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PureElements's Blog

Guess who's back?!?!

Hey all!

Wow, I've been gone a looongggg time. Things sure have changed around here, but the place looks great!

I missed you all! <3


I've been crazy busy in rl. So much has changed, and for the better. Now I have some time to get out some much needed, and missed, creativity!


I've working on a few things, and I'm excited to get them out! I'm taking my time though, I'm a little rusty, hehe.


But this weekend, hopefully, I'll have soem fancy new sims things for all you sims 2 players to enjoy! I'll also be getting my copy of the sims 3 plus expansion this weekend, and will do my best to learn (after I play ofcourse!)


See you all on the download page! :D



Back To School , but still working hard!

Well, as you know I am working on my RPN Diploma, and it is quite a busy time. I have also become obsessed with a game called Second Life, although for those of you who enjoy it as much as I, you know its alot ore than a game! I hope to meet up with any fellow SL players from TSR!

Anyways, I have an upcoming set called the Roamnesque bathroom. I tried to style it in the oldish way but also let it still look modernish. Hope you enjoy, the art was crazy hard. I can't quite figure out how to get a preview image up here, but it will be released tommorow so no worries!





Sorry To All

Sorry I haven't been around lately, there has been so much happening, I haven't had a chance to get working on any thing! Seriously, I am experiences Sims creation withdrawls.
Within a week i will be able to get back at it for a while. I'm heading back to school soon (nursing, yay!) so I want to get in as much as possible before the next term.
If there is anything you would like for your game, don't hesitate to PM be with requests, and pictures of the items you want. I love requests, so don't be shy!
Happy simming!

New Set and More

I have a new set coming tommorow, lots of new meshes! I have a bunch of ideas for recolors so stay tuned for those too. I also am planning recolors for a few of my other sets, like the Dream bathroom. Color schemes are running through my mind, LOL. Until then, enjoy!

Sneak Peak Monkey Business!

yes a new set that I am excited about, mainly because it is so darn cute. I call it monkey business, a jungle themes bedroom for kids! There is a working tree swing (it won't override the origional) a working treehouse bunkbed and a bunch of other jungle goodies. Check out what I have so far: It will take a few days, but keep on the lookout!

Kitchen Set On Its Way

I am working on a new set, I'll be uploading it today. I have been dabbling with it a few nights a week, though going back to work after a year has wiped me out, so it took longer than expected. It should be available tomorrow or the next day. :)

Also, I am going to start cloning my items using only the base game. There will be no EP's needed for any of my future objects. Well, unless there is a specific object from an EP that I want to clone for the actions or what not, but it will be labled properly either way.

Well, back to work! :D

Fews days of MIA

I'll be gone a few days, while I sort out some computer trouble. I just installed new ram and a new vid card, but my system is dying. It is mainly due to a nasty virus I had that left everything in pieces after I rid of it. So I'm going to wipe the drive and start over! It will take a few days, I have sooo much stuff on my com, and everything needs to be backedup (shame on me for not doing that in the first place! LOL) Also, I am going back to work next week, so I will be MIA for the weekdays, but I definatly try to make something great by every Sunday of the week!
Wish me luck and see you soon!

New Bedroom Collection and A Request

I've just completed a new bedroom set titled the Bridge Bedroom. It is very bold and comes with many mix and match colors. It took me a while, I took a few days off as I have just had a Labret piercing done, and it was distracting. I keep biting it, owwy, LOL. Also, I've been requested to do a ferret cage. That seems like a cute idea and I will see what I can do for sure.


I went tot he city the other day and snatched up my copy of freetime! It is amazing! There is so much to do now, I have to admit it is their best EP yet.
So I am playing right now and will be submitting some screenies today, now that I have a few families in order.
When the new CEP is ready,(I haven't checked yet) I will start some new objects, from FreeTime bases.
I was thinking of recoloring some of the new clothing as well, but I bet the more talented skinners of TSR are already on top of that. Well, back to my game! Yay!

Nice to Have a Break!

After a much needed break, I am on my back to TSR :) A wonderful lady named Atwa (Anita) convinced me to just take a break and think. She was right. I just needed to get away from the Sims game for a little while. But now, I feel rested and creative again. So I will be uploading this set soon: Fremont.

Latest Headlines

Guess who's back?!?! Back To School , but still... Sorry To All New Set and More Sneak Peak Monkey Business! Kitchen Set On Its Way Fews days of MIA New Bedroom Collection and A... FreeTime! Nice to Have a Break!
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