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RatRaceRob's Guestbook

fabrizioammolloApr 9, 2011

Hi Rob! I'm so eager to read your story! Unfortunately it's not realesed yet. After having read April ones I'm very very curious to see the other side of the coin... \;\). I'm sure the two of you will make it brilliant and very entertaining for us. Wish you all the best. F.

spladoumApr 8, 2011

Oooh, yeah ... no drugs for Jesse, please ... no Charlie-Sheen-type behavior ... ROFL ...

YrS92Apr 6, 2011

Hi there my furry friend \:\) Thank you bunches for that great comment on chapter 48 \:D I'm so glad it made you rofl, that is my main goal with the Gardens \:P Have a great day, hugs, Senja

spladoumApr 5, 2011

Awww, thank you, dear rat! \:wub\:  You are always too kind to me--I hope that your cast will enjoy their new duds \:\)

murfeelApr 4, 2011

I agee with Abuk0; your avatar gets me every time; it's hilarious. \:P lol Anyways, thanks for sticking with me to the end! \:D I'm glad you liked it -- that poor caterpillar.... *facepalm* ...and I'm just sitting here trying to figure out what to do next! \:P I don't know how people find the TIME, really. \:o I had all kinds of ideas in my head: maybe Labyrinth, or Sleeping Beauty, or doing nursery rhymes (I'm quite partial to that idea \:D ) but I just have to get the time to make the cast, the sets, and conjure up a story. \:\( The pressure's on! \:rah\: But I really do hope you'll like whatever I come up with! \:wub\: (And I hope it doesn't take me another half a year to finish it, either! \:P LMAO \:D ) Have a great Sunday, and wish me luck! \:D

abuk0Apr 1, 2011

hi rat\:D big thanks  that you like my pattern\:rah\: and btw....your avatar is great ,too\;\) take care

spladoumMar 31, 2011

Jared is not amused by your amusement \:mad\:

spladoumMar 28, 2011

Yeah, Gwen and I will have to have a 'remedial' explanation that steam is not a joke. \:rolleyes: Love that girl, but somedays ...

lilliebouMar 27, 2011

\:o You are going to use it in the series ? Wow ! I can't wait to see it !

lilliebouMar 27, 2011

\:D Hi R 3  ahah ! Thank you veeeery much for your funny comment on my set Witchcraft ! You know that you rock too ! I love your stories, I still read them even if I do not write comment very often (My english is so bad, it makes me shy). Have a nice day !

urm0mMar 26, 2011

I am actually a teacher in real life \:P he would easily get an A+ from me \:D

anura32Mar 25, 2011

Hey Thank you so much for commenting on the two stories I created. There is a lot more I want to.. But then dont seem to get time in the hectic schedule. Hope to write the next chapter soon.

murfeelMar 25, 2011

*to the accompaniment of eerie waiting and howling winds* Rooooooooooob! How dare you laught at my makeshift caterpillaaaaaarrrrrr! You will never sleep peacefully agaaaaaaaaaaaaain! \:ph34r\: LMAO \:P

YrS92Mar 25, 2011

Hi there Rob \:\) Thank you for commenting chapter 47, glad you enjoyed it \:D Cartier and Cherry are indeed pushing Eggplant into married life but we'll see if Elderberry has something planned in her little uptight head \;\) Have a great day, hugs, Senja

-kalisa-Mar 24, 2011

Hi Rob! \:D Thanks for commenting on my story "Mistake" and sorry for replying so late. It would be nice if TSR had  notifications about new comments, wouldn't it? \:\) I am planning (or was planning at least) to continue the story but I'm not sure when. It appears that I'm horrible at continuing the stories that I start... \:P Or just very slow, LOL. Hope you'll have a great weekend! \:D Kalisa

fredbrennyMar 24, 2011

My favorite ball of fur!!! ((((Rob))))  sorry... It is meant in an affectionate way, not to make fun of you... Maybe I should say it differently... My favorite rat, my favorite creature in white fur... THANKS... for the wonderful comments on the Bubbles story. I find it hard to let people go, and take in new ones you are supposed to like and dislike as much as the first batch...\:\) But... Wesley will be in and out now and then... maybe joining them for cocktails when he is delivering his fresh fish to the B&B. Jozef is one of my favorites. He needs to guide Kenny to the next level. Have to work on that chapter! But it is oh so much fun! \:D  Thanks my friend... your comments are the best!

murfeelMar 24, 2011

\:D Nice talking with you again! \:rah\: Oh man, I have been AWAY from the Story area, haven't I!? \:\( But I simply HAD to finish this story, it was bugging me even in my sleep, and I'm just so glad that I finally finished everything and am getting them submitted! ^-^ I just submitted Part 4, so hopefully I'll be able to get the entire story out there in a flash, without another half-year wait! *facepalm* I love the positive and warm reception I'm getting, and thank you SO much for your compliment on the Rabbit Hole! \:wub\: That was actually my favorite part in the entire Wonderland experience, made by me or Disney or Burton or Lewis Carroll--just my favorite. \:wub\: Yeah, those Sims I made are a real hoot; I was on some old meds or something when I made them! LMAO I would like to submit a few of them, and am thinking about it a lot. \:\) I just have ZERO TIME!!!! *weeping* I hope you keep reading--the story just gets crazier, trust me! lol \:P Happy Simming, and have a great rest of the week! \:wub\:

YrS92Mar 23, 2011

Rob! Thank you so much for reading and commenting the chapter 46, and also for the comment in my guestbook \:D You won't have to wait too long for the next chapter, I just have to hit the submit button at some point \;\) I hope you have a great day, and if you have time, please join the whole lot of us on skype \;\) Hugs, Senja

fabrizioammolloMar 22, 2011

Hi Rob! My pleasure! I'm eager to see how tho story will progress, I have the feeling that will be very funny for us, but maybe not so much for some of the protagonists... Cheers, F.

spladoumMar 22, 2011

**sends over a bottle of Tranquillex** Be calm, Jesse dear! \:eek\:

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