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RatRaceRob's Guestbook

spladoumAug 13, 2011

"A game? The only game I ever played was 'Guess Whose Undies.' Prolly not something you wanna do with your in-laws' unmentionables." \:D

fabrizioammolloAug 12, 2011

It's me again: I forgot to offer my congratulations to you for the more than deserved feature! F.

fabrizioammolloAug 12, 2011

Hi Rob, dear Friend! In the end, but right in time, the action of being family oriented gave great results! congrats to the excellent director! Have a great week-end! F.

HellsaintAug 11, 2011

Aha! I see that you have been reading my chapters in really good speed, Rob \:D Let me first thank you for the wonderful comments on my chapters and next, thanking you again for taking the extra time to look at my screenies. Really appreciate it \:wub\: As for your question to the chapter Worries, well, the characters are going come together very very soon, will guarantee that \;\) Though, maybe I introduced a little too many \:P Will it be an apocalyptic clash? heh, we will have to wait \:D For Waiting, well, I can say that Betsie's role is going to be pretty different in the times to come... will leave you with that for now \;\) And yeah, I love the Susanoo character! \:D The mastermind and plotter since the first series, let's see how the Fates will deal with this badass. \:P Again, thank you for going through my stuff, my ratty friend. Now scurry along till the new chapter is out \;\) Take care

martoeleAug 11, 2011

Thank you Rob for you nice words on the last part of my Moon Story... \:\)  It took me some time to finish it because part of me didn't want to say goodbye to them.... \:\(

fabrizioammolloAug 9, 2011

Hi Rob! You are welcome! You know that I love your stories \;\)! Waiting (SOON! :P) for the Family oriented trait to come in action. I wish you too a great week! F.

ohgodcaitlynAug 8, 2011

I am always so late with responding.. but thank you for the love of Once Upon A Time ! The next chapter is out (: and hopefully another will be soon too. Have a nice night \:D

HellsaintAug 4, 2011

Hola rob, its me again, spamming your GB \:P I see that you have seen the first chapter of the new series, New Beginnings! Yay \:D *sigh* Have a feeling that this will be my longest series yet, too much to do in the new place \:o Thank you for the comments! As long as the power users are not aggrevated by him, I don't think Adam will have a problem... but we know that usually doesn't happen since Adam thinks with his feet and he, himself, is of such an unusual nature \:D Yep, Toji is pretty short on meat himself too huh?! \:D That's the feeling i get when i read the new age japanese comics, all the characters are ridiculously thin!! \:eek\: I wonder how they even have the energy to stand \:confused\: Anyway, better plug myself here and spare you from my incessant babbling \:P Take care and have a great day my friend \;\)

spladoumAug 3, 2011

\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

ShelleyBAug 2, 2011

\:D Thanks for your comments on the latest Machine installment. I'm having fun in my personal life, so the silliest of the screenshots I take are the ones that grab my interest. \;\) It is too easy to phrase corny lines to go along with Grace Anne and her melodramatic "traits." Time for her to grow up and stop blaming all her shortcomings on that darned Liberal Arts College! :P

HellsaintAug 2, 2011

Haha, you sound almost sad with the end of the series, my ratty friend \:P Not to worry and please don't brood at a corner! The new chapter is out and just submitted a 2nd one. \:D Hope it doesn't get the "rejection" smack tho \:eek\: Thanks for following with me through the end of the first series and your comments are really enjoyable to read \:P \:D Thank you also for the encouragement and feedback too, wouldn't have made it this far without them \:wub\: Take care of yourself and hope to hear from you soon \;\) 

fredbrennyAug 2, 2011

Hi there Rob! \:wub\: Hope you are well, and I wanted to let you know Bubbles is keeping your nest in her kitchen... You can stay when en how long you want! Thanks for the comments... Thanks for all the warm and heartfelt support! I am pretty sure there will be at least a follow up on Bubbles and Barry. Just a one chapter update or maybe a new series? A new season? I will ned some crazy and funky guests though to keep readers interested. \:\) You have been great through these 9 chapters. I can't wait for the next Simanski chapter and I need to get Fred and Barb all ready for their next story. Enough to do so to say... \;\)  Talk to you later furry friend! KISS & HUG

ShelleyBJul 28, 2011

\:wub\: Thanks for your compliments on Tia's Broken Nose. I went surfing for Barbie doll images to build Dr. Amelia, "plastic" surgeon. She was actually designed to look like that. \;\) Oops, I dragged NPCs into the Machine Story and needed to turn them into regular Simmies to use them again \:o -- a broken nose from the fight seemed like an easy way to do it. I had fun, anyway. :P

HellsaintJul 24, 2011

Rob-san (A little japanese for you :P), you are back!!!! Thank you for reading so quickly! \:D I also just noticed that you commented on my screenie (yeah, a little late don't you think? \:o  \;\)  \;\), thanks for the awesome comments for my chapters and screenshot! I really love yours, Jules and the Outdoor pic is really heart warming \:wub\: , and Googly eyes? LOL!!! Love it! \:D \:D Will be taking a little break since the last chapter is out, so i'll wait with baited breath (and popcorn \;\) ) for your next installment! \;\) Take care and have a great week! \:\)  -Frank 

ohgodcaitlynJul 20, 2011

Sorry for taking FOREVER to get to you, but it makes me happy to see that you are reading and commenting on Once Upon A Time! Maybe eventually the girls will learn how to cut those puppet master strings \;\)

Yngven93Jul 19, 2011

Hi! The last two chapters of "Welcome to..." have really been great \:rah\: . Iv'e been abroad for almost a month and then now that I returned home I found myself with the awesome gift of two unread chapters just sitting there waiting for me^^ I love the story and can't wait for the countinuation \:rah\:, Have a great week and thanks for the gift \:D

flody888Jul 16, 2011

You're welcome! \:\) I'm guessing that the end is near with so many loose ends being tied up (Holden + River and Jesse + Gwen)? I can't wait to see how it all turns out even if I'm dreading the ending of both series! \:\( Have a wonderful weekend!!!

spladoumJul 15, 2011

Hmm.  The economy's pretty crappy, but women still love their designer dresses, and women especially love designer dresses that are still new-in-box-with-tags, so ... yeah, I think Gwen'll have enough dough left over to get herself wherever she ultimately decides to go! \:D  **sighs, smiles**  She may need a nudge, though, huh?  Good thing she's had one ... \;\)

HellsaintJul 13, 2011

Oi Rob my man! Haha, indeed, there is quite a bt of mucking and tool-ing in this little chapter eh? \:D But I assure you, it is needed for the next chapter, though I haven't got down to writing it yet. \:o Thank you for your commentary posts \:cool\: and time to read my stuff. Hopefully, this chapter managed to answer questions and was not too dense. \:wacko\: Have a great day \;\) -Frank

ShelleyBJul 12, 2011

\:wacko\: No, right now I'm not so sure Ariel's elevator goes all the way to the top. She is pretty naive, though, so may not even be aware what kind of trouble she's headed for. OR, what kind of trouble she drags Grace Anne into.. What to do, what to do? \:\(

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