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PenelopeT's Guestbook

Fred&BarbJan 12, 2011

(((Pene))) LOL Barb here (night shift) LOL, thanks for your compliment on our page and the bookmark too...right back at cha...have a great day and by the way I loved that new story of yours....\:wub\:

PralinesimsJan 11, 2011

  Hi!\:wub\: We want to thank you for the sweet comment on our screenshots! We´re glad you like them\:wub\:\:rah\: We wish you also a beautiful day and a nice week!\;\) See you\:rah\:\:wub\: *Kiss and Hug*\:wub\:\:wub\: Happy simming\:wub\:  

Fred&BarbJan 11, 2011

Penelope, my dear...\:wub\:   (here's Fred) Your minisite looks amazing! I see there is a story out there by you!!! GOOD!!! I also wanted to say THANKS for the warm and nice comment you made on our new story. Yes... Fred & Barb... it was time they had their own story again and also from their new office!!! \:D \:D  Great!!! I will check out your story now! Thanks for stopping by! HUGGGGGGS from both of us \:wub\:

xtinabobinaJan 9, 2011

Pene I love your avatar & banner \:\)

topaz27Jan 9, 2011

Oh how you have made me laugh with your message \:D I never realized that 21 saved games was a lot, guess I am addicted to saving my game now too \:P as to your question 'What are you doing over there' answer is  'I really don't know anymore \:confused\: I'm all over the place my memory is completely wacko these days \:wacko\:  and my brain just seems to be switching on and off at random \:rolleyes\:D half the time I'm in another world and it's not the real one or the sims one \:D I think I'm losing it, ah well addictions will do that to you, it's only a matter of time, and I guess with all my simmie addictions my time has come now \:D hehe, do hope you have a great time at the baby shower \:\) and as for your story 'Can't wait to read to it' \:wub\: have a great day Pene and also wishing you a really good week ahead too \;\) take care and lots of hugs, Topaz\:wub\:   

HadewychJan 9, 2011

Even more grumpy now I noticed I left a typo in the last message \:P \:D  Ah well, things can only get better \;\)

HadewychJan 9, 2011

Still grunpy as I still can't get my sims to work \:mad\: - that's why I only just now had a look at my TSR account - thanks for the wishes, Penelope, and all the best for the New Year for you and yours too \:\) \:wub\:  Let's hope I get those pesky Sims working again one day :P

topaz27Jan 9, 2011

Good Morning Pene, Time for more simming I think \:\) I simmed until 11.40pm last night, trying all different things to get rid of maxis teen sims, but it can't be done, I tried having other teens befriend them and then ask them to move in, but no \:mad\: I should have just read the guide book \:D ah well looks like they are staying, at least they are not bullies like maxis adult sims were \:puke\: so today I'm going back to a previous saved game (I have 21 saved games stored now) just incase I change my mind about something \:D which I have \:D so I'm going back to 7th November to recontinue from there, as I am not too happy about a few sims I created after that point \:\(  it will mean a little more work to catch up again, the biggest is 'Yep' befriending all those horrible maxis adult sims yet again, but at least I'll get the joy of pressing the delete button again \:D what plans do you have today, will you be having some fun playing or more writing today \:\) whatever your doing I hope you have a wonderful day and have fun \;\) sending you a lovely hot cup of lemon green tea over to start your day \;\) lots of hugs friend \:wub\: Topaz

gissenceJan 9, 2011

Thanks so much for the wonderful compliment you paid toward my XIMVOX lot a couple of weeks ago. LOVE your new look too!

spitzmagicJan 8, 2011

(((Pene))) I also want to you thank you for checking out my too, I'm still amazed with the games effect visual and sound still after how long now a year...or has been almost 2...I love your new apartment too...\:wub\:

spitzmagicJan 8, 2011

((((Pene)))) thanks sooo much...Have a wonderful weekend too \:wub\:

fredbrennyJan 8, 2011

(((Pene))) Thanks for your WONDERFUL comment on my Woodland Way lot! \:wub\:  The need to build is still greater than any other assignment I am saying yes to. \;\) Barb's banner looks FAB! I know you helped her, how sweet! Hope you will have a lovely weekend! Hugggs, Fred

Jennifer_RJan 7, 2011

P.S. Loving you self sim' new look. So classy. \:wub\:

Jennifer_RJan 7, 2011

Hi Pene! *Waves crazily* How are you? \:\) I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year. Gosh it goes by so quickly. We are having some great weather atm. We've already been to the beach several times but the water is still cold! lol It's so refreshing though. I guess you would be trying to stay warm yes? It was great to see you stop by my blog. I must admit I'm struggling to juggle blogging and visiting TSR at the same time. I think I might have to set up a schedule for myself. \:P Since being off work I really don't have any sort of routine in place and after two months it is finally getting to me. Some how though we have kept the routine of our grocery shopping. lol Is till go for my runs though and travel up to feed my horse. Anyway I'm going to stop babbling about myself. Tell me what you have been up to? Hope you are well Pene. TC ~ Jen \:wub\:

spitzmagicJan 7, 2011

((((Pene)))) girl thank you so much...god I was beating myself up trying to figure that out...but it's up now. Thank you so much as simple as that was so hard hahahahah...\:D \:P \:wub\:

murfeelJan 7, 2011

Happy New Year! \:wub\: I hope your holiday season brought you happiness and joy and so much more! \:D

flody888Jan 5, 2011

Oops! I forgot! Yes, Lilly is fake choking herself! She's nuts! \:D And she talks to herself too and that fulfills the social need. Lots of funny behaviours! \:D

flody888Jan 5, 2011

Hi again! \:D Thank you for all the wonderful comments on my screenies! \:wub\: I don't think that married with kids screenie is all that great but I wanted to show what happened to Charlie ad that was the only screenie I had. \:\( But thank you for the tip on saved games! 

flody888Jan 5, 2011

Hi Penelope! \:\) I made a ton of polls so please come back and take some more! \:D Especially my New Year's Kickstarter poll! I was so dumb and didn't create that poll last. So now it's buried in the end somewhere. \:\(

j_girl87Jan 4, 2011

Thanks so much for the holiday wishes Pene! Hope you had a great holiday! Sorry for my late response! Its been a while but im back to spending more time on TSR. I've missed visiting your page, which looks great!! I'll be stopping by again later today to view your amazing downloads! TTyl =)

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