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MsBarrows's Guestbook

IllianaMay 2, 2008

Hello MsBarrows! Thank you SO much for the lovely congrads in my guestbook! I'm so thrilled! \:D You have all been so very kind, and I only hope that one day I can make you all feel as good as you have made me feel. \:\) - Illiana

Vanilla SimMay 2, 2008

Hi MsBarrows, Thank you so much for the congrats and the very nice comment about my promotion. I'm just thrilled. I hope I can do you all proud. Hugs, Robin \:wub\:

srgmls23Apr 30, 2008

olá(hi) thanks for all your congrats on my FA promotion,and for sign my G.B....I truly appreciate it. Have a good day Sergio \;\)

GrayDragonflyApr 29, 2008

Lord Darcy gave some updating info for FT on MATY which included the fridge. He put current resource files to help people update faster and all he put for the fridges were the TTAB and TTAs. I've updated all of mine but whether or not that helps with the enthusiasm I'm not sure. I've been cleaning up my CC for the last two weeks now so I haven't had a chance to test it. ~Priscilla Here's a link to his update thread if you want to check it out:,11264.0.html

smelly.simsApr 23, 2008

Your welcome. \:D

GrizzeldaApr 23, 2008

Thank you! \:wub\:

LuvpuppiesApr 15, 2008

lets talk on the chatroom someother time i enjoyed chatting with you. Luvpuppies aka lovepuppy

KatCatApr 15, 2008

\:D thank you so much for the compliment on my Cashcraft recolors!! It means a lot to me! \:wub\: ~*~KatCat~*~

veronicam05Apr 12, 2008

I appreciate your speedy response and its a real joy to see you take the time out to reply. Thanks and love your work!

veronicam05Apr 11, 2008

Hi Ms Barrows...Im a huge fan of your work. I check your minisite here at TSR frequently for new items. I was wondering if I could make a request. I love all of your bedding match items. I was wondering if its at all possible to make a bedding match shower curtain set. The curtain part of the shower would pull all of its texture from the beddings, much like your numerous curtain sets. Thanks for reading...happy simming!

slkouga85Apr 10, 2008

Hi! I just had to comment on your latest eye set model...have you ever considered uploading your sims? Truly they would be so easy on the eyes!! I love your sets too! Great looking! \:rah\:

seelindarunApr 6, 2008

I responded to your poll, and since you're thinking about new projects, I wanted to ask if you might consider island counters, maybe in one of your Pipe Dream, or Poor House sets? I love and use them in my downtown and suburbs respectively. \:wub\: I'm also trying to build a uni dorm in shabby boarding house style, but can't find any suitably worn, island counters! Most creators only recolour the cheapest Maxis counter in such broken down textures, which makes absolute sense, but leaves uni dorms out in the cold. Anyway, I do so adore your work. \:D

andi and grimApr 5, 2008

A lot of giggles using it! It really made me laugh! It helped cheer me up so thanks!!!

kayannaApr 5, 2008

I wanted to thank you for all of your objects that pick up colors from bedding! The chairs in particular are so very useful. I also love your small dining chairs-finally my sims can have elegance and comfort! I hope you'll do more of the Maxis matches, I just love them!

padreApr 1, 2008

Hello Ms. Barrows. Just stopping by to give a hearty congrats and welcome [back] to the FA fold! Kindest regards, p \:\)

kissme87Mar 31, 2008

Welcome back \:rah\:

wideopeneyesMar 30, 2008

Hi! Thanks for taking the time to comment on the pallet bed I made. Just trying to give our poor/homeless Sims a little more variety like yourself, \;\)

smelly.simsMar 30, 2008

Thanks for singing my guestbook! \:rah\:

MuranoMar 29, 2008

Hi MsBarrows, I'm sorry I saw your comment in my blog concerning the Rejal windows & doors a bit late. Actually the frame is too wide to make good looking one-tile versions. I planned to have the narrow versions as one-tiles but then I saw thy are too wide and would be swallowed up by the wall for example in corners. Best regards, Cedric

SpaikMar 28, 2008

Hi MsB, I just wanted to thank you for the lovely comment on my Malva fences&gates. You were right: it took me much more time to map the fences on Maxis walls textures than meshing them. But I think they were worth the time spent. Btw, I'm so glad to see you as an FA again \;\) .

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