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MsBarrows's Guestbook

hiedibear75Nov 16, 2010

I'll have to fire up the game & take a CLOSE look......but somehow I'm betting you're just being a typical perfectionist. \;\)  The fact that you're still creating sets for our TS2 Sims is enough to leave a SIM-er speechless. \:rah\:  When I play & build for my own pleasure (aka fully loaded with CC) I find that although I could use sets that have nothing to do with MAXIS I really do prefer using the MAXIS completer stuff to make what I like to call "MAXIS only BETTER" lots. \:cool\:  Who knows maybe the maxiods wanted to make sure people could have an additional hobby.....making the sets that give us EVERYTHING we need? \:D  (BOWS) Thank you for still making stuff for us. \:rah\: \:wub\: \:rah\:  Wishing you a happy & safe Thanksgiving! \:wub\:

csudibabaNov 15, 2010

Yes, the bathroom doors style unmatch problem was 'headaching...' - thanks for solving it.

petkaaNov 11, 2010

Hi! Thank you for your downloads! I really like them B-)

somyliOct 7, 2010

Hi, MsB.  I know i request alot of things, \:o but parsimonious did a wonderful gypsy recolour of your thackeray furniture set...and i need a matching single craddle, if possible.  your sets are just so eye-catching and complete that it never dawned on me until now that no one ever thinks about a growing family...and i do mean no one does.  would it be possible, please say yes....

somyliSep 19, 2010

Hi, MsB \:\)  way back in the spring, I had asked if you could do a double version bed like your single slim system bed.  But I couldn't remember where the mesh was...Found It!!!!! It was at N99 Forum.  Would you still be willing to edit the file so that the double version pull textures from maxis bedding? Hugs

laurel37Aug 18, 2010

I'm so happy to see that you're creating again! You've been one of my favorite creators for a long time. Thanks for your hard work.

LCElsie2324Jul 7, 2010

Hey I'm just dropping by to say hi and that I really like your creations! You are a really good artist \:\)   ~Elsia

hiedibear75Jun 21, 2010

Thank you for commenting on my screenshot AND for cheering on the flying pigs. \:cool\:  I hold my TS2 game just as tightly. \;\) \:rah\:  I'm off to do grab a few items then off to play with those nifty TS2 Sims. \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

tillybudMay 20, 2010

..forgot to add LOL .. i read your 7 infants story yesterday- stories in general had never really caught my eye before so it was interesting to see how it worked. The story was brilliant (and crazy!!) and i wanted to thank you for sharing that too (i should probably have written this on the story thread itself huh ..oops! ) ..   Have a great day MsBarrows x

tillybudMay 20, 2010

How exciting... i hope i may have prompted a fabulous lot creation with my comment on your waterwheel \:D   It's so great to see recolours, or completely new sets for sims2. I realised i was using exactly the same sets for my rooms regardsless of the house it was in, simply because it would be the only set that looked even remotely like it went together. Can't thank you enough for the items of yours that i've grabbed.. all beautifully made. Much appreciation .. Tilly x

jsfMay 3, 2010

Hi Sonya, Please drop off a jpg or a dozen of that house you mentioned \:\)  Thank you for your nice comment on the mahogany sets and thanks for requesting the colors, I'm still looking for decent purples....  \:wub\:  judi

muggelx1Apr 29, 2010

i like your last shot,very good work..\:rah\:

bogey3105Apr 26, 2010

Hi Msb, I know this is really late, but I just noticed your bedroom rugs- matching the beddings. Is there any way you can make more rugs in other sizes i.e. 3x3, 2x3 and 3x4? Thanks Bogey 3105\:o

jsfApr 25, 2010

Hi MsB, Thank you for the nice comment on the Mahogany greens; thank you, too, for requsting them, I am still looking for some good purple textures. \:\)  judi

hiedibear75Apr 20, 2010

I know what I upload is done in MAXIS....BUT I'm also a HUGE fan of MAXIS completer sets!  \:D  Thank you thank you thank you!!! \:wub\:  I'm doing 360's & poping wheelies for joy! \:rah\:  Even when I would build a lot using CC I've never really been able to use the old world set very much because it not only didn't have much to go with but it/they are soooo much harder to try to "mix & match" with other sets. \:confused\:  Thanks again. \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

LoydeHApr 20, 2010

Just wanted to say that I am in love with your Old World Completer sets. I get so frustrated when making a house and can't find the right matching window or door. Your continuing work in Sims 2 objects is greatly appreciated.

hiedibear75Apr 18, 2010

Although I make my lots for uploading primarily in MAXIS, I just L-O-V-E anything "MAXIS completer"! \:cool\:  And I'm sure that the people who are still playing with The Sims 2 (myself included) are even more grateful now than before. \;\)  Sooo much TS3 dust (we TS2-ers are getting left in TS3's dust) it may make gratitude a bit harder to spot seeing as the #s just wont be what they were before TS3 came out BUT.......your work is very much appreciated! \:rah\:  Take care & have a SIM-tastic weekend. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Apr 18, 2010

Rock on!!! \:rah\:  Thank you for making TS2 sets! \:wub\:  The windows you made are AWESOME! \:rah\:  You've made sooooo many TS2 players so very very happy! \:wub\:

jsfApr 12, 2010

Hi Sonya, Just went to answer my comments and saw yours again. I missed the mention of purples and reds! That's great, consider them in the will be fun searching for some new and unusual textures in those colors. Telling me what you liked in the green set helps alot. Have a wonderful week...

somyliApr 11, 2010

Oh, \:eek\: i really don't remember who the creator was.  I was still learning how to download from the site.  I thought it was CTNutmegger on MTS2 but when i went to her site, she didn't have the product detail but it could be that I just don't know her site on TSR.  But, that's ok if it would be alot of hard work.  It just would have been nice to have a match set that I could use.  Oh yeah, one more request before I forget, could you make a replica of your bed-match rugs that pull textures from the crib bedding...please, please, please!!!

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