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MissyZ's Blog

New Releases!

I'm now back and fully refreshed after my America jaunt, and have spent the last couple of weeks building Lots for your downloading pleasure! :)

First out this month are a couple of beach houses for the Tropical Paradise FA Theme Week. Naviti and Wakaya are named after Tiki islands and look great in a coastal neighbourhood. I'd intended to go for a more traditional Tiki style, but once again my urge to go contemporary overcame me, so both are 'modern-Tiki', a lá Missy style.


Next out is what will hopefully be the first in a small series of SIMquaria, based on Windkeeper's absolutely fantastic Tropical Aquarium set. Aquarius is essentially a large fishtank, filled with everything that your Sims need for a fun, underwater life.


Finally, I've just uploaded the first in my new Ash Grove series, featuring attractive family houses - just great fun for the regular Sim player.

2 Ash Grove

As usual, all screenshots can be found on the left of this page - just click them for previews, and keep an eye out for them in the releases calendar over the next couple of weeks!


MissyZ On Tour!

I hope you've not all forgotten about me while I'm travelling! ;-)

I've left you with 4 new releases for while I'm away, but my travelling's giving me loads of inspiration for when I get back!

Reinventing Trailer Homes

Ooh lookie at my chock-a-block Release Calendar! I don't think I've ever seen it so full! Admittedly, it's largely due to my going away for 2 months so I'm trying to pack my calendar full of releases for you before I go, so I hope you appreciate my effort! ;-)

First out this moth will be the final 3 houses in my 'Colors' series. I'm not ashamed to admit that the inspiration for these houses came from a photograph I saw recently of an'Eco' house, and in someways they are also a nod in the direction of FLW's Fallingwater. I hope that when I'm in Pittsburgh this May, that I'll be able to see the real thing!

Also worth a mention is Gallery-Z - a one-stop shop of a pretty good selection paintings. Some of it you'll recognise from my Lots, others are pieces of my own work using stock photographs that I've recently 'Sim-ised' for use in-game. Again, preview pics are on the left of the page in my release calendar!

Finally, after having seen some amazing pictures of modern trailer homes this weekend (don't ask!), I thought it would be fun to create some more contemporary-style trailer homes for the Sims as well.
So... my project this weekend resulted in 3 new mobile home designs, fitted and decorated with stylish TSRAA interiors.

Oh yes, and all three will be available to your Sims for under $20k!

Impressed? You will be. Check out the preview pics of Java, Borneo and Bali in my Release Calendar!


Okay, this is now the second time I'm typing this out because clever girl closed the window by accident! *snorts*

Ahem. What I was saying, was basically I know I'm terrible at blog keeping. BUT I'm still going to point you in the direction of my new (ish) blog that I've set up to track my weird and wonderful journey across the north-eastern states of America. Go on! Go have a peek: HERE

Anyhow, back onto Sims stuff. I hope you've noticed my forthcoming Easter releases (and if not, why not?!). Lapin Community Garden is a work of art - you've gotta take your Simmish kids and see how many Easter eggs you can find in the Easter egg hunt. Seriously! I hid 15 Easter eggs during the creation of the garden. You can go and find them on the 16th!

Arc (de Triomphe?)

Okay, I really can't work out just where I come up with these names. :-D
Arc was *supposed* to be a simple house with an arch as it's main feature... instead, I ended up with 'Arc'. Yet another modern house for you contemporary fans, with an arch that somewhat pales into insignificance in such a large property.
Nonetheless, I still like it and I LOVE the landscaping on this one! I also had the chance to try out Cyclonesue's Never Ending Windows!

I hope you enjoy it too!


Don't tell anyone, but there's a Special Edition 'Water Court' house coming to your Neighbourhood very soon!

Previews to follow when it's finished, (it's currently being furnished and decorated ;) ) but the image above is a small taster... Can you guess what it is?

Water Court *Special Edition* - PS_ILUVU

A Little Quiet...

Unfortunately 'Real Life' has taken hold this month!
On the upside, I found out that I've been awarded a grant to go travelling to the United States, on the downside, I've not been able to spend as much time creating as I'd like to.

BUT there IS a new Theme Week coming up soon and I've got a few Lots sat waiting for it. I'll release more previews nearer the time, but this is my first one:


Somewhat diffreent to my usual style, but I hope you'll like it anyway!

Little Pleasures

I've been so excited by the next FA theme week!
Last month I asked if we could do an oriental theme week for this month to celebrate Chinese New Year which is on the 29th January. Little did I expect so many of the FAs to produce SO MANY amazing creations!

Following in the Chinese vein, 1 and 2 Fortuna Court are both traditional Chinese courtyard houses. Windkeeper was generous to make me some fabulous bamboo blinds for Mineko Hanamachi - my row of Japanese Okiya (Geisha Houses), and I got creative with Homecrafter and Sim PE to make some custom stuff to put in my new Chinese Restaurant - Xinran (Little Pleasures).

I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed making them!

Sugar and Spice

It would appear that Christmas has gone to my head, given the names of my next two submissions! May I introduce you to The Sugarcube and Cinnamon Court:

New upload!

After having problems using the new submissions system in Firefox, I've had to resort to uploading using IE *grumbles*.
The good news though, is that there IS a new lot on the way. The Sheridan is a modern, suburban house for your sims, which will be released on the 5th Jan. I hope you like it!

Latest Headlines

New Releases! MissyZ On Tour! Reinventing Trailer Homes Eep! Arc (de Triomphe?) Shhh... A Little Quiet... Little Pleasures Sugar and Spice New upload!
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