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Murano's Blog

Birch Tree Sets

I've uploaded two birch tree sets. One for Seasons and the other one for Base game. :) The features:

  • Seasons compatible set: The trees change their appearance with seasons and weather
  • Base Game compatible set: 3 recolors to mimic seasons
  • Correct display in neighborhood view (like the Maxis trees)
  • Repository technique: You only have to recolor the BASE birch to have recolors for all birches
  • Low-poly

I hope you enjoy it. I have recently started to work on a bamboo/bamboo tree set. :)



EA Artist Rights Clarification

EA has made a clarification on Artist Rights. Read about it HERE or below.

Hi everyone,
Over the past several months, we’ve received questions about the End User License Agreement (EULA) that is in our games for The Sims 2 regarding custom content. Below is a statement from our Sims team. While there is no change to our End User License Agreement, we hope this clears up any confusion you might have regarding the EULA.

The Sims celebrates creativity, humor, and community. We strive to provide players with tools that enable them to customize and personalize their game experience. We are proud that so many of The Sims and The Sims 2 players create their own art for the games and share it with others. Sharing art online is a hobby that involves an investment of time, energy and money. Whether players choose to share their original artistic creations with the community is up to them: some custom content creators design work for a fee; some host their works on sites that organize, store and serve an enormous amount of content for subscribers; some artists request donations; and some artists allow all players to download their creations for free. These artists set their own terms for how they want to share their talents with the community at large. Those terms should be respected by other players.


To celebrate this, I've unlocked the Mondrian Livingroom for one week. :)

Best regards,

IR Office Recolors

Today the second recolor of the IR Office has been published. There are now two more to go. I hope you enjoy the color variations. :)

Best regards,


Today's update is the Orizzonte Living. As well I've unlocked the Dog House and the Everett Study for one month. :)

I'm working hard on the SFH Kitchen and on a Photoshop tutorial. Coming soon.

Happy simming!


Forum Thread

If you are interested in seeing what I'm working on this thread in the forums is supposed to let me know your feetback on ongoing projects. See you there. :)

Murano's Peristylium

Regarding Shalimar feels at Home Kitchen

Ok folks, I just had a look at the packages of the 'Shalimar feels at Home' kitchen. Having made this kitchen two and a half years ago, it lacks my today's standards and I don't want to rerelease the old version of this kitchen. Rather I'd like to remake the whole kitchen in much better texture and mesh quality.
I hope you all agree with me since it seems so many love this kitchen and are waiting to download it. The only disadvantage is the older recolors won't work with this new version anymore. I'll see if I can come up with some recolors for the remake of this kitchen. :)

For those who don't remember or don't know the kitchen, this is what the old version looks like (diningroom part):

Depending on how much time I need to put in my school leaving examination the new kitchen will be hopefully published at the beginning of July.

Best regards,

Working on Rejal Buildset

You can soon expect more items for the Rejal Buildset. Just want to show you a little preview of one of the window versions that the Rejal set will contain. :) There's a master mesh window and 8 slave meshes that use the texture of the master mesh. This means less image data in your game as well you only need to recolor the master mesh to have all 9 window meshes recolored. :D

Best regards,

Advent calendar at EA Germany - Day 22

Today you find the following object at the official german sims site in the calendar. Have fun!

Advent calendar at EA Germany - Day 18

Today you can download oven gloves at the official german sims site. The calendar you can find here and I hope you enjoy. :)

Best regards,

Advent calendar at EA Germany - Day 10

It's time again for an object by me in the official german sims site calendar. This is the direct link to the calendar.

It's a plate with cookies. :)

And the best is, your sims can prepare the cookies themselves!

You'll find the option to bake cookies in the fridge after you put them in your downloads folder. :) Please note that they won't available all day in the fridge as the other desserts don't as well.

Have fun!

Latest Headlines

Birch Tree Sets EA Artist Rights Clarification IR Office Recolors Update Forum Thread Regarding Shalimar feels at Home... Working on Rejal Buildset Advent calendar at EA Germany -... Advent calendar at EA Germany -... Advent calendar at EA Germany -...
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