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Nanshi's Blog

In two minds...

Well you must be 'tsking' my lack of updates of late but I am really torn in RL with what style to have with my new house and I blame the Sims game!!!

I know I am sad and tragic! But it has taken me over 2 months to find sofa cushions and I still am not sure what colour I should choose! So I have decided maybe I should assemble a 'mood book.'

The reason why I am telling you this is I feel so bad about not producing as many recolours of sets as you might like - and so to make my life easier (and because so many of you say such incredibly lovely things about my sets), I would love to hear from you about your favourite meshes on TSR that you absolutely adore that you would like for me to recolour.

And feel free to suggest a colour palate :)



Creating and Tutorials!

Just a quick note to say that I am currently in the process of writing the tutorial on creating realistic clothing as per popular demand!

I know that someone also asked if I could do both tutorials - so I just might!

I also have made a new set which I hope to upload this weekend so watch this space...



Splinters and Such Things....

Sorry I have been out of action recently because I have moved into my new flat! Which of course means setting up things like broadband.

I haven't had much of a chance to create anything so hopefully this weekend I can get into some recolouring. Actually I probably should buy a computer chair first because I am sitting on a carton OUCH - LOL!



This Goes With That - Curtains & Rug Sets

While laying out my sets lately - people have been asking about the fixtures in the rooms I have used, which were sometimes not from TSR.

So to give you more bang for your TSR buck - I have recoloured Padre333 beautiful curtains and Echo's rug. You can download the curtains from Padre333 here. I would also (if I were you) take the time to download all versions of the curtains as my one file will colour all three: single, double and triple size curtains.

I also recoloured Echo's rug. This has got to be the most recoloured rug on the net so I thought I would throw my lot into the mix! You can download the original mesh here.



Now for something... Free!

I have decided to release some of my sets that are recolours of meshes from other sites free for download for a month every now and then. I hope you all enjoy downloading 'Coton Recolours,' recolours of a MangoSims mesh. Be sure to download the original mesh from MangoSims in order to use the set.




Busy Bee!

In case you are wondering, I have been horrendously busy lately - what with taking a late holiday, a belated Christmas with my family AND having some really great chums over to visit from Australia.

Which brings me to my next bit of news, I resigned my job! Yup so I am off to live in Australia (lucky you Kath!!!), well Melbourne to be exact, but still a lot closer to the lovely Kath here at TSR, who lives in Sydney.

My partner and I, and my pretty puss Tales are off in the next two months so I have heaps to do! I also will have a whole new house to decorate in RL, so that is going to prove to be very exciting, hopefully I have learned something from the recolours I do ingame!

In the meantime, please enjoy my latest set!




Many Shades of Brown

Wow so to my surprise (and because I added the colour as an afterthought) a lot of you like brown!!

So my next set will embrace this colour in its various and many forms...I actually have something quite lovely in mind.

And on another note...I'm off for a lovely week long holiday, my first in some time!




Wood Styles

I often use the same wood colours in the sets I recolour. This means that often you can mix and match different pieces of furniture and create a style in your sim homes that is purely your own.

For example, the moonglow living room and choose your style dining set all use the same white wood. That means if you like clean bright spaces - you can achieve this throughout most of your home with timber that has the same characteristics and style.

Padre333 - A Great Kiwi Bloke

Special thanks to fellow expat kiwi Padre333 who has created this absolutely fabulous set that I am loving recolouring - thank you so much honey!!!

And thank you to all the really lovely people who always make such lovely positive comments - you make it all the more worthwhile - thanks!

Reflective Floor

I have had requests about where to locate the reflective floor that I use in my screenshots. The floor was created by the Fabulous Teko (love love love his designs) at Reflexsims -
the direct link to the post is here
. Please keep in mind that you need to be registered to this site in order to download the file - but it is worth it!

Latest Headlines

In two minds... Creating and Tutorials! Splinters and Such Things.... This Goes With That - Curtains &... Now for something... Free! Busy Bee! Many Shades of Brown Wood Styles Padre333 - A Great Kiwi Bloke Reflective Floor
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