Now that I'm an FA again, I had the option of moving some of my creations off to the TSR Archive if I so desired. So a few of my older and odder creations have now been shuffled off into relative obscurity. Not very many though, as I am inordinately fond of several of my oldest (and strangest!) creations like my Toad Eye colour and Fruit Baby sculpture, and am in no particular hurry to disown them. As you can see from the Fruit Baby, I was using the repository technique even that far back in time. I owe undying gratitude to Windkeeper for explaining to me what I was doing wrong in my attempts to get it working on those first few experimental meshes!
Moving things has, however, had the side effect of dropping my downloads counter back under two million. I guess some time in the next few weeks I'll get to have the fun of re-dinging this recent milestone achievement, hahaha!