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MsBarrows's Guestbook

BuffSummDec 17, 2011

May the glow, the spirit and the magic of Christmas fill your heart all year long. Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. \:wub\:

AngelaDec 16, 2011

Merry Christmas and a happy Newyear, may your life be filled with Love, Joy and Happyness

BBKZDec 12, 2011

\:\) Let the spirit of love gently fill our hearts & homes. In this loveliest of seasons may you find many reasons 4 happiness \:wub\:

eviDec 10, 2011


skarecroOct 19, 2011

Hi I love the retro kitchen you created for the Sims3. Did you now that the table is bonked because of the new Sims3 patch for pets. Can you fix it. I love that table. Thanks you  

fizz bombSep 26, 2011

Hi hope your ok   we miss you

naememacSep 8, 2011

Thank you ever so much for adding the futuristic columns that you created in Sims 2! I used them in loads of lots and now I can use them again. I love everything you've made and thank you for bringing back some classics that I would have surely missed. Thank you for all your hard work, it is greatly appreciated! naememac \:\)

DiMattiaJul 13, 2011

Thank you so so so much for your multi use photo frames. I've always looked for that classy looking picture and never found 'the one' but you made it! I use them all the time now! Thank you so much hope for more to come!  

jsfJun 26, 2011

Thank you for commentting on the ParkLanes. You inspire me. Thanks, too, for the requests, I'm glad you like the blue sheen stripes and the raw silk wallpapers. I'm loving all your door and frame recolors into my woods! Now, if only I could get my game to finish loading....\:mad\:

hiedibear75Jun 26, 2011

I don't suppose you get Sims abducted in TS2 often enough to know how to save my Sim would ya? \:confused\:  I saved mid-abduction (out of habit) & now 36+ Sim hrs later poor Neil Arstrong is going for yet another orbit apparently. \:\(  I can't figure out how to/IF I can save him......S.O.S.?!?!? \:\(  Sorry to bug ya. \:o  It's just I think you're still playing ? \;\)  Thanks in advance. \:cool\:

Dasha0510Jun 14, 2011

Your make super created!\:wub\:

ironroseJun 10, 2011

I love your items thanks so much for making them!!!!

jsfMay 30, 2011

Thanks for your comment on the counter heights collection and thanks for clueing me in to the problem \:\) . I uploaded a set of eight colored ParkLane, Venetian plaster, counter heights today. They will be out next Saturday. So glad Fred is feeling alittle better. \:\)

spladoumMay 27, 2011

Thank you! \:wub\:  It's been rattling around in my head for a while, but I just figured out how to do it justice.  I'm sure you're familiar with the feeling. \;\) \:D

MadisimMay 21, 2011

Dang lady, u do great work!

Marylein1May 19, 2011

hehe...thank u so much,glad u like it.this was the first time i use them but it wont be the last time.thankx for sharing your creations,i love them \:D greets mary

jadeskyeeMay 18, 2011

Your very welcome.  I love alot of maxis furniture, its just the colors I wasen't crazy about.  I'm vey happy for recolors \:\)  I also love all of your creations, I have alot of them in my game. \:\)

Yu3May 11, 2011

You're very welcome. \:\) That's good. Having fun with it is the most important part. It's so nice to still see wonderful Sims 2 stories like yours. It really looks like you spent a lot of effort on it!

kanzenMay 9, 2011

uwaah! Such an awesome book-devouring childhood! The only books that had the forest life in it that I've read are the Chronicles of Ancient Darness series. I loved it so much with its delicious descriptions on how they lived there. It's so refreshing ya know? Now I want to make wilderness lots like you XD which I will! Ha! (oh, I'm also adapting the said series into a comic, feel free to read and let me know what you think of it ^^

jsfMay 1, 2011

OH, I agree with Hiedi. Thank you for commenting on my latest set of ParkLanes. Congratulations on achieving the five million mark! \:rah\:\:rah\:\:rah\:\:rah\:\:rah\: I am really into your latest story, its wonderful! \:wub\: judi

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