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Nanshi's Blog

And baby Makes Three...

Well I jumped the gun a little and made a nursery set even before I did a bedroom, kitchen, or bathroom!! So for those family oriented sims this is a good thing! Look below and you can get a sneak peak of this new set. It is based on the very wonderful nursery created by Carol over at 4esf. On behalf of simmers worldwide Carol, thank you, thank you, thank you.

I will also point out (should you not have noticed), BetterBeSims new set . As you will know now...those of you who download some of the things I have made...that I am quite fond of green :P And I love this set!! Green!! Tulips!! What is not to love?!?!



Well Here We Go Then...

Well I have started. I have recoloured BBS living room set. Really lovely set to recolour actually, the bowl is a real work of art - masterfully done and it made it very easy to recolour (frankly I prefer the vase that BBS did :P) lol. I also used MangoSims curtain mesh (I love these!).

Well here is a preview of the set, I have uploaded it and it should be ready on the 19th - enjoy! Oh yeah and by the way the lovely wooden wall was done by around the sims as was the brown potted plant. The one on the table is of course by BetterBeSim. The glass of wine and book is by SimGedoehns. Enjoy!

Huggles, Nancy

I will be good...Honest!

I am in the process of recolouring BetterBeSims absolutely lovely Contempo room set, when suddenly I had a brainwave! I should do a furnishing for a house in the same neutral tones. A man's house. A postmodern man's house. So this is my little promise to you. I will be good. I will finish this set. Just to get the ol' juices flowing, below are the textures I plan to use. So go on. Get BetterBeSims living room as that will be the first I recolour! BetterBeSim's Contempo Set

hugs, Nancy.


Special hugs to Per who has now enabled external linking (mmmmmm Per hugs)! And just to celebrate I have uploaded the Cabana set I teased you with last week. Things have just been mental at work and I come home weary and tired - longing for a lovely glass of wine and propping my feet up on the deck in the fading sunlight. So sadly I haven't been recolouring. However for your edification (I love using words that are no longer in the common vernacular - words kind of like well er um like vernacular :P ), I have made a new mesh. E-gads! I know... a little outrageous but really only one mesh. A sushi platter - so enjoy!

Sims Resource Problems

My apologies... I am trying to get TSR to enable external links - but with no luck. I promise to update when this is sorted. :(



Beach, Sun and Surf...

While a lot of you are trudging along through sleet and snow - on my side of the world it is lovely and warm!

It's really hard to think about creating winter woolies and cosy furniture when the sun is blazing and the cat, a nice glass of sav and a good book are calling you outside to sit on the deck.

Given that, I couldn't resist these colours! And yes I know green again! Bright and bold - like that fantastic fabric you get on deck chairs. This will be the last I do of this set - I hope you enjoy it.

And Now For Something A Little Different...

Well not really :P But I love this living room set so much I plan to do it in a few colours. I got inspired by this Laura Ashley pattern - so here is an overwhelmingly pretty pink set!

As it is so hard to see in the picture because the colours are so pale - I have added some of the swatches I have used :)

A little bit of this...

...and a little bit of that!

My latest set is in yellow/green and gold and I must apologise to you first off that I am unable to add the links directly in the mesh so you have to check out the descriptions in the items to access the original meshes. These are based on some very gorgeous meshes by Holy Simoly (living room set and lights) and Sims2Play blinds.

Merry Christmas

I am away for the week over christmas but have left one or two presents for you under the christmas tree! Namely a recolour of MangoSims bedroom and entrance way set - I decided to combine the two. I have done it in teal and in browns and grey and I am hard pushed to choose my favourite. If you look carefully you can see them in the column to the right. I hope you all have a wonderful, happy and safe christmas!


Hello and Welcome

I hope you like my new TSR webpage. Special thanks to TSR for creating such a wonderful concept for the Featured Artists.

I hope you all have a merry, happy and safe Christmas


Latest Headlines

And baby Makes Three... Well Here We Go Then... I will be good...Honest! Hoorah! Sims Resource Problems Beach, Sun and Surf... And Now For Something A Little... A little bit of this... Merry Christmas Welcome
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