have ready.
Family dynamic: mom, dad, teen, child, YA son and his new wife.
It did occur to me that you could replace the YA son and wife for a grandmother and grandfather as well.
*6 poses
*pose list capable
*poses snap together as designed/tested in game several times
*you may need to use the MOO cheat to shift the stairs- shift the stairs and not the sims if they aren't sitting all the way on the steps.
*teen does not sink into the floor
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1435669
ItemID: 1435669
Filesize: 91 KB
In the last pic shown, I have removed the YA son and slid over the new wife to demonstrate the female sim could represent the daughter. However the female sim does clip into the dad's leg just and bit and the hand does not lay on the shoulder. I've only shown this as a possibility and not that the set was designed to be used this way.
Stone Steps by SIMcredible
Codes If Needed
Credits: Simcredible, TSR
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