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PenelopeT's Guestbook

spladoumMar 9, 2011

LOL, Pene ... things go completely awry as usual \;\)  Thank you for reading and enjoying, and of course all of your very sweet compliments \:wub\:

spitzmagicMar 6, 2011

(((Penelope))) thank you vry much for you compliments and congrat on TILYF. It all fell into place. As with the Sims you never know if it will go the way you want. Sending Mitrik to egpyt and find a mummy to curse him I thought it would be harder then it was as they don't always do that. I got lucky the first time. It was like my Sims played right along with me. I am happy that you enjoyed it. Have a happy Sunday and a great week. \:wub\:

topaz27Mar 6, 2011

Hi Pene, Sounds like you had a full fun day yesterday with your hubby, how did the bowling go  \:\) I never bothered to sim yesterday at all too, spent the afternoon with hubby and then in the evening we watched 'Inception' followed by a few other recorded drama's \:\) we thought Inception was pretty good \:\)  at the beginning we thought it was going to be hard to get into, as they kind of throw you into the deep end from the very start, and we could not understand what was going on \:o but then as it went along, it got more interesting and although some of it was still a little hard to follow, it was good and the effects were brilliant, loved the ending too \:\) when the van they were all in was dropping into the water etc and they were all busy in different parts of the dream, I said to my hubby, I'm just glad that they seem to know what they have to do, because I am completely lost here :P this was very deep thinking stuff, and also I never realized that when we do dream, we don't have a start, we just are already in the middle of it, and it's true, very interesting stuff indeed, I love all that kind of thing \:\) do hope this is making some kind of sense to you \:D  well friend, I'm off to do just a little downloading and then hubby and I will be going for that walk today, since the weather is much nicer \:\) do hope you have a lovely day and also a really good week ahead friend \:wub\: take good care, lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

topaz27Mar 5, 2011

Hi Pene \:confused\: I did call by this morning \:confused\: and I can still se my message here \:confused\: but you never did \:confused\: \:eek\: what's happening \:confused\: \:wacko\: \:rolleyes: :P

topaz27Mar 5, 2011

Good Morning Pene \:\) I was so happy yesterday, I did your 'GB' 3 times without a single problem \:P and so far this morning it's not too bad, still slow and annoying, but that's TSR on a good day \:D well what are your plans today, hubby and I had planned on going for a long walk today, but the weather is very wet and cold, so we have decided to leave that idea, hehe, perhaps some simming might be a better idea \:P do hope your weather is better than ours and I wish you a fun day friend \:wub\: Oh I downloaded some amazing shiny tiled walls and floors last night, (I thought they were for sims 3 and was amazed to find that they were sims 2) and a fantastic whole kitchen set, they all look awesome in the game too, so I am in a very happy mood today :P sending you lots of hugs friend, Topaz \:wub\:  

simsjeanieMar 5, 2011

Dear Penelope, it's me again with two cups of coffee to go before I face some chores I have to do today (I'm a graduated master of art in procrastination \:rolleyes\:\). I just want to tell you that I loved to read your comment on the kittens. \:wub\: They still brighten up our live 24 hours 365 days of the year. Sooo cute! Mr Big not is really a big boy - rather heavy, too. The two girls still live with us, always happy. Only Rascal moved - he lives with my daughter now and his "uncle" Berlioz, a Russian Blue. They take care that we don't stay in bed too long - this morning I thought "Oh, hubby is caressing my cheek, how sweet!" but when I opened my eyes it was Daddy cat - very soft with his paw like a human hand. So I did what I didn't do for my two legged family on Saturday mornings: I got up and served breakfirst to him and his family \;\) Have a great weekend and happy simming and lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie. \:wub\:

topaz27Mar 4, 2011

'mistakes' not mistake \:o see what I mean, it always happens :P

topaz27Mar 4, 2011

Dear Pene, Sounds like you have had a hard week \:\( me too \:\( it's been long and so tiring, and today I found myself putting off coming into TSR, as it's just so difficult now and it takes forever to do anything \:\( I was wondering if it had anything to do with vista, but going by my poll results, seems people are having problems one way or another with XP and Windows 7 too \:confused\: so I'm no wiser than I was last week now :P I have just been looking at your beautiful cottages pictures \:\) and they sure are gorgeous \:wub\: it's just like looking at photo's of real cottages here, they look sooooooooooooooooooooooooo real and very adorable and cute, the settings for them are just perfect, makes me want to install sims 3 :P I'm amazed at such an enormous project your doing, 40+ cottages, Wow, Wow, Wow friend, that would take a life time to complete in my world :P and that's if I could create anything of course \:D I sure look forward to seeing and hearing about your project as you go along \;\) as for 'Marchlands, we watched the 4 of them on iplayer and really got into it and then watched the 5th one (which was the final one) last night on TV, afterwards they said it would be released on DVD, so it's worth watching out for \;\) and we just received our latest DVD which is 'Inception' I remember you said that you have watched this one \:\) the next one will most likey be 'The Town' well friend I hope your enjoying your day and I wish you a lovely relaxing evening too and look forward to chatting more over the weekend \:\) here goes now for hitting that little 'write' button, (I shall copy and paste this first for safe keeping) lots of hugs friend \:wub\: Topaz :P  Oh sorry about all those spelling mistake last week \:o shameful or what, hope there are none in this message, but I'm sure there will be some \:D      

simsjeanieMar 3, 2011

Dear Penelope, just dropping in with some lovely Latte Macchiato to tell you how much I loved your comment on the history of The Olde Farmhouse!  I can't help; I can't build without imaginating the people living in that house. As I didn't upload a lot for a long time I've reread the hints and saw that you shouldn't clutter up your description of the lot. So I copied all I'd written and pasted it in that blog - not really thinking someone would read it. So you can imagine how glad I was when I found your response! You're so sweet! Have a great evening and happy simming! Lots of hugs and even more kisses from Jeanie (who hopes the system won't swallow this third try again) \:wub\: \:wub\:

spitzmagicMar 3, 2011

(((Penelope))) thanks so much for your awesome comments and the congrats on the 2nd chapter of TILYF...the fainale is around the corner Have a wonderful day \:wub\: \:D

spladoumMar 2, 2011

Hi Pene!  Thank you for your sweet comment on "One Wish."  I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. \:wub\:

Jennifer_RFeb 28, 2011

Hey Pene! \:\) Thanks for the sweet birthday wish! \:wub\: Things are really busy atm, lots of juggling. lol I will keep this short but I just wanted to say thanks for stopping by and so happy to hear from you. \:wub\: I hope things are going well for you, busy too eh? Well it must be the month of Feb. \;\) Never mind stopping by the blog as I haven't really had a chance to post any chapters of The Drifter lately anyway. Hopefully soon though as I'm missing writing about my favorite sims. TC Pene! \:wub\:

topaz27Feb 27, 2011

Hi Pene, I'm glad I got back in here to read your messages \:\) you are really enjoying 'Downton Abbey' alot \:P I'm so glad \:\) I will let you know any news about it's return as soon as I hear anything \;\) hubby and I have just watched the movie  'Burried' we thought it was very tense throughout, have you watched this one \:confused\: the only drawback was that the picture is very dark throughout the entire movie, we had to use our theatre switch to lighten the screen which did make it much more watchable,(not sure about the spelling here) \:o anyhow it sure leaves you with alot of thoughts afterwards, aside of this we have just realized that we have missed 4 parts of a new drama which has been on for the last 4 weeks \:rolleyes: my brother just told me about it over the phone today (abit late or what) anyhow I have just checked it out on iplayer and we can watch all of it there, so we shall watch it over the week, it's called 'Marchlands' and it's about a family moving into this house in the 1960's and their little girl dies, then it goes to the 1980's and another family move in and the ghost of the little girl is there, then it goes to the present day and another family move in, it's about how all these families are linked etc, anyhow I read all this when checking it out \:P well friend I'm so glad your having a fun day and I do hope you have a fun week ahead too \;\) this is my second go at doing this 'GB' entry, last one failed when I hit the 'write' button and I was taken right out of TSR \:mad\: believe me I yelled at my poor laptop in frustration, as I had to rewrite all this \:\( so this time I have copied and pasted it, just incase it goes wrong again \:wacko\: here goes, please work this time, sending lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

flody888Feb 26, 2011

Hi Penelope! \:\) Thanks for stopping by! \:D I was wondering where that ray of sunshine was coming from! \;\) Hope all is well with you and your loved ones! \:wub\: Have a sunny and wonderful weekend!

spitzmagicFeb 26, 2011

(((penelope))) thank you very much for reading TILYF and leaving me you awesome comments...the 2nd one is not too far behind...wishing you a grand weekend.\:wub\:

topaz27Feb 25, 2011

Dear Pene, It was lovely to read your 'GB' entry, seems we were both in TSR at the same time again \:\) only problem was I got stuck when trying to get to your minisite, the page jammed and I could not get anywhere, yet everything had been working fine up until then \:confused\: in the end I could not even log out of TSR, just had to shut down my internet to get out \:mad\: anyway I got in now, but only managed to leave one comment on your beautiful 'Lace Patterns' then the page got stuck again \:\( waited for ages, and suddenly it threw me back to the TSR main front page \:confused\: so I struggled to get here yet again, just to leave you a message, after all it's friday \;\) seems you have had another horrible week of weather, why won't that snow leave you alone friend \:rolleyes: we had a good week here, and yesterday was like a beautiful spring day, but wait for it, the weekend is set to get cold again and there will be rain \:\( but guess I can't complain \:P so your creating a 'English countryside neighbourhood' sounds wonderful \:\) I shall be looking forward to seeing it \;\) well I'm going to have another go at looking through your creations, if I don't get to comment on them all, you will know that the TSR Terminator terminated me, hehehe guess I deserve that \:D well wish me well friend, here goes \:P lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

PralinesimsFeb 21, 2011

Hello \:D Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on our creations! We re very thankful for that! \:wub\::P\:wub\: We wish you a gorgeous monday! Take care,hugsssssss\:rah\:   Kata& Ivana

topaz27Feb 20, 2011

Hi Pene, I guess your watching 'Downton Abbey' now  \;\) enjoy it friend \:\) I didn't realize that we were both in TSR at the same time earlier \:\( Just came back in now (10.30pm) glad I did as I got to look through your new patterns and they are simply gorgeous \:wub\: I would be over joyed to have any of them in my real home, they look awesome \:\) and how my sims 2 simmies would celebrate to have them in their homes ~ looks like I shall have to send one of them through that secret door again to nip into the sims 3 world and bring back all of your gorgeous goodies ~ :P if only they could \:D well I'm off again, I just saved my game for the second time today \;\) I'm getting somewhere with it 'I think' :P enjoy your evening friend and may that horrible snow leave you alone \;\) hugs, Topaz \:wub\:   

topaz27Feb 20, 2011

Yeah, can you believe it I managed to get back in to TSR \:D just wanted to let you know that I checked out the movie and even watched the trailer for it, and it looks brilliant, so I have added it to our DVD list \;\) thanks for letting me know about it \:\) hubby and I have just watched the last 'Lark Rise' in this series, I had to get the hankies out for the very last scene, not saying for happy or sad reasons \;\) that would be telling too much \:\) Oh by the way you just reminded me of the 'walks' hubby and I have fallen way behind in our going for long walks, we use to walk a few times every week, now we hardly do any walks \:\( so that's another thing we need to get back to hopefully when spring arrives \:\) do hope everything has gone well for you with adding all your content back into your game \:\) and that everything will work well now, shame on EA for not getting TS3 sorted out by now, seems most EP's and stuff packs and even the patches are causing so many people lots of problems \:\(  well dear friend wishing you a lovely relaxing evening, or should I say afternoon \:P it's 7.35pm over here, wish you could send me some of your time over here, I'm running short \:D take good care and lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

topaz27Feb 20, 2011

Hi Pene, Wow I made it, this site is really running bad this morning \:mad\: it has taken me ages just to get logged in, I was going to give up \:\( I hope you and your hubby had a really fantastic day out yesterday \:\) we both had a fantastic time, it felt so good to just enjoy a free day out together \:\) I know exactly what you mean about getting near to 'needing a sim break' I feel the same, this is the longest run I have ever done with my simmies without any breaks, last one I had was before TS3 was released \:eek\: I use to play the game for around 6 months at a time and then take about 6 months out on other things, then when I came back to simming, it was awesome, as it was all fresh again and much more enjoyable \:\) perhaps when I get this game all redone and saved I may take a break too, as I realized yesterday just how much my poor hubby has been neglected too \:o I would also love to play all our Tomb Raider games again, and hubby and I like to play those together too, so it would be fun \:\) but right now I need to get all my game completed, so as when I return to simming, I will have the game all ready for playing \;\) that would be really nice \:P I do feel for you friend having to redo a lot of your game again \:\( as for me I tend to thrive on redoing the game \:D that's what really keeps me going \:P by the way I will check out that movie you told me about ; well I wish you a lovely Sunday Pene and also a really good week ahead too \;\) I'm off to put some more work into getting my game done today, hopefully I will have no more disasters \:rolleyes: lots and lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

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