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PureElements's Blog

Sienna Bedroom

Hey everyone, I have a lovely new bedroom set on the way! And recolors in the making. It took me a while to finish. I changed my mind about a million times on what I wanted this set to look like. But, I finally finished! Yay! It will be published tomorrow. And hopefully I will have some recolors ready for the next few days, so keep a look out!

Busy Busy Busy

This week is a busy week for me. I've started my pre-winter-spring cleaning. I like to get the place aired out, organized and bleached down before winter comes, because we will be spending more time indoors and less time being active. That means more mess! NOOOO! LOL It will make my real spring cleaning job less of a nightmare.
Then there are checkups, boosters and other health appointments. Plus I need a good grocery store run.
What does this all have to do with the Sims you ask? Well, its taking time away from the the Sims of course! And I have a neat bathroom lined up for you. Hopefully I can get around to a sneak preview by weeks end. Wish me luck, mostly in not losing my head. LOL

Solace Recolors

Important Update! There was an issue with the sink, it did not want to pull recolors. I have fixed that and will be adding sink recolors to the sets soon! Please re-download the fixed version, if you want future recolors. So so sorry! *************************************** I have completed a bunch of recolors for the Solace Kitchen. I have been working non-stop to get them done and finally left is to upload them! That is a task in itself, LOL. So for now I have one recolor set uploaded called "Vibrance". I will complete the other two tomorrow! But here is a preview of what to expect. Hope you like!

Good News/Bad News

Well, I have completed a new nursery set and it is quite cute. Yay! The only problem in things aren't looking so great graphics wise. Yes my Nvidia is finally dying after a year of stressful use. And it will cost me over a thousand dollars for a new one...which I do not have! I feel like crying.... So if my previews look blurry and awful, it is the card. I can not run anything on full settings anymore and a few times my computer has crashed as a result of "failed graphics adapter". If I can't create anymore I will be so depressed!!!!!!The Sims are my life next to my kids! :( I will try to get a few more sets out before it goes completely, wish me luck in finding a newer, better, shinier (and hopefully cheaper ;) ) card!

Projects Galore!

Well, I have a whole bunch of projects ahead of me! I'm going to be trying to produce some recolors for the Solace kitchen, as a request. Maybe some light and dark woods, black and white and even a bold red? I'm not sure yet, but I hope it all turns out.

I have also been given the idea to do a nursery in the same style as the Dionna Teen Bedroom. I am excited to do that, as it will look very elegant and sure to please the Sim babies.

I also want to get some more Halloween things out before end of the week. Some misc. decorations to decorate the home. I was thinking window stickers, hanging spiders and tree ghosts? WhoOOoooo KnooOOOooows...LOL

For now, I am taking a few days to actually play the game. I need to kick start my creativity. And just enjoy the Sims! I still haven't experienced everything BV has to offer, and now that my game is all patched up, maybe the lag won't hurt so much :(. LOL Well, see you in a few days with some new creations!

Shangrila Mesh Set

It could be alivingroom, it could be a bedroom, or even an outdoors set. I don't know, but I have made it for you! The Shangrila Mesh Set: I hope to do some more colorful recolors and some modern tones too. But first on to the Halloween stuff I keep mentioning but never get to LOL. I've gotten some ideas from the forums, like lighted witches, mummies, ect., so look for a scary set in the next few days.

Peree Dining - coming soon to you!

I finished the dining set and I really like it and am going to venture at least one recolor set for it. A lighter version, maybe with more mossy tones? Here is a preview of the set, which will be out sometime on the 13th: After this, I have been searching for popular Halloween decorations that will be a hit in your Sims yards! I will get started on that in a few days, but first I will battle a recolor for the Peree Set. Anyways, hope you enjoy and drop me a line if there is anything you need! 'Till then, time for bed :)

Hello, I'm back!

Hey, I've been gone for a while now, almost two weeks! I think? LOL I had a bunch of things to deal with, including my internet connection, grrr.... Well, I have a new dining set coming up that is kind of fancy and stylish. It almost looks like the new one I just bought, I love it so much! I have to share it, even if only in Sims form ;). I'll update in a day or so with pics of the new set and ideas for a spooky Halloween theme. Till then...

Wow! On top of the World!

Yeah, as you can tell, I feel great! I came to upload a new set and discovered that I was one of the chosen to become an SA! I always wanted to be selected as an FA at TSR and being considered for SA status makes me want to jump out of my chair, I am so happy! Then jump right back in to get more sets created! LOL Ok so now that my excitement is under control, here is a preview for the new Princes Playroom I promised you. My daughter decided it was great, so i hope you all enjoy it too! It will be out shortly. Recolors to come soon!

BV and a new set

So, you've probably be wondering where I have been. Well, I finally got my copy of Bon Voyage and let me say it is so cool! I've been dabbling with it and love every minute of the game. I can't wait for the patch, though as this EP really needs it! Also, a brand new set and recolor is on its way. A modern office dubbed Marua. It should be out shortly! As for upcoming sets,my daughter, as a 6 year old girl does, has requested of me a girly princess playroom. Since she will not give me any peace until I make this for her, it will be my next project and she has given me permission to share it with you all. LOL So look out for a playroom for girls stocked with frilly princess goodies!

Latest Headlines

Sienna Bedroom Busy Busy Busy Solace Recolors Good News/Bad News Projects Galore! Shangrila Mesh Set Peree Dining - coming soon to you! Hello, I'm back! Wow! On top of the World! BV and a new set
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