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MsBarrows's Guestbook

danirioDec 14, 2009

thank you.. I love your creations \:cool\:

IllianaDec 3, 2009

MsBarrows - I can't begin to tell you how honored I felt by your kind comment on the Inner City 2 lots! \:wub\: Your creative walls and park items are just so inspiring, I had to do something with them. LOL! Thank YOU for creating such amazing CC for us to play with! You make building a real joy! \:D Love and hugs - Tammy

dltn43Oct 24, 2009

Hello Sonya,   Thank you  \:\)   for letting me know about creating for the Sims3.  I appreciate the reply.  I will be sure to check out your mini everyonce in awhile just to see what you have created anyway.  Take care, Sonya.    \:wub\:   Diana

jsfOct 22, 2009

"Gone green" doesn't mean spinach, thanks for the "Yum" anyway, no smilies available, but trust me I am.  judi 

jsfOct 21, 2009

Hi Sonya, I see your minisite has the same problem as mine. I've posted an image of my problem in the forums,  Thomas told me a week ago that his was alright because he was using firefox. Tsr should be compliant with all browsers. I'm glad you like how the yellows translated to full length. I'd love to see a screenshot or two of your rooms. I am going to post an image in "Just judi" for you to see how great your stained glass door looks with my blue wallpaper. Now smilies aren't working...

dltn43Oct 17, 2009

Hi MsB,  Just wondering if you are planning on creating for the Sims3?  I miss not downloading your creations now that I only play the Sims3.  Hope that everything is going well for you. \:\)  Diana

jsfOct 17, 2009

Hi MsB, Your set, jsfDesignsPLENMsB, should be published tomorrw, Sunday. Some translated to the full length better than others. They are all in the newest revison of the ParkLaneEgg mouldings. Thank you for the request. I hope you like them, \:\)  judi

jsfOct 14, 2009

Hi MsB, I loved seeing your gracious comment on the white panel greens, thank you so much. I value your opinion highly.  I would have thought they didn't have enough wear and tear on them for your taste \:D Please feel free to clone them and add some grime and spatters for your game use \:P Seriously, I'm so glad that you took the time to leave me some feedback as my work is no longer considered "mainstream".  Thanks for the boost \:wub\:  judi

JazvyeneOct 2, 2009

hey there, i was just wondering where the windows on your Burning Birch screenshot came from? Thank you \:D

Terry1950Sep 30, 2009

\:eek\:  OMG ! I am so sorry this happened to you. Some people never stop and wonder what the consequences might be for their actions, and I am with you... I hope this comes back to haunt them. You must feel so violated I cannot imagine the shock you must have felt to realize your privacy had been so blatantly invaded. My heart goes out to you and I pray this 'invader' is caught and dealt with soon. I guess some people never 'grow up'. \;\)

MoMamaSep 19, 2009

Feeling your pain. Sharing your disgust. Wishing you good things and happiness and absence of cretins. \:D \:D

madeaAug 27, 2009

I wanted to thank you for your great stories.  I bookmark where I leave off so I can find it easy.  Right now I am alternating between your Soups, Fishers and Deagh's de la Sangre family. I am caught up on the Fishers but still on the part one of Deagh's de la Sangre family and just beginning part two of your Soups. \:\) Your stories prompted me to come here to your mini-site and I have to say its amazing. You are a real artist. I noticed you do other 3d work, have you worked on any games of your own?

somyliAug 23, 2009

Love, Love, Love the columns!!!!I can't wait to try them out in the game, for the longest time...over and over again I tried to place roofs on structures but the roofs kept on collapsing.  I knew there had to be a better way.  Thank-you so very much.  I am sure they are going to be exactly what I needed.    

somyliAug 23, 2009

ziggy28Aug 10, 2009

\:D Thank you for your wonderful comments on my Beatrix Potter bedding...Glad that you liked Jemima Puddleduck\;\) Sorry for not getting back to you before now..\:wub\: Have a great week \:rah\:

weezythreetJun 28, 2009

you have great imagination, wonderful talent and fantastic ideas! thx so much for sharing all of your hard work with us simmy-fans... we appreciate all of your amazing creations!  THX!!!   \:D   ~weezy~

KatelysMay 18, 2009

Hi MsB, thanks so much for the great suggestion for a new shoe set, it's really a nice idea\:\) I might even try to do some dirty textures, but I never tried that before, so I'm not sure how they'll look like in the end\:P Btw, your minisite looks simply gorgeous!. Kate

jemjamjarMay 7, 2009

Hi there Thank you so much for your message on my guestbook, I love your work, its fantastic! I have been wanting to try something new with my families for ages, so this just seemed perfect. I love doing the houses up and the stories have given me something to enjoy.

WandaJBowenApr 23, 2009

Thanks so much for the eyes. I'm happy to have found them. Keep up the great work,and I can't wait to see what you come up with next.\:D

MuranoApr 18, 2009

Hi MsB! You're so very welcome! \:wub\: I make you add new 'hoods. \:eek\: \:D Enjoy the bamboo! ~ Cedric

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