
47Creations 386,833Downloads

Pretale's Guestbook

Icia23Oct 4, 2010

Hola Carito como stas? \:D y como van las creaciones? espero que super bien \:\) acuerdate que solo debes preguntarme si tienes dudas ....yo tengo hechas varias pero tengo un atao con los meshes que no me deja vivir xD jjajaj muchas gracias por tu comentario suerte en el colegio \:wub\:

SimsimayOct 3, 2010

Hi Carolina \:wub\: , Thanks for your lovely and kind comments!  Have a nice day \:\)

HarmoniaOct 3, 2010

  hi , thanks for nice comment on my Denim Romper For Girls \:wub\: happy simming!  

theangeliquemonteOct 3, 2010

Hi!Thanks for your comment on "Layers of denim" \:\) I agree with you but yet I contacted submissions manager to remove it because I always want to not copy anyone (even when its just a same texture ) and because I'm polite \:\) I'm thinking of moving to my site or posting some creations only at my site-because sometimes my creations get rejected for very weird reasons \:D

Xander123Oct 3, 2010

Hi, thank you for commenting my screenshot! \:D ...and the green thing on it is the Life Elixir lol 

forevermyOct 2, 2010

Thank you so much for your comment!\:\)

tigergirl131Oct 1, 2010

Thanks for the lovely comment

PralinesimsSep 29, 2010

Hello there\:D thank you very much for commenting on my creations! Im glad you like them\:D i wish you a beautiful day and a gorgeous week!\:D

By_HunteRSep 29, 2010

Thank you for your comments. [Lux Everyday] .. See you soon.. \:rah\:

irene_busySep 29, 2010

Hi! Thank you for commenting on my maxi dresses. I appreciate it \:\). Enjoy and Happy simming \:\)

haiduongSep 29, 2010

Hey, to answer your question, I didn't have classes this morning. I watched a movie and then did my homeworks at the library. And my birthday is October 27. I will be old soon, XD. And thanks for the comment on my screenshot. Well, I hate her too. She is really annoying. :P

tigergirl131Sep 28, 2010

Thank you for the lovely comment on my creation \:\)

miraminkovaSep 28, 2010

Hi \:wub\: Thank you so much for your kind comments! Mm, I am good \:D Tired \:D\:D that's why I don't like school. I have to get up early and then I feel tired and asleep all day \:D\:D You ? Are you creating something new? Have a great week! \:wub\:

Susan372Sep 28, 2010

Hello Pretale, thanks for nice comment on my Outdoor Wood Chairs .\:wub\: I am very happy you're so concerned about this creations. Have a wonderful day!\:\)

lillkaSep 28, 2010

Thanks for your nice comment on my Christine screenshot \:wub\: have a nice day \:wub\:

sims2fanbgSep 26, 2010

Thanks for your great comment on my creation! \:wub\: Have a nice day! \:wub\:

haiduongSep 26, 2010

Good morning Caro, \:D hum, what are my plans for this weekend...Well, I and my group of friends organized a show yesterday in a bar (I'm 18 next month so no need to be worry XD), basically what we've done is to just rent the place for the night and ask as much people (mostly students of my age) as possible to join us and have a great time. And amateur artists can subscribe to perform, each artist had about 2 to 10 minutes. It was really fun, we had people performing songs by singing or playing instruments or even some guys did stand-up comedies :P. Oh and also, people had to pay 15 bucks per entry so we accumulated alot of money at the end of the night \:D\:D\:D. It's great! It was one of the best nights I had in months! \:cool\: And my plan for today, stay in bed as long as possible and watch movies until I'm sick of being lazy \;\) :P, I think it's a great plan for a weekend!!! \:D Lol seriously, I don't think I will get my butt out of the house, I'm just too exhausted..XD

ForwardmotionSep 25, 2010   THere you go!

haiduongSep 25, 2010

Hi Caro, Thanks for your lovely and kind comment about my set of hair recolors (sorry if I had that style of writing, I just wanted to test if it really works xD), yeah with this texture I think the hair is prettier! What are your plans this weekend?

SimsimaySep 25, 2010

Hi, Thanks for your lovely and kind comment! \:wub\: Have a great weekend. \:\)

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