Nillonde2's Blog
a sign of life
Yeah, i am still alive. Sooooo much to do but sooooooo little time :(
Our Babyboy is now nearly 8 Months old, he crawls, puts everything in his mouth and will climb at every table or chair or whatever he finds.
I would love to play sims, build lots and stuff... but i have no time for it :(
I am pregnant!!!
Hi @ all who love my houses and wait for more.
I know i am verry quiet and do no new Lots :( So sorry for this, for all who wait for something new. My life is going crazy the last few weeks! But the reason for this are really beautiful and wonderful!
I'm pregnant! I am now in the 11th Week (today 10+2). It's my first pregnancy and so everything is new and exciting and also a little bit frightening. We (my husband and I) are very happy :) But i am often tired and have no desire to do something (like turn on my PC and build some lots).
Due date is the end of February 2011.
OMG! It's runs!!!
*mihihi* I would like to jump around in my livingroom and shout of joy and happiness (but i didn't, my neighbors would think that
i would be crazy now!)
My Game is now running!
A few months ago, my game was crashing with Patch 2.3. and i had wasted many time for searching what caused the errors and now i found it and my game runs! Yeah, yeah, yeah, IT RUNS NOW! (okay, i AM crazy now!).
There are so many beautiful houses, wating for upload here on TSR. I would upload them soon for you!
Want a preview? Okay... heres my German Series! Beautiful german houses:
Game crashed :(
Sorry :(
I want to upload new houses. There are so many homes i have build, but i can't pack them for upload!
My game is crashed since patch 2.3 and i can't figure out what's the problem is :(
New Poll
I have updated my Minisite with a new Poll and i hope many people vote!
The two questions are very important for me and for my uploaded lots. Furnished or unfurnished? What do you want?
If more people like unfurnished versions, i will upoad unfurnished versions of my previous published houses.
New Countryhome
My flu is a little bit better - no runny nose and only a small cough. I hope it gets better every day and until wednesday the flu is gone - and comes not back this year!!!
I had an idea today and build a house for a new series called "Countryhome".
Here's the first house, it has a attached doublegarage and a wintergarden. It's still not furnished! But it would be avaiable for download until friday of saturday!
I'm sorry that i can't submit new houses at the last two weeks :(
I'm ill! I have a heavy flu with cough, runny nose and all the other stupid things which belong to an influenza :( I'm lying in my bed the whole time, read books, watching tv or whatever.. it's boring! But i can not play sims3 :( i can't sit long on the pc or concentrate on the game.
I drink every day a lot of cups of tea, i can no longer see. When i'm healthy i hide the tea far back in the cabinet!
There are one house waiting for furnishing (see the picture) and many ideas for new houses i want to build! But first i must get healthy...
Many creations waiting...
for completition :D
I build two houses this week, but they are not furnished (i will furnish them tomorow or thurday). I want to build a third house, the idea for the house is already in my mind ;)
I want to create houses for a special theme, i call the theme "City Houses"
The two houses that i build:¤t=Screenshot-389.jpg¤t=Screenshot-414.jpg
As well iv'e tried to make some patterns:
Ip hope you like it :)
Thank you!
Until now i have only two houses submit on TSR but I have already have to say THANK YOU!
Thank you for all the nice comments on my submissions! It's good to see that the houses i build other people also like!
My first upload!
Yeeeyyyyy my first upload is online! It's a cute little starterhouse, you find it here
I'm so happy!
I want to upload a second house:
but the submissionmanager don't want to upload it *aaargh* I don't know whats the problem with the file. I had the second house packed in the game like the first and the first house worked. Why the second house doesn't work with the submissionmanager?! Shit :( :(