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Mutske's Guestbook

Nullspace NancyOct 4, 2015

Mustke! Your windows are fantastic. So amazing. Would you ever be willing to let us know how to make custom wallmasks? I've tried so many times and can never seem to figure it out! A tutorial on this would be so great!

coxiesclubSep 23, 2015

I really love your work. Will you be doing conversions from other sims games into 4? There are so many wonderful furnishings and build items to have in this version! \:\)

Rai-samaSep 15, 2015

Love your work!

jes sale Sep 5, 2015

thanks! great stuff!!

UniqueMagicAug 13, 2015

Hi Mutske! I am desperate for sims 4 versions of the caesars set from the sims 3 as well as the most recent set you posted for the sims 3, the shingles set\:D. I have always love neoclassical homes as well as country. The sims 4 supplied horrible windows and doors. I really do hope you read this because i have only ever used you windows and doors because they fit my style and add a bit of their own. Thanks!

karin verenaAug 12, 2015

Hi Mutske ! I see you completely moved on to the Sims 4 and I went back to the Sims 3. Not liking the Sims 4 at all. So I have a tiny problem with a sims 3 set of yours I just downloaded The windows have 4 recolorable channels but on the 2 tile counter, 1 tile counter and the mission floor high windows only 2 of the color channels work. The windows ends up having the same colors inside and outside. I'm only having this issue with this windows in my game. Considering how long ago you uploaded this I wonder why nobody ever brought this to your attention. Is there any chance you can look into this ? Thank you very much !!

Nullspace NancyJul 22, 2015

Thanks so much for your fantastic creations and hard work

anchesenamonJun 28, 2015

I love your creations!

Celtic 1May 30, 2015

Hello Mutske, I hope you are well? I was given you name by amberpuggle on Tumblr. As I am looking for someone who can Mesh Sims 3 Pet Windows. I just need this to finally complete My Million Simloanian Farmhouse that I have been working on for a year. Please contact me via my guestbook. I really hope you can help & I really look forward to your response. Very Kind & Very Best Regards Celtic1.

LenaSimsHomesMay 8, 2015

Thanks Mutske!!! Quiet happy! \:\) \:\) \:wub\:

gaynor2911Apr 23, 2015

hola, muchas gracias para las cosas. Hello, thank you for all the lovely things that you make. greetings from Spain

PinkzombiecupcakesApr 20, 2015

hi!you are very welcome!happy week\:wub\:

proshellMar 26, 2015

Hi Hun, Thanks for getting back to me again. I thought it might be difficult to do. That's not going to stop me using them in my houses. Thanks again for your creative side and your hard work. I have always loved your designs!. Xx shell \:rah\:

Paradise2000lMar 24, 2015

Oh, you are so sweet \:\) Greetings from Argentina

proshellMar 23, 2015

Hi Mutske, thanks for your lovely reply. I have used your windows on my new house and they look fab. The only thing is that they don't work with diagonal walls as it leaves blank spaces either side. I`m not sure if you are aware of this. But I still love them. Thanks again for your hard work and sharing them with us simmies.

zorgsprivatelife2000Mar 23, 2015

thanks a lot for your creations. simply gorgeous !

paulabMar 1, 2015

I still love playing the Sims when I have time, mostly due to your beautiful creations. I can't play without them! Thank you for thinking of all the things that Maxis left out.

~Feb 19, 2015

\:wub\: Enjoyed your work for years. Thank you for sharing your talent with us SImmers. \:wub\:

DeviliciousJan 17, 2015

Dank je wel, Jouw creaties zijn ook altijd super en mijn downloads map staat er altijd vol van, je behoord dan ook tot een van mijn favoriete creators. Jij ook een heel fijn weekend. \:D

MissyGirl777Jan 9, 2015

I have been downloading your creations for awhile now. You are an amazing artist. Keep up the great work! Happy New Year \:\)

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