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RatRaceRob's Guestbook

jubeauty2003Sep 17, 2011

fabrizioammolloSep 17, 2011

Dear Rob! I would said that most of all the duck knows... \:D But we all like him so much because he is. I hope to read soon about him and his family. Waiting to see the family getting larger too. Have a great ween-end! F.

HellsaintSep 16, 2011

Yo Rob \:\) Aisa tends to poke her fingers in many situations and sometimes, not for the best \:o Asuna has a lot on her plate currently... Another damsel in distress to be saved \:P Holy crap, it DOES feel like The Shining! \:eek\: Must have stuck somewhere in my subconscious... As long as I don't have a scene with "Here's Johnny"... I think everything should be fine \:D \:P Yay! Thanks for reading the Awakening! Glad you like how the plot is turning out and for loving the screens \:wub\: Sure took awhile to hear from you though, hope you are well \;\)

YrS92Sep 3, 2011

Hey there my furry friend \:wub\: I have been awfully busy lately but now I'm finally stopping by to thank you for commenting the latest Garden chapter \:\) I don't know when the next chapter will be out, school is taking most of my energy at the moment, but don't worry, the Gardens will return sooner or later \:P Have a great day, hugs, Senja

fabrizioammolloAug 30, 2011

And I must say that I'm pretty curious about how things will develop on Uncle Jesse side: I can't wait for "Childhood" and "Occasionally yours" chapters. I guess Jono and Dany second child will soon join the Simansky family. I'm eager to know her too. Have a great week. F.

fabrizioammolloAug 30, 2011

Hi Rob, Dear Friend! You are most welcome! I'm sure things will improve for Jules and also for his dad. Haha! I think that it was nice seeing things from Uno's point of view. When I was a kid I had a goldfish, his name was Goldfish (four years old can be very imaginative, can't they?) and he lived for 6 year in a bowl. Anyway he wasn't too upset and he used to bubble when I came back home. It is said as silent as a fish, but mine gurgled... I hope Jules will get everything his pet is looking for. Hugs, F.

HellsaintAug 30, 2011

No worries, Rob. \;\) Do take your time to enjoy the stories, no point rushing through! \:P take care and hope to hear from you soon. Have a good week \:\)

spladoumAug 23, 2011

Well, you know Connor. As annoying and stuffy as he can be, he's nothing if not loyal \:\) Besides, he and Jared have unlimited access to those deep fonts of guilt--their parents--so he'd better come if he doesn't wanna hear from Mrs. Eugenia! \:D

ShelleyBAug 23, 2011

Hahaha. Twyla and her "former" boss, Dr. Manson, have been given a permanent leave of absence from their employer, don't you think? \:P Yeah, I have conflicted feelings about the stability of our eminent Professor Crowley. It's not that his elevator doesn't go to the top floor, it seems to shoot past the mark and into some unknown realm of chaos. \:ph34r\:  I feel Dr. Warner's appearance is going to be the most telling feature as to her abilities as a leader. Talk about someone in serious need of a plastic surgeon! \:eek\:  Thank you very much for your comments! \:D

HellsaintAug 19, 2011

Hello hello Robster!!! \:D Wow, you really like the recent chapter? The praise was... wow. \:o \:P Sorry, can't really find the words to describe the happiness/appreciation/excitement I felt (is there a word for all those feelings anyway? \:P ) Thank you so much for the amazing comments! Glad you liked the episode and now im in a pickle of what I should write for next week lol. \:P  I really think Uno is a really cool name for a minnow and hope he just doesn't get fed too much from Jules (Jules can love something too much i think \;\) ) Anyhow! Hope you had a great week so far and have a gret weekend ahead, my dear friend(rat) :P

flody888Aug 18, 2011

You're welcome! I feel so lucky to be able to read your stories! Thank you for creating and sharing them!!! \:\)

spladoumAug 17, 2011

**drunken giggling**

dreamjuiceAug 17, 2011

Hello, little rat! (Although, you always have me contemplating who IS the Rob, behind the rat?) Just wanted to show my appreciation once more, since you always find time to reply to my comments and although I have wanted to write, I just have no inspiration... \:\( Where do you find yours? I need a peice. I also can't wait for Jesse's reaction to his pending daddyhood... though I'm envious, haha! How many installments left till the end of childhood? And will you be doing more? I hope so. \:D 

spladoumAug 16, 2011

He would if he could 1) get a moment alone with her to 2) talk some sense into the air under that hair. As it currently stands, she's never alone, and if he just gave her the number in her current state, she'd blab it to one of her very well-intentioned friends and they'd throw it away for her ... and in some ways, wouldn't that be even worse?

fredbrennyAug 16, 2011

Blossom (Bubbles's daughter) now has Jules's age... have to go back to them and see to it she has friends to play with. Luckily she is growing up in Bridgeport... so no Nasty Alto twins (God.. please... that she would not EVER think of marrying one of them... BLEHHHH) \;\) She is, indeed very cute \:wub\:

spladoumAug 14, 2011

Maybe she will. Mama and Dada are reclusive and sad since Grandma and Grandpa went away. \:\(

spladoumAug 14, 2011

**says nothing** \:\)

fabrizioammolloAug 13, 2011

Hello Rob! I agree with you, but I'm afraid that to see Gwen's decision we have to wait for the next installment of “Occasionally Yours” :P, and who know? Everything could happen... Have a great week-end! F.

HellsaintAug 13, 2011

Heh, my weekend so far is great, thanks Rob \;\) I really like Henry and his dad, they are the little gems in the story that makes it so much more... what's the word... "wholesome"? \:o I like Leo and his family too, especially when he was telling Jules his wish for a brother LOL \:D Kids. \:P They are such an awesome element to the series *sigh* Dammit, now i have to sit tight for the next one?! Gah! \:P You have a great weekend too \;\)

TanyellaAug 13, 2011

oh please you deserve a whole bar of chocolate you furry little freak

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