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RatRaceRob's Guestbook

eviOct 20, 2011

Hi Rat! Today I read  the last chapter of your"childhood" story and I was so much cought by the way it was written and your shots that I just had to go back and read carefuly all the chapters.  You have done an amazing work with it and you are very talented in many aspects: shooting, writting... I can ensure you that I could listen to a backround music sometimes\:\) I am looking forward to your next story\:\)

spladoumOct 12, 2011

Hello there, my dear furry friend \:wub\: So you smell the stinky comic paper, do you! \:D The Gregorios are a bit of a mess. They're about to get messier. Perhaps because of that rock about to fall on them. LOL ...

KilhianOct 9, 2011

Hello dear friend~ I wanted to start Tales from the Flipside  but the pictures won't load, so I will have to try again later. I will be looking forward for the funtimes then \;\) Thank you, may you have a wonderful weekend yourself! Take care \:\)

KilhianOct 1, 2011

You are quite welcome, I loved it, made my day! I need to take a look at your stories one day... I will find the time \;\)

HellsaintSep 26, 2011

Heh. Thanks for reading my chapter and loving my screenshots, Rob \;\) \:wub\: Alot of contradictions going on, I know! \:D Asuna was just at the wrong place and at the wrong time... unfortunately... and Lee? Well, he's pretty messed up himself! \:eek\: Now even Susanoo wants a take at him... because he is the Black Sun? (Ok, I believe MOST of the mysteries will be cleared up in the next couple of chapters, hopefully \:P ) So sit tight, my furry friend and enjoy the ride \;\) Take care and have a great week!

spladoumSep 24, 2011

*picks up Lydia, moves her veeeeeeeeeeeery far away from Jared Frio* There. \:P Good to know that you are making room for Gwen's hair accessories ... you may have to build a closet for her clothes ... \:P \:D

Fred&BarbSep 24, 2011

(((Rob)))) Friendly friend!!! \:wub\:  We are a bit late with our thank you's! Fred here s just toooo busy with all sort of things (Sims related I might add) :P  Yes... you have a keen eye, that girl is preggers... O dear Oh boy... or girl *chuckle*  We are working on part 3... Need to get some in-laws in from France... you MUST have an idea what they are like. \:D  Thanks for reading this soapie of our lives!  BIG HUGGGS

ShelleyBSep 23, 2011

Oh boy, is Professor Crowley going to be ticked off when (if?) he learns Gracie has uber plans for Ariel. If so, I'm certain he will have a goofy expression on his face for me to snap a shot of. \;\) It's been fun playing my game and making a story out of it, and I'll miss this cast of "characters" now that it's over, but I get bored easily so will surely find someone else to get into trouble, and then have to share their escapades. \:P Aside from my little ditty, I was sad to see April's finale, but hope we can see more of Gwen and Jesse later? Many thanks and have a good weekend! \:D

ShelleyBSep 23, 2011

\:D Thanks for your comments on my Fiendish Plots chapter. For some reason, I just can't take Professor Crowley's evil-ness very seriously, and neither can he. Personally, I think he is headed for an identity crisis. *lol* Maybe the evil genius profession isn't his true calling, but I'd be really afraid to make him a gardener. Just imagine what he could do with a garden full of omniplants? A rebirth of "The Little Shop of Horrors" no doubt.  BTW: I love Jesse and Disco in the tub. I'll be humming "Disco Duck" the rest of the afternoon now (with not-so-clean thoughts about Disco's bath partner!) Take care!!

spladoumSep 22, 2011

Allo, my lovely! Thank you for the comments on my screenies (and the 'non'-comment on the one ... don't get yourself in trouble, Mr. Rat. Or you, Mr. LeBeau. \:D) --all my creativity seems to be going into writing and creating at the present so I'm glad that my screenshots are still coming out passable. BTW, did you intend for pollsters to be able to vote in favor of the duck and the pony? Because I just did. Bwa ha. :P

-kalisa-Sep 22, 2011

Hi Rob! \:D Thank you so much for commenting on my story! I'm glad you liked it \:\) I got bored and started re-reading Tales From The Cribt and now I'm trying hard not to smile (or worse, laugh) because my lecturer would probably mind, LOL. Behaviourism is a serious subject, after all. \:o \:D

RamSnakeSep 21, 2011

Aye \:D

RamSnakeSep 20, 2011

i adore your avatar! \:D (and goin' to read these stories of yours. no, really, how is it possible to ignore a man with such a duck!?! XD)

Nemesis_3050Sep 20, 2011

I wish you a super cool day ^ 3^ (smooch)

fabrizioammolloSep 19, 2011

Dear Friend! It's always a pleasure to read your stories! I've been loving them since "Tales from the crib" and you got to this point in the bat of an eye.  Now I'm waiting for Gwen's side of the romance \:\)! About Disco Duck hopefully the toy will soon amuse someone younger than Jesse... \;\) You know who I'm talking about! Have a fantastic week. F.

-kalisa-Sep 18, 2011

Hehe, it actually is haunted! \:D It's the House of Fallen Trees in Downtown (Sims 2). Since no one lives there anymore, I figured it would make a great orphanage with Mrs. Crumplebottom as the owner, LOL.

HellsaintSep 18, 2011

Hee hee... It is really hard to describe Jesse in one word, that's for sure \;\) But he's definitely different from the first time I met him, and that is a good thing \;\) \:D And yep! Totally rootin' for Henry, that kid needs all the help he can get \:P Though, I have to say that Holly is really brave for her age. Leo is just... smart \:\) Jesse and his Laundro-Mat Cave, with the 4 sidekicks-in-training... Man. Hope he knows what he is doing with these innocent kids \:ph34r\: And thank you for very for the amazing feedback to The Warning! \:o \:D I like screen 27 as well \:wub\: As for Anton... heh, I would like to see how a person ,who runs all the time, stand his ground to fight. heh the 'creepy' twins LOL Erm... well I honestly have no idea where their parents are either \:o , but Lee's parents are pretty... eh... distant. More on the next chapter \;\) Adam adopting Lee?! \:eek\: Now that's a thought... lol. Hope the weekend has been well, have a good week ahead Robster \;\)

fabrizioammolloSep 18, 2011

Hi Rob! I forgot to congratulate you on having Childhood 9 featured! Without any doubts it's fully deserved! F.

fabrizioammolloSep 18, 2011

Hi Rob! Thank you very much for letting me know that the new chapter is out, I was hoping to find it. I have to go now: I have an interesting reading waiting for me \;\)! Have a great week-end, my Friend. F.

spitzmagicSep 18, 2011

(((Rob))) hey there..I left a plate of cheese for you, no the duck can't have any \:Dbeside one can't eat cheese in a tub but one can sure cut the cheese in a tub ROFL hahahah anyway thanks for your awesome comments. It is always a pleasure to see that you have visited my space. The little darling is Dexter his mother is an alien from Hidden Spring and his father is well let's say normal LOL. I did notice that myself when I took the shot. His little friendly is now a real life sim. Too bad I wasn't intending to use this family in a story because they sure have been surprising. Ready for a long post??? No???? Well too bad cause your going to get one anyway. LOL Once upon a time there was the lady who fell from the sky. She married this well know musiclal genius. A baby boy was born..Dexter..the lady went to the shop and flirted with her best friend the husband saw it though he telescope and was completely mad at her for 7 days and at which point he decided to break it off with her. (I could not stop it. I tried to X the transaction) so me following along with my crazy sim just sat back and watched. He walked up to her broke up with her and BAM! they where divorced but he stayed in the house. He had a clone coupon with and got a clone of himself *Baxter* now two sons. The mother  gave a real life potion to Dexter and he gave it to Snuggles now there are 3 boys in the house. Dexter, Baxter and Snuggles now the father also took a trip to the past and came back with a girl LOL I forgot her name Penny I think....so now the mother and father are frined again and are soon to re-marry. ROFL...shoulda been taken tons of screens...funny little sims...anyway where was I ...oh thank you so much for your awesome comment. Have a great rest of your weekend.  (Whew now I need a drink of water all that talking...) LOL \:D :P

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