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Mutske's Guestbook

SpireJun 19, 2020

Don't worry, it's an already great job! \;\) Yes, I'm ok, these quarantine months have been too much stressful but now we're getting better, always being attentive but positive! \:D

kiwi_springflowerJun 10, 2020

I love your cc! I hope you're doing well right now. Do you have a Tumblr?

SassyLady729294Jun 10, 2020

Ah Thank you. I had to remove so many mods because my game was freezing and not acting right. Now I have to redo so many of my saved games. I could not locate to files causing the issues \:wub\:

SassyLady729294Jun 8, 2020

are all your things up to date with the latest update as of 6-2-2020?

MichsiJun 2, 2020

I started building my first house last night. I love your stuff! Hope you're well.

SpireJun 1, 2020

Hi! Hope everything is alright and you and your family are safe. ^__^ Wanted to ask you a little thing. I have your Wilmer Set and I see that the window shelf is missing the stone swatch...I don't know if you can or want but, please, could you add that one too (of course don't worry if you can't!) and sorry for bothering! \:D

secretsconesMay 27, 2020

As a builder i absolutely adore your work and i have to say thank you ♥ for all those gorgeous CC you create and share with us.

fleurlibelleMay 24, 2020

Like everyone else I adore your window/door sets... I would love to see if you would condsider to add open window versions to your wareham set where it fits? You know like those windows which came with Moshino. Or a similar set with such open windows? That would be insanely cool for industrial and contemporary builds! Thank you so much for your hard work and outstanding designs \;\)\:wub\:\:\):P

SolsticeReignMay 3, 2020

Your work is beautiful! I have so many of your doors and windows in my game

claritiApr 28, 2020

i found the links for the plants.. absolutely love everything u make!

RockRebelApr 27, 2020

I love your work. Please, make an Alma doors and arches. I'm waiting for that.

QueenSorayaApr 19, 2020

hi, first thanks for your quick reply. great that you continue to work on the set, I'm looking forward to the doors and arches \:\) ♥♥♥ I have all of your sets and I am thrilled every time, please keep up the good work \:D ♥♥♥

FunkabellaApr 15, 2020

Hi, first of all thank you for your fast reply. I found out that the problem was actually on my side - so sorry for that! Seems like I ended up puting the package in my back up file instead of my actual game documents. Your CC looks great! Can't wait to use it in my next build \:wub\:

johannes_vieMar 26, 2020

thank you for creating beautiful mods!

10ekaaMar 14, 2020


greighishMar 8, 2020

Hi! I really love your work and appreciate your efforts and attention to detail. I was wondering if any of your windows have a glassless option so that you could make a cut out in the wall without relying on half-walls? If not, would you consider making one, like the SF window set, just without glass? Thanx!

Wheeter57Feb 14, 2020

Hi! I've loved your work forever. I've just reinstalled my game with patches and updates and now most of your content in my game conflicts with each other! Have you fixed these? Or is there something I need to do? Thanks. (I can't get messaging to work on here)

SpireFeb 14, 2020

Thank you for your reply! Have a good day. ^__^

SilernaFeb 14, 2020

Ben zo fan van jou ramen en deuren sets! Super bedankt voor het maken ❤️

SpireFeb 13, 2020

Hi Mutske. Hope I'm not bothering you...just wanted to ask you if your Roomdividers (or other slotted content) are ok or need to be updated since they may have "too many slots" because of the new patch. \:\( Thank you in advance! ^__^

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