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PenelopeT's Guestbook

topaz27Feb 19, 2011

Hi Pene. Yeah Saturday \:\) I thought I would nip in here before hubby and I head out for the day, I'm so glad you have got to watch some of 'Downton Abbey' and are enjoying it \:\) you did make me laugh about how you tried to watch so many after a full day and a evening out too, no wonder you ended up falling to sleep on the sofa \:P we have one more 'Lark Rise' recorded to watch and that's the end of that series, it was a short series \:\( but a very good one \:\) so you had to reinstall all your game again \:eek\: had you got all your game saved, Oh please do say you did, or you will have lost our gorgeous Adam and the very cute Lucas \:eek\: I don't reckon you would have risked losing them \;\) not for anything \:D I had a disaster last night, somehow I managed to delete my 'Clean Slate game' can you believe it \:mad\: and I always have copies of everything, but for some strange reason I never got round to making a copy, so now I can't go back to my completely untouched game \:\( the nearest one I have now has 4 sims created, Oh by the way I have loads of terminator sims at the moment, as I have now got 6 sims created and their parents, and all their parents are 'Terminator sims' they shall destroy all those maxis sims in my neighbourhood \:D then I shall create a super terminator sim to destroy all those uni sims etc \:P well dear friend I hope you have a really lovely day and I hope your weather keeps getting milder \:\) roll on spring, hubby and I are looking forward to getting some new flower planting done too \;\) well dear friend wishing you a very lovely day \:wub\: and sending loads of hugs over \:\) Topaz \:wub\:

topaz27Feb 18, 2011

Hi Pene, Hope your week has been a good one \:\) I just saw your amazing screenshot 'Getting ready for morning' it's so beautiful \:wub\: you really got such a perfect shot \:\) I can't wait to see more shots of Lucas, and to see what all has been happening \;\) how's your weather been there, ours has been very cold this week, but thankfully still no snow \;\) do hope yours has been much better \:\) at least spring is getting much nearer, lovely blue skies and warm sunny days again \:\) I'm having a little break now, then it's off to get some shopping in and then it's chore time \:\( guess it has to be done, then hubby and I are going to do some city shopping tomorrow \:\) it's been ages since we just spent a day going round all the large stores, also we are going to check out a few computer shops, just to see what there is, as we still can't find a new laptop or 'all in one' computer, thankfully we are in no hurry to buy one, as hubby's laptop is still holding on (just) \:D it is really slowing down though, but hubby is happy enough to carry on with it until we can find the right one, although I do know he is longing to get hold of this laptop, it is like a super monster of a laptop compared to his 15inch very old laptop \:P well friend I wish you a lovely day today and am looking forward to chatting more over the weekend, do stay warm \:\) lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

blondechaosFeb 18, 2011

Thanks Penelope \:D I love so many of your patterns and houses! \:wub\: Have a wonderful day \:\)

spitzmagicFeb 18, 2011

(((((Penelope))))) thank you very much for the congrats. My goodness I am so totally flatter and honored by it. Have a great weekend \:wub\:

fabrizioammolloFeb 18, 2011

Hi Penelope! Thanks for sharing such a beauty! Happy Simming. \:rah\: F.

martoeleFeb 17, 2011

Thank you very much Penelope for your congratulations. \:D  I really never expected a thing like this and feel very proud of it. Thanks again! \:wub\:

Jennifer_RFeb 17, 2011

Hiya Peneeeeeee!!!!! \:\) How are you? How has your week been, or should I say weeks? \:confused\: I haven't logged in for a little while, got a bit caught up in RL if you know what I mean. But I am here now and oh dear I seem to have plenty to catch up on! We had a mid week open house this afternoon and I am currently sitting at my desk right now with a tall glass of champagne. \:D It's time to relax after a busy day and week. I thought we were neat people but boy oh boy when you are selling your house it's such a pain having to clean everything! lol I guess that's just the way it goes though. It's really just getting rid of our clutter (just like the sims lol) and giving everything a wipe over for dust etc. It really takes it out of you though. Plus we have to take out big dog (german short haired pointer) in the car with us while people come and look through our house. I love our dog too bits but she is too big for the back seat of out car! lol Oh I wanted to ask you what is the cheat I use so I can modify stuff on a community lot? There is one where I just can't seem to change the tiling and it's frustrating the ba-jesus out of me! \:wacko\: \:P Well I know it's only Thurs but I will wish you a lovely weekend now as we have a few things planned for the weekend and I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to log in again. TC Pene and hope to chat again soon! *hugs* ~ Jen \:wub\:

PralinesimsFeb 16, 2011

Hello\:D Thank you very much for commenting on our stuff\:D we´re very happy to receive such wonderful feedback! Thank you\:wub\: We wish you a amazing wednesday and a beautiful week! *hugs and kisses*\:rah\:\:wub\:

spladoumFeb 15, 2011

Pene! \:wub\:  Thank you for commenting.  I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed reading the story, it was a lot of fun to write! ... that reminds me, I don't think I commented on either chapter of "Love or Duty"! \:eek\:  Shame on me.  I'll get right on that. \:\)

Fred&BarbFeb 14, 2011

Hi (((Penelope))) ... Make sure you send us a picture after you had your home office make over!!! \:D Thanks for all those fabulous comments! (Fred is glowing and grinning from ear to ear!)

Fred&BarbFeb 13, 2011

(((Penelope)))  Thank you so much for the wrm and hearfelt comments on the loss... yes... it was awfull and sad.... but... every cloud has a silver lining.. We will be back with more... there will be weddings to plan.. grandchildren maybe? \:wub\: Have a wonderful week  (((((Girl friend)))

topaz27Feb 13, 2011

Hahaha, that is funny :P  and you just reminded me about my much needed 'Terminator Sim' I must get her ready for yet another huge mission \:D  Yeah here we go again, much work to do  :P

topaz27Feb 13, 2011

Hi Pene, Got here at last \:\) I changed my mind again yesterday and instead of going into my game, I found myself hitting that 'system recovery' button \:D could not help myself, I just wanted to start everything all over again \:P I'm not having any problems with my laptop at all, but I just get the urge to do a complete clean up on it every so often, and also if I'm starting my game again, I always like to reinstall it all fresh, as if I just uninstall it, I worry that there will be bits left on my computer etc that will mess up the game, so I prefer to do the complete system recovery and that way, I know everything is in good order \:\) so yesterday I was deleting \:D and today, updating and installing \:D I'm not sure what to do different though with recreating my game \:rolleyes: I have some idea's but not sure how they will play out \:confused\: so I guess it will be back to saving games every 5 minutes or so, until I get it all right this time \:P and I do have my completed saved game safe \;\) just in case I give up \:P I don’t know why it is, but every time I time I get my game completed, I then get restless, guess I enjoy the creating part the best \:P well dear friend how has your day been going, have you been doing any simming today yet, do hope you get to play a little, your little simmies will be missing you friend \:D were as I reckon mine throw parties when I'm not around \:D whenever I zoom in near any of my sims they always have a look of absolute fear on their faces, which says it all \:D like are you going to delete me, please don't \:D awww I do feel sorry for my simmies at times, I think I may really change my ways someday (Note - Someday) not right now though \:P they know I love them really, and I do, they all mean the world to me, that's why I care so much, and I only want the best for them \:wub\: well friend I do hope you have a great day ahead and also a really great week \:wub\: hope your enjoying the new stuff pack and I'm looking forward to more screenshots soon \;\) and your final part of 'The Haunting' \;\) do take lots of care and sending you lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

ung999Feb 13, 2011

Hi, thanks for leaving your comment on 'Flowery Little House'.  Please enjoy!  Have a great weekend!\:wub\:

topaz27Feb 12, 2011

Hi Pene, I hope you have had a good week friend \:\) mine was a very busy one and then yesterday I did a lot of household chores as always, I did call in and leave you a 'GB' entry, about how I was going to do a complete system recovery on my laptop and then when I had reinstalled everything, I would have another go at redoing all my game again \:D anyway I changed my mind \:D decided to just leave things as they are \:P I saw your awesome bamboo patterns, they look fantastic \:\) well I'm off now to get another few things done and then hopefully I will get into my game for a while \;\) wishing you a very lovely Saturday dear friend \:wub\: do take lots care, sending you lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:   

spitzmagicFeb 10, 2011

((((Penelope))) thank you tons and tons for commenting on my screens. Have a great week too \:wub\:

simmothyFeb 9, 2011

Hi! I love your avatar\:\) She is hot. Well dressed and sexy, with refined style. My kinda lady\:D

PralinesimsFeb 8, 2011

  \:wub\: Thank you so much for commenting on our blogpost Penelope!!\:D\:D\:D\:D thank you for everything !!!! \:wub\: We wish you a awesome tuesday and a pretty week!! Take care, XOXO\:wub\:  

topaz27Feb 6, 2011

Hope you got your shopping in and you are both back in your lovely warm home \;\)  your weather has been so bad lately \:\(  though I think it's wonderful when neighbours help each other out \:\)  it's quite mild here, though very windy, I'm looking very much forward to the finale  of 'The Haunted' \:\)  perhaps that will help take my mind of the gorgeous Adam \;\) at least for a little while anyway \:D  have fun and keep warm friend \:wub\:

topaz27Feb 6, 2011

Looking forward to hearing about the new stuff pack \;\)

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