Princess_Demi (3986483)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (17 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Twinkle Liners
Published Sep 4, 2011
About Me
Hi Yall! Names Demi, but you can call me princess.... only kidding! ok, so, I'm 14, live in Australia, with a very distinct Maltese background, who enjoys Science and the sims, which makes the generations cheistry table perfect for me! funny story.... I actuallly threw out all my sims 3 discs (theoreticly....) and started playing TS2 again, and now, well, I'm a creator... I Love everything about sims 2, as to the poor gameplay of Sims 3.... but, hey, It's an opinion, right? Well, hope you all like my stuffs!
Dem Dem
My Latest Updates Show All
Requests Wanted!Written Sep 01, 2011
Ok, so, lately i've been feeling real meh about Sims 2 creations. like , trying to figure out what to make next. Thats why I'm calling on you.! Ok, i have 4,022 downloads in a matter of 5 days so I think that this'll be quite fun. I can do some basic, aeven boroader, actually, requests if i get enough. Try and give me a picture of an image (300x300 pixels, at the least, or not, but prefered... ...More
Seeing RedWritten Aug 30, 2011
# New outfits to be uploaded shortly.... :) # outfits that consist of Senim and red... I just couldn't stop myself from pulling away from the crownd and going off on a limb! I think that they are uberly cute and i love the colours together..... once again with strappy sandals, as I adore them and the way of alpha editing (Creators Joke.... lolcats) but yeah. I'mmegaly prod of myself and think... ...More
I Hate False Nails.....Written Aug 28, 2011
Ok, so, if you ever go out and want to dress up your look, never, EVER choose false nails. Why? you ask? wel,, I Have devised a 5 point explaination to tell you why: 1~ They Hurt! REAL BAD! 2~ They can be different lenghts and dont look right 3~ When you peel them off, that KILLS 4~ you'll get annoyed with them easily 5~ You cannot do the simplest of tasks, I mean, i... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Xanthia_loveDec 03, 2011
hey thanx for your comment on my F.R.I.E.N.D.S apartment !
BubbabellaOct 30, 2011
Thanks so much for your creations, They're awesome.!!
eviSep 08, 2011
Thank you for your comments. I am sorry I was so late to respond I love your creations too See you around