PureElements's Blog
I'm Leaving
For a while anyways. I am not having as much fun creating lately. It starting to feel like work, not the hobby I used to enjoy and take pride in. My creativity is at a stand still.I will still create now and then, but only when I feel the urge. I still enjoy playing the game, and I am going to get back to enjoying the world of the Sims.
So keep a look out every once and a while - you will see something new on my profile. Happy Simming everyone :)
Caught The Flu
But getting back on track! I caught the stomach flu and it spread throughout our family, so it had been a busy week for me, and i wasn't able to get anything done. Mine only lasted a day or so, but the kids had more trouble than me to get over it. They sure kept me busy!Well, now that we are all feeling much better, I will be getting back into creating. I can't wait for this winter to be over!
Two Sets This Week
I have two object sets for you this week. Looks like the Office Ultimate as taken well. I hope all who downloaded it enjoy it! I worked many days on that laptop, trying to make it unique.upcoming is a little set for the warm outdoors, beachside, ect. I love the idea of an outdoor bath and if I ever , oh I don't know, win the lottery or something (*knocks on wood*) I would definately add that to my future home. LOL
I'm going to be rather busy this week, my daughter is receiving an award at school on Thursday, and then payday is Friday - woohoo! I think I am the only person in the world who gets excited about grocery shopping. Yikes! I need to get out more!
Then Monday is my nephews Birthday. So I am going to try and squeeze in some clothing sets this weekend. Try is the key word here. :P 'Till then!
Creating Frenzy
Or at least, as much as I can. I have already made a few good sets, and want to try to focus on more clothing. For now I am going to create for which ever age I am inspired with at the moment, mainly because the sim guys are so hard to create for! But I will keep trying, promise! I hope my skinning/meshing skills will improve as I go on, and will have created a grand wardrobe for your sims. ;)I will also sneak in the usual object sets. I always have ideas going through my mind, so no worries there.
Happy Simming!
How was your Holiday?
I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday. Mine was hectic and is still not over. I have a few days break where everyone is doing their own thing, so I must pop in here and see what I can get done! No promises, but I am working on a set or two. Hopefully the New Years themed one will be finished by today. :) I may not get around to another blog post, so have a fun, happy and safe new years everyone!For all Guestbook Signers
If that is even a proper title? :DThankyou for all the wonderful Christmas greetings. I will try to get back to all of them, but you wonderful people are so quick I have trouble keeping up! So in case I don't get to it:
Thank you all so much for the wonderful Christmas Wishes! i truly appreciate the words of kindness! Have a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
Ya/Am as promised!
Here is the first set I have in store for you for the YA/Am Fashion Set series. Hope you like it and I am working on getting one more out before end of the week. Also, I will be leaving Dec.23 for my Holiday and you won't hear from me for about a week. I'll pop in with some pictures around the 5th. Atleast I will have some interesting pics to share, and I will actually be in clothing other than my jammies. LOL Have a wonderful Holiday all and a great New Year!Apology and Merry Christmas
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Season. And I hope you can forgive me for not submitting much recently! I get so busy this time of year, I get to pop in to TSR once in a while, but to sit down and create is a hard thing to do. I am constantly recieving company, as my family and friends get more social during the holiday season. They take away from my Sims! :DPlus shopping, wrapping, phone calls and preperations for the meals (we have a HUGE family), it seems like my day never ends. Oh well it will all be over in about 18 more days, plus two days or so to nurse my headache after new years! lol But I love every minute of it!
So I have a few hours to finish up a set today, I hope to have it out soon. Something to entertain your moderate sized Sim family during the holidays.
Merry Christmas all!
Poll Results and New Stuff
Thanks for voting everyone. It has given me good insight to what you all are looking for. It seems you want to see YA/AM clothing. I'll aim to please:) I'll concentrate on sets for this catagory for a while, then I will move onto the next popular, and so on.1. Adult/YA Male
2. Elder Male
3. Adult/YA Female
4. Child/Toddler Male
5. Elder Female
6. Child/Toddler Female
Firstly I have some Christmas items I want to get out, as 'tis the season eh?
Watch for updates and another poll, this time for objects. There will be a lot of choices so be ready. :D
First Lot Upcoming!
My first lot for upload will be available Friday! It's a beachfront lodging, North Bay Restaurant and Cabins. i worked very hard on it and I hope I did ok and that you all enjoy it. Check out the preview in the upcoming section on my profile. :)Also, I would like to say thank you to those responsible for my selection as Select Artist winner this month. It feels really good just to be noticed like that! I hope I keep doing well enough and thank you everyone here for the lovely comments and congrats!
lastly, I just added a poll. I want to try making more clothing, but I need a starting point. What better way then to get your opinions on what you would like to see in clothing catagories. It's a basic poll. Happy voting!