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MsBarrows's Guestbook

srgmls23Dec 24, 2010

\:\) Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes for a New Year of Happiness in a world of peace... Merry Christmas \;\) hugs Sérgio

SimonkaDec 23, 2010

Hi! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year . \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: Hugs, Simona

DO5NBRDec 23, 2010

i wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! \:wub\:

Chevygirl76Dec 22, 2010

Thank you for all your hard work!!\:rah\:

ekinegeDec 22, 2010

I wish for you and yours a new year of happiness in a world of peace. Have a great holiday season and a happy new year!!\:wub\:

katalinaDec 21, 2010

May you have many blessings this holiday season and lots of goodies! \:wub\:

BBKZDec 21, 2010

May the Beauty of this season bring you peace and joy now and throughout the coming year. \:\) Barb

DOTDec 21, 2010

~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~

Joel&Lauren_ParkerDec 17, 2010

same tile. I use the country tile and use a lot of marble. when I make a lot small enough to upload. my lots are always too large of a file 80 to 180 . what's the largest you can upload to the site is it 50?

Nyx1961Dec 17, 2010

I can't wait to see the other 1950's appliances you come up with. What a terrific idea!! Thanks again for the Retro Set. I hope I have time tomorrow to actually play my game and see it. \:\)

roundabout69Dec 12, 2010

Weee! I am  happy you found creating for Sims 3 fun. Now I will be in anticipation of seeing your wonderful work in Sims 3. Thank you so much for sharing your work!

flody888Dec 11, 2010

OH! Now I remember! \:D I have a bad memory! \:D They are so cute! Thank you for creating/sharing them! It's a nice stroll down simmemory lane! \;\)

murfeelDec 9, 2010

Hello! Nice to meet you! \:D I think you're a wonderful creator (your sims 2 creations were WOW x WOW), and I VERY much look forward to what you'll do for us in TS3!! \:rah\: Happy Simming! \:rah\:

JCIssetteDec 8, 2010

I am so happy to see your objects on Sims3, MsBarrows.\:D  I loved you in Sims2 and now to enjoy your talent in Sims3 is just the greatest. Thanks so much and look forward to seeing more of your beautiful work. Hugs, Judy

Nyx1961Dec 5, 2010

I love the new futuristic column and I'm thrilled to see you creating for Sims 3 as you were one of my favorite sims 2 artists. \:\)

hiedibear75Dec 5, 2010

Well they're AWESOME! \:rah\:  Thank you for all the hard work. \:wub\:

jsfDec 4, 2010

 I think we're both working on exploding people's download folders, \:D. I was astounded to see that my submissions were 3117! Though I think that includes about 700 Sims1 walls and floors. I find some things go missing, so I'm guessing there is a limit to how many of certain things, like walls, that you can have. Do you still want purple walls? If so which woodwork? Hope you're having a great weekend. I'm off to do some redecorating with some heavy furniture.\:\) judi

vhansterDec 3, 2010

[QUOTE]Hi, I'm not sure what could be causing the problem with the freezer bed. It's really just a normal bed with an odd shape - are your sims tired enough to go to bed?[/QUOTE]   Never checked. Must the Sim have a certain energy level before he/she can 'interact' with the bed, though?

spladoumNov 18, 2010

It's not easy, that's for damn sure!  Rosalind (the self-sim in my banner) is about as close as I can get--my first attempts were utter disasters!  Ah, well, it gave me an opportunity to test out the power of the 'undo' button. \:D Fortunately there's beginning to be enough CC in Sims 3-land that we can all do better now!  Nice to talk to you again! \:wub\:

spladoumNov 18, 2010

Allo MsB!  Was just passing by and happened to see your very fascinating banner, so I just wanted to scribble in your GB and say hi! \:\)

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