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PenelopeT's Guestbook

fabrizioammolloFeb 6, 2011

Hi Penelope! You are very welcome, it's such a sweet story!!! Have a lovely Sunday! F.

flody888Feb 6, 2011

Hi Penelope!!! \:\) Thank you for all of your awesome comments on my screenies!!! I totally know what you mean about appreciating elder sims more. They can be fashion-forward vibrant parts of sim communities everywhere! \:D And I'm so glad you appreciated the simfu pics. It's totally OK to be fierce once in awhile! \;\) Have a happy!!! \:wub\:

flody888Feb 5, 2011

LOL! Oh, no probs! I've been cleaning out my screenies too! \:D But I feel so much better having Adam's French pic in my stash. Whew! (Heehee!)

flody888Feb 5, 2011

Oh, I could totally feel the love and attention you gave to Kim! \:wub\: She's an amazing sim! \:wub\: And again, her style is just classic and fabulous! \:rah\: I'm going over to save the screenshots of her outfits for reference! \:D And I will definitely check out your gallery!!! Have a lovely weekend and thank you for letting us have a peek into your sims' lives! \:wub\:

Fred&BarbFeb 4, 2011

Oh...yes... (((Penelope)))... Isn't it awful!!! \:\(  We are all in shock here still... Thanks for your wonderful comment dear....

topaz27Feb 4, 2011

Hi Pene, Just read the finale of 'Love or Duty' \:\) you done a fantastic job on it, yes I am saying that despite losing my gorgeous Adam \:\( at first I thought 'how could you do this to your friend Topaz' \:D but I do understand \;\) sometimes you have to do these things for the sake of the story \:D anyway my broken heart will mend in time \:\( (I hope) \:D now what about these adorable little twins Max and Lucas \:wub\: I could see another story in here, says I hopefully \;\) the picture (No 53) of Kim holding Max, and his little face as he is chatting away is so sweet \:wub\: I do look forward to seeing a lot more of these two little cuties \:\) well I do hope you have had a good week, seems you have had a lot more snow over there this week \:eek\: and how are you enjoying 'Outdoor Living Stuff Pack' I seen a little video of it on 'Spring4sims' site, looks cool \:\) I have been into my game nearly every evening this week continuing my battle with maxis sims \:D will chat more about that over the weekend \:rolleyes: wishing you a lovely Friday friend, you take good care and keep warm \:\) lots of hugs and also lots of thank you hugs too for sharing your awesome story, all your time and hard work on this is very much appreciated \:wub\: Topaz \:wub\:   

flody888Feb 3, 2011

Thank you for the heads up on your story's update! \:wub\: I'll look for it and try not to jostle Topaz for a front row view of Adam! \;\) Have a sunny week!

PralinesimsJan 31, 2011

\:D Thank you very much for the wonderful comments!! We are so happy\:rah\:\:D\:wub\: We wish you a beautiful monday and a awesome and fun week!\:rah\: \:rah\: Happy simming!! *Kisses*\:rah\:\:wub\:

mutskeJan 31, 2011

Hi!! Thanks I'm glad you like my Leon Hallway. Hope your Simmies like it too \:wub\: Happy Simming!!  Hope it won't catch any fire \:D

topaz27Jan 28, 2011

Hi Pene, Well I do hope your week has been good \:\) how's your weather now, is it still freezing there, ours has got colder again, but still not too bad thankfully, its been a busy week and I have been missing simming so much, as I really want to get my last batch of simmies through Uni, so as I can get on with other things, like weddings \;\) how are things coming along with your stories, it must take such a lot of work to put them all together, I really admire the time and work you and others put into doing these things \:wub\: hubby and I got to watch 'Resident Evil - Afterlife' on Tueday evening, but we didn't enjoy it as much as the other ones \:\(  we should have another movie on the way, but not sure what one ot is yet, as I have not even checked my emails yet, must do that now, then it's off to do a few chores and then all being well some simming \;\) I do look forward to chatting more soon friend \:\) wishing you a lovely friday and sending you lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

mutskeJan 28, 2011

Hi Penelope, Thanks for the laughter \:D. Stranger how the game can behave, but I like it. BTW the set is downloadable tomorrow. \:wub\:  

modern_designsJan 25, 2011

Hi thanks soooo much for your congrats! Have a wonderful and beautiful day! \:\)

flody888Jan 25, 2011

Hi Penelope!!! \:D Thank you for posting that GORGEOUS pic of Adam! \:wub\: I just love his style (read: your style!) and he looks more than just normal everyday happy...? Is that my imagination? \;\) What I found really wonderful is that it is right beside a pic of Kim holding baby Adam in front of that beautiful aquarium. How far he's come since toddler-dom! \:wub\: I'm so glad you've created a story for him because he's just a sweet simmy and your screenshots show how much love is in this legacy! Thank you for sharing!!!! \:wub\:

Jennifer_RJan 24, 2011

Hi Pene, how are you? \:\) I'm re-organising SV and I'm adding your main community lots but I was wondering what do you put in place of the orginal EA school? That's the only one left that I have has a vacant community lot. \:\)

sadie7684Jan 23, 2011

Hi Penelope, Thanks for taking the time to comment on my "I Have The Power" screenshot.  And yes, if there was a Castle Greyskull in Sims World, you can be sure Elijah would be stopping by! \;\)

topaz27Jan 23, 2011

Hi Pene, My Oh My this site is running very slow this morning, I am almost falling asleep waiting for a page to load, it's that bad \:\( hope it will be much better for you, well we have seen all of 'Lost' now and I must say, we both loved it, Awesome \:\) still don't really understand much but it truly is still brilliant, it ended up taking us past midnight to finish it all, but Wow, we then spent ages discussing it and trying to work it out \:D I am rather pleased with myself because part of it was what I had thought way back at the beginning, so I'm feeling rather clever \:D but it's so complex and so deep and really amazing too, it also was very emotional, I just can't praise it enough \:\) concerning 'Upstairs Downstairs' I think following 'Lark Rise' could be the problem there, as 'Lark Rise' is so kind of bright and cheery compared to the style of 'Upstairs Downstairs' I am glad that your going to stick with it for a few more episodes \;\) Oh I keep meaning to tell you that Laura's father (in Lark Rise) is also in 'Downton Abbey' he has not been in 'Lark Rise' so far in the new series, as he was doing 'Downton Abbey' as 'Lark Rise' was being filmed \;\) as for hidden object games (I'm on catch up here \:D ) do you have 'Enlightenus' it's really good, also 'Midnight Mysteries 'The Edgar Allan Poe Conspiracy' it is also very good \:\) we have just bought 'Midnight Mysteries 'Salem Witch Trials' form Amazon to try, have not installed it yet, but am hoping it will be quite good too, aside of those we both play 'The Rise Of Atlantis' game a lot, it's great for just chilling out, and it's the best of all the 'Atlantic Rise' series, we do have 'Call Of Atlantis' too, which is pretty good, though it's not just as relaxing as 'The Rise Of Atlantis' Well it's time I was off \:D I have the whole day free to sim today, Yeah \:\) how are things going with your story writing, I can't wait and I'm so looking forward to those bonus screenshots, and to find out what has been happening to my gorgeous Adam \:wub\: and also 'The Haunting' I do wonder how that will end \;\) wishing you a very lovely Sunday Pene and I do hope you can get a bit of relaxing simming in today too \:\) lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:    

fredbrennyJan 23, 2011

I am happy you liked my pearl earring shot! \:wub\:

topaz27Jan 22, 2011

Hi Pene, Do hope your having a really lovely day \:\) I got all my chores done yesterday and feel so much better for it \;\) today hubby and I went out to do a little shopping and had lunch, we have just got home, so now I'm going to enjoy a little simming then this evening we shall watch the last 4 episodes of 'Lost' at last \;\) by the way the new series of 'Lark Rise' is as wonderful as ever, Minnie has had us laughing so much in the 2 episodes that we have seen so far, and I still think the storylines improve with each series, we also have the movie 'Resident Evil - Afterlife' to watch, it arrived this morning, so hopefully we will watch that tomorrow evening, have you watched any of 'Upstairs Downstairs' yet, and if so what are your thoughts on it, once again I do believe it improves as you go along \:\) Wow your weather really is bad at the moment \:eek\: that's so cold, ours is rather mild, mostly about 5 or 6 above freezing, which is pretty good for January, well dear friend wishing you a fun day and do keep warm, lots of hugs being sent over \;\) Topaz \:wub\:

Fred&BarbJan 22, 2011

(((Penelope))) Thank you so much for leaving us such a wonderful comment on City Light's 2. So happy you enjoyed it. They just grow up so fast these days LOL..have a wonderful weekend \:wub\:

Jennifer_RJan 22, 2011

Hi Pene, Just thought I'd pop by to wish you a wonderful weekend. I seem to be sticking to my weekend log-in's pretty good, I didn't visit TSR at all during the week! Normally I cannot wait to see what CC has been published. Afraid I'm a bit of a CC addict. \:ph34r\: \:P Anyway I have been cleaning all morning because we have an open house today so I thought it was time to take a break. \;\) Thanks heaps for checking out my Bridgeport screenies. It's really fun having a new town to play in. I totally LOL'd at your OCD thing too. I'm a bit the same, in RL as well. Hey, you've gotta be colour coordinated, right? It's fun to mix things up sometimes too though. I'm afraid I have a terrible addiction to scarfs! lol I have so many different types and generally they only match with certain pieces of clothing. Well I'd better get back to work. \:rolleyes: Have a good one and will chat again soon. ~ Jen \:wub\: 

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