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Nanshi's Blog

The African Queen

This is based on three of MangoSims Sets (and one of my painting meshes, the original artwork is 'Senegalese Woman' by Carla Nickerson which I slightly tweaked ) - Set Galant, Set Coton, & Set Diva.

I apologise in advance for making this a bit complicated for you - I have been told that people don't like to go outside Sims Resource to get meshes but I do link them very carefully - so maybe you can forgive me this little 'foible'?!?!

I do hope so, as I adore MangoSims meshes - and I personally really want to keep recolouring them here at The Sims Resource

Oma's House

Now normally I do relatively modern recolours but in case you haven't noticed Cashcraft does some really lovely vintage meshes. I have decided to not only embrace my inner antiquer but also pay homage to all the lovely grandmothers (Oma is a dutch name for grandmother) out there.

And as it is also coming up to mother's day and my mother is also an oma - this is a little set for her :)

Bathrooms Galore!

I have done four recolours of Sims2Play's excellent bathroom I hope you enjoy it!

Wisp in the sky

My new sets are based on BetterBeSims Arcadia sets. I love these chairs and I hope you do too! I have done three recolours of these, in brown, blue (see below) and grey.


Ack sorry chaps. I promised you a nice new set then held back on you. But I really do have a good excuse! After posting my last erm ah well post I put my back out! So my apologies, I'll put it up now but just so you know I am in agony while I do it - hopefully that might make you all feel better for my slackness LOL!

Went A Little Crazy!!!!


So I went a little crazy with the latest Around the Sims living room set. Like most of you I became addicted to Sims 1 - and in turn got into some of the sets Sandy made for this on Around the Sims - so I was thrilled to find out she can mesh AND that she is doing redo's of her sims 1 sets for sims 2. The thousands of items I had for Sims 1 seemed to come from her site lol!

Please, if you can, donate to Around the Sims as well as Sims Resource - Sandy does such an amazing job and I for one want her to keep on meshing.

Below are some of the new recolours I have done of her set :) - enjoy

Sims2Play is A-OK!

Sims2play have a beautiful set on their site at the moment. In case you are wondering who Sims2Play's designer is - it is none other than Shoukier who designs here as well. Another really talented artist who also designs for their own website. I hope you like them. The first is a wonderful slightly old fashioned/kitch floral pattern that I adore - I happen to think its cute and I hope you do too! As for the other well it's green! LOL what's new eh!

Gym Gear - Repost!

After receiving one or two complaints about accessibility of this mesh - Iasked for it to be pulled BUT great news!!! Sim Chic have uploaded the mesh to their free section hoorah! So I have reposted this gym gear set. Please enjoy freely :)

Clothes and even more clothes...

Gone crazy with the cheese whizz! I loved Rabid Angels mesh from sims connection and thought that a lot of you have foul weather so I would make some nice jersey and jean sets for you male sims, hope you like 'em!

And then, Grizelda (bless her cotton socks) makes a fab highheeled tunic with trousers set which I adore!!! Yay Grizz!

And THEN... I remembered that I loved a jeans mesh KnightSkyKite had made ages and ages ago and kept meaning to recolour...

so enjoy them all chaps.... I will do more of the Postmodern Man set in the forthcoming weeks

Oh and do you like my new banner?? Especially for Valentines

big hugs and kisses from me....

A Spring Clean

...well not for me because it is still summer where I live! However, cleaning as in bathroom. Yes I have completed the postmodern man bathroom. I will show a picture of this later today.

Latest Headlines

The African Queen Oma's House Bathrooms Galore! Wisp in the sky Ouch! Went A Little Crazy!!!! Sims2Play is A-OK! Gym Gear - Repost! Clothes and even more clothes... A Spring Clean
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