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Nanshi's Blog

Oops! I'm ok seriously folks...blame Radiohead



Hiiii everyone!

So yeah! Erm. I had the lovely cpblick45 get in touch with me a little concerned about me lately (which is totally sweet actually!). So I thought I'd better clarify. I have been listening to Radiohead (nostalgic youth kick) while creating patterns.

It kind of felt right then to name them after the more quirky lines out of their songs! (and by the way - it is sooooo hard to think of creative titles). I happen to think Thom Yorke is an incredibly talented and creative lyricist so its a homage really.

So I said I would blog this for those of you who are getting a bit concerned! Hehe.

I have a few more with 'unusual titles' coming through the pipelines but I promise to listen to something less maudlin in the future! Maybe some High School Musical? No - yeah then I probably wouldl want to top myself...jk jk :)

Do not worry though. I am as happy as a pig in mud :)



Thom Yorke

A new mesh! Wow I know!!!



Hiiii everyone!

Sorry about the lack of pattern updates - I have been having some issues with my login. Be rest assured though that I was still madly creating patterns so I have a nice back log to get through!

However last night I did get a bit distracted! I had meant to load some patterns but got waylaid by the new TSR workshop!

Yep I started meshing lol! I created this very cute (imho) hair style from the pixie cut, but sadly it only comes in one colour as the tool does not (as yet hopefully) allow for colour changing.

I might wait a bit and see if anyone truly begs for it - or upload when the TSR workshop tool allows for mulitple colours.




New hairstyle

New patterns for Sims 3




After a pretty instense week (and all my love to my siblings who took such awesome care of our parents who both ended up in hospital at the same time), I have created a few patterns (while waiting on phone calls!!).

The energy and passion creating these are dedicated to them - I love you guys, you are sooooooooooo awesome.

with all my love




New Custom Pattern free for download on SIMS 3 website



Hiii everyone!

As promised I am back and I have created a new custom pattern for Sims 3!

I will be uploading all these to TSR in the future but for those of you who cannot wait - and don't mind my early experiments with patterns then you can download this new pattern here:





Long time..


I apologise it has been some time since I last logged into my account - I know a lot of your have left wonderful messages on my guestbook and in my messages.

Unfortunately my account looked like it was hacked by someone which isn't nice - makes me feel kind of bummed out - so hopefully no one got nasty messages from 'me' (trust me it wasn't me!).

Just a quick note to say that I am probably not going to create anything until the next Sims XPac comes out - but don't be disappointed guys I fully intend to get back into the swing of things with the new game launch.

Take care guys!




Aikea's sets

Aikea Guinea has been doing some wonderful meshes lately.... well let's be honest all Aikea's meshes are gorgeous. But I just so happen to adore her teen with sneakers sets. So I have done a huge (10!!) recolour of her teen girl set, and will do a recolour of the boy teen, shorts with sneakers set. Which I am recolouring today!




Merry Christmas!

Thank you all so much for your kind wishes of the season. This is the first year that my partner David and I will not be spending it with either of our extended families. So this year it is just us and our little fluffy girl :) So I'm planning a day of feasting and overindulgence to make up for it!

Have a safe festive season guys - and I'll see you again in the new year :)




A Fix!

Enough people have asked for it - so I have done it. My Winter Wonderland set was based on a mesh by Athlan which no longer resides on TSR.

So instead of trying to locate it (others had tried) I decided to just use a new mesh. I based the clothes on a mesh done by Madeleine2005. I hope you like it. The biggest difference is that the cowl is slightly larger and the jeans are tucked into the boots.

Also keep an eye out for the Jefferson sofa recolours of a mesh done by Murano - really digging her stuff lately :)

Hopefully I will have got myself sorted and get onto recolouring Padre's latest set - so keep an eye out for that!




Living in style

The next set I have made is based on Elize@37sims Micha bedroom set which I had A LOT of fun recolouring.

I also had a lot of fun creating this faux magazine style layout! I very tongue and cheek used Darren Dreamer as my home owner and I hope you think the attached text next to picture is amusing - I had a great time writing them :)

For some reason I have been feeling very passionate about earthy natural tones lately and the contrast of the colour orange (my living room is starting to show this he-he).

I will start work on recolouring Sasilia's Comtoir des Epices set next (hopefully I can find the original textures!) by request.




A little bit of this...

So I have been dabbling a bit with little items - some random hair colours and a recolour of Solfal's cute wee boat for toddlers (sorry couldn't resist it was just to cute!)

I also have been felled by two nasty colds in quick succession - this latest one has laid me out completely.

Tina I got your request so I will get cracking. You are not the only one to ask for that recolour so that makes it more likely I will do it. :)

Well me and my sore tired bones will hobble back to bed
take care all of you - hugs



Latest Headlines

Oops! I'm ok seriously... A new mesh! Wow I know!!! New patterns for Sims 3 New Custom Pattern free for... Long time.. Aikea's sets Merry Christmas! A Fix! Living in style A little bit of this...
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