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PenelopeT's Guestbook

madaya74Jan 21, 2011

Hey Penelope \:\) I want to thank you for your utterly wunderful guestbook entry about my Caravan Set. \:wub\: Thank you! I wish you a wunderful weekend. \:\)

topaz27Jan 21, 2011

Hi Pene, I'm calling in early today as I have a busy day ahead planned, 'cleaning' yes I want to devote my whole day to getting a lot of much needed chores done around my home, and some decluttering too, I've noticed hubby is gathering too much stuff again, he always sneaks and puts things away when I'm not around, thinking we may need them someday \:rolleyes: then before you know it he has the cupboards filled again with no longer wanted items, the times I have opened a cupboard or drawer only to find something that he was meant to get rid of,  'Men' \:eek\: anyhow I'm going to go through everything and just like in those hidden objects games, I'll find all his hidden objects \:D do hope your week has been good and wishing you a very lovely day today friend \:\) take god care, lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

simsjeanieJan 21, 2011

Ah, that crumb cake was just the right - delicious - with the coffee while having a quick first look at TSR. (Am I the only one who has to visit before doing something else in the morning? \:o ) But now it's gone already, I'm too greedy \;\) Have wonderful weekend with - hopefully - many happy hours with your sims! Lots of hugs from Jeanie. \:wub\:

HadewychJan 20, 2011

Aww, thanks Penelope \:D  But the good news is that I'm up and running again - yaay \:D  Those weeks were hell, I can tell you that :P  I already put a hurray blog post up \;\) Thanks for the offer of help though, I'm keeping it for a rainy day \:\)

PralinesimsJan 18, 2011

Hello!\:D Thank you very much for commenting on our creations! We wish you a nice day and a gorgeous week! *hugs*

drewsolteszJan 18, 2011

Hi Pene! Great to hear from you, I just posted a summary of the first 40 chapters of Crime Story,it will save you trying to play catch up! I am on Chpeter 43 now, so it wouldn't be hard to get up to speed, if you want, that is, LOL! Cheers!     

fabrizioammolloJan 17, 2011

Hi Penelope! I see, it's very fair I think. Happy Simming! F.

anura32Jan 17, 2011

Hey thanks dear. And I always thought where all the sims went. Thanks a lot for the help.

spladoumJan 17, 2011

Hi there Pene dear! \:wub\:  So glad to hear that you enjoyed this chapter of Holiday.   Matthew was one of my favorite sims from S2, but since he was a Count, he was always so formal.  I think I like this wisecracking version a little better! \:D  BTW, loving your new banner and avatar! \:wub\:

topaz27Jan 17, 2011

Hi Pene, Hope your having a great evening \:\) it's 11.40pm over here, guess it's time to get some sleep, I was so wrapped up in my game, never even noticed the time   \:\) you take good care friend \:wub\:

fabrizioammolloJan 16, 2011

Hi Penelope! I'm sure you did. Fortunately in the wort scenario we can exit without saving  \;\). It's disappointing, but... Take care, F.

Peachybitz1Jan 16, 2011

Hey there \:D Thank you for the lovely comment on my screenshot \:wub\:

Fred&BarbJan 16, 2011

(((Pene)))  Thanks for stopping by at the office and commenting on our screenies! Yes, we are busy busy... but we need to find the rhytm to this new way of working..\:D  Have a super day!!!

ShinoKCRJan 16, 2011

Hi Pene \:\) Your comment on the Medieval Kitchen was so encurraging and  enjoyed it a lot \:wub\: Thank you an happy simming \:wub\: Huggles Renate

Jennifer_RJan 16, 2011

Hey Pene, Oh my gosh you didn't tell me you had a new story out! Well I found it, of course, and loved it! And I said a very loud 'finally' that you created a story out of this family you have been playing for so long. \;\) Looking forward to the finale. I do hope Adam finds love and with Melana. They seem like a lovely couple. \:wub\: So how have you been? I've decided weekends will be the time when I log in to TSR. \:\)Can't remember if I told you or not but I finally got Bridgeport to load. I didn't do a complete unistall of everything just that EP and it worked. So far I am loving the city life, well my sims are anyway. lol Hope your having a lovely weekend and TC. ~ Jen \:wub\:

topaz27Jan 15, 2011

I'm so happy that your going to complete your story 'The Haunting' \:rah\: another real goodie treat to look forward too \:wub\:  

fabrizioammolloJan 14, 2011

Hi Penelope! You are very welcome, I enjoyed it! Have a great week-end! F.

flody888Jan 14, 2011

Oh, I totally know what you mean about taking too many screenshots! I just cleaned up a bunch recently myself. \:o I really loved the outfits you picked for Melena - they were perfect for a Royal. Actually, you made me realize how much of current fashion imitates that style too! And Adam and Kim sounded exactly the way I imagined they would! \:wub\: I'm so glad you decided to create and share your story! I was missing those screenies. \:D (Especially wondering if any royal babies might pop out. \;\) ) I moved everyone to Riverview and haven't experienced any losses yet. Fingers crossed! Have a happy!!! \:\)

topaz27Jan 14, 2011

Hi Pene, I really did enjoy your story 'Love or Duty' so much, and all your shots are so awesome \:wub\: I'm sure glad you kept that gorgeous pink suit in the shots, I love it \;\) I am wondering what will happen in the next part, can't wait to find out \:\) everything here at the site is going so slow today \:\( it's one of those days again were it take forever to get anywhere \:rolleyes: so I'm going to opt out and go play my game instead \:rah\: look forward to chatting over the weekend Pene and I do hope your having a good day, do take care friend, lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

topaz27Jan 12, 2011

Hi Pene, I have got a little extra free time today \:rah\: and decided to check in to TSR \:rah\:  what could be better \;\) and read your message \:rah\: so here I am and I have saw that your story has been released \:rah\: so I'm of to read it \:rah\: what a lovely treat for a Wednesday \:wub\: then sadly though it's back to getting other chores done \:\( will catch up with you on friday all being well \:\) hope your week is going well and lots of hugs for you friend \:wub\: Topaz

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