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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
This dress is dedicated to one of the most amazingly talented artist i know.
This dress is flawless for parties and evening events!
Gather all your company around to show off your
new attire! Spice up your style in this all season dress!
Perfect for summery days and fall nights!
* Quality Multi
* Custom Launcher & CAS Thumbnails
* 5 Pre-Sets
* Gradient Layered Mask
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1275802
ItemID: 1275802
Filesize: 2 MB
Cleotopia Thanks for being an inspiration to me, and teaching me what I know.
Not many people give thanks to their teachers that being some learning on their own.
But thank you for teaching me your style, and letting me create my own!
<3 Thanks so much doll! Hope you enjoy your custom made dress <3
Credits: CLEOTOPIA, Pralinesims, SClub, Cazy, Night_Crawler Sims, ETC
- Type : Outfits
- Style : Everyday, Formal
- Age : Young Adult, Adult
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