Nawa (2117915)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Atalanta Grove
Published Dec 23, 2011
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (29 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Freetime Athletic Recolours Pt. 2
Published Oct 7, 2009
About Me
Yeah well, I got The Sims Deluxe for Christmas ages ago and in the beginning, I thought it was a VERY weird game. But as many people in here, I became addicted before I knew it and like this, it has been going on and on with both the Sims 2 and now 3.
I love both traditional and modern design and am always on the hunt for gems in the vast sea of CC (C of CC? )
I like building small, neat homes for single or couple sims and spending way too much time on decorating them lavishly with paintings, plants, jewels and home-grown/caught groceries.
Do drop me a note if you want. It's always nice to know that there's someone at the other end
My Latest Updates Show All
IntermissionWritten Dec 23, 2011
*gasp* Is that Pralinesims commenting on my lot, Atalanta Grove? Excuse me while I faint... I feel so flattered and irrationally proud. Also, I had forgotten how satisfying it is to share your creations... might keep going for a bit longer before work catches up.. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everybody! ...More
sixth post - two years laterWritten Dec 20, 2011
Well, this is a bit awkward. Hi again. Anyway, the "Up"-inspired house I built two freaking years ago is going up tomorrow and I'm currently working on another one, maybe two. Merry Christmas everybody! ...More
fifth post - long time no see/read/writeWritten Dec 05, 2009
Well, it's been a few months.... To cut a long story short, I've started the IB and it's a LOT of work, so that is the reason why I haven't been that active over the past months. I'm really sorry for all the nice people who leave such nice comments (THANK YOU) but I just don't have the time to write back. Still, I am really happy that people like what I produced and I am grateful for... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
DegeraApr 23, 2012
Of course there are Danes here. Somewhere Thank you for commenting on my latest house! You made my day!
PralinesimsApr 05, 2012
Thank you very very much!!! We wish you a gorgeous weekend!!!♥♥♥
SimSylvia40Jan 14, 2012
danke für deinen lieben kommi, ich bin noch am hausbau üben, muss mich wieder einarbeiten:-)
es hat sich in den letzten jahren viel getan, glaub so ganz komm ich da nichtmehr mit, aber naja.:-)
mein featured artists is auch futch gegangen:-(( schade, glaube aber nicht das ich das nochmal packe, wie gesagt
gibt hier wunderbare häuser und häusle bauer:-))