A few different things...
One is that the frame recolours I did to match Cashcraft's beautiful Victorian furniture have now been released. Enjoy!
Lately I've been going through my working directories to sort out a lot of past projects, and delete stuff that I never did get working, or decided I didn't like enough, and so on. In the process I have, naturally, stumbled across a couple of forgotten projects, things I started on and then lost interest in, or things I'd made but never gotten around to actually releasing. I'm trying to get some of these cleaned up enough to actually release :)
The first of these, which I'm just some wallshadows away from releasing (gah! wallshadows!) is a pair of art deco style beds. I'd been experimenting a long while back with getting the appearance of flame veneer - that's where you take two sequential slices of veneer and put them together in a mirrored arrangement. It was very easy to recreate the effect on a mesh. Anyway, a few weeks back I noticed the meshes still sitting there, having been ignored for well over a year, and decided they were too pretty not to share. I've made a matching endtable so they're not totally alone, but I'd have to say that at the moment at least, I have no plans to ever build additional completer pieces to go along with them. Who knows - I may be using them myself some time and get irritated at the lack of matching bits and pieces and change my mind. They should be out some time in the next week or two.

There are also some Bentform build items that I've had floating around for ages and not published... a column and a staircase. I also have a meshed-but-never-packaged fence and gate in Bentform style. I'm hoping to get these cleaned up and released as well, though I'm waffling on the fence and gate (grrrrr that fences can't be recolourable nor use the repository technique...)
I also finally (finally!) got around to packaging up the
Shannanigan-matching toaster oven recolours that I've been neglecting for months. You know, the ones to match her
retro kitchen... the ones that are of the only base game small appliance I haven't already released a recolour of. Yeah, those ones. Anyway, those will be out this week. And I'm considering doing another set of recolours, in order to recolour the kettle BBQ to match also.

Let's see... what else is pending... more oil painting recolours of my photo frames are queued up, as well as some sets based on the fantastic screen shots of
aikea_guinea. You won't find most of these images here on TSR, they're from her galleries elsewhere.

Future plans... more recolours. A Poorhouse bedroom set. A Pipe Dream kitchen! Some additional photo frame meshes I've been meaning to make since back when I first started working on the original meshes. Some more clutter! Probably a whole bunch of other stuff as well, whatever catches my attention at any given time.
Oh, and a final bit of good news - I just ordered a new PC today! Wheeee! My 6-year old P4 1.7Ghz is looking forward to its quiet retirement as my "surfing/working while playing" machine, and no longer having to deal with loading 30k+ custom content files... poor thing!