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RatRaceRob's Guestbook

flody888Jul 11, 2011

Cool! I will be watching for it! \:D Hope you're having a fun summer too! \:rah\:

HellsaintJul 11, 2011

Haha! 'holy craptastic cowplant'?! best exclaimation I've heard today \:P The comments were HILARIOUS!!! Totally Rob-like and rat-tastic \:D Adam has an old head alright... a REALLY old one \:\) Thinks too much for his own good. Mei, mei, mei... she has more secrets than I know, still trying to find out about this woman, but then again, I have been trying to figure women since grade school... So I can REALLY understand how Jules feel \:o And that weird old lady? yeah, she's weird. :x Hoping that chapter 3 would answer some doubts, but it may just serve to bring up more questions lol. Anyway, I'm glad you read my stuff, your comments made my day \:\) -Frank

spladoumJul 11, 2011

Well, dying laughing isn't so bad of a way to go, I think \:o \:o  Alas, Jared won't be doing too much laughing soon ... :P

ShelleyBJul 11, 2011

\:D Thanks for looking over "The Machine." I enjoyed your comments. Yes, it's true that Ariel has some sneaky plans up her synthetic sleeve, and I hope to get the message across without too much junk getting in the way. (I run toward the verbose rather easily. \:o )

HellsaintJul 10, 2011

Hey Rob, no worries. I say it as it is. Its truly a good work and I can understand it went through lots of effort, especially since I just started writing my story chapters. Really looking forward to seeing how Jesse works it out, Jules is just too cute and all the other messed up crew \:D Good luck!

ShelleyBJul 9, 2011

\:D Rob! Robbie-Rob-Rob-Rob. I'm running around and propositioning people; soliciting business, so to speak. I just submitted a story!! Can you imagine? Oh, the horror! IF the darned thing gets published, would you be so kind as to sneak a peak at it and give me some (much needed) pointers? I am BRAZENLY asking for views, yes I know, but my intentions are altruistic. All I want is to become a good writer, so am looking to great writers for advice. (I believe the appropriate initial response to this request could be: "What a presumptious COW !" Ok, that's fair... \:o)

J_andrews8081Jul 3, 2011

well, Im officially dying! I wish you could 4x and deliver another hilarious and otherwise awesome chapter, preferably, now! \:\) Hope the process is going well, and figured i would give a friendly prod! \:wub\:

spladoumJul 2, 2011

Mummy hug! \:D Hopefully that's all he wanted.  "She" was nice n' plump so she prolly would have made a good meal if he'd been inclined that way.  LOL! ... okay, stopping now.  **chuckles**

fredbrennyJun 28, 2011

... ah... 2 April characters I said: yes... Kenneth Steel (of course) and Vincent Deare... oh dear....

fredbrennyJun 28, 2011

Rob, my favorite ((((rat)))) ... Bubbles has NO idea what the future will bring. I do... but I will not disturb her yet. Sometimes the game takes in a direction I hadn't forseen either. Actually, THEY live their lives and I am watching them and sit there with a notepad, writing down all that is happening. I see the story writing itself, so to speak \;\) April caused some havoc with her two sims I gladly adopted into the Bluewater lives. Kenneth Steel, I really think Barry will go for that. There is no stopping him. He is stubborn. Very stubborn, and maybe Kenny is good for BArry, and Barry for Kenny. Bubbles on the other hand is blinded. What to do, what to do???? Your comments are the best! \:wub\:  I do so appreciate them! The B&B will be there always and so will your drawer. Dutch has discovered your nest and decided to leave it alone, he does lay around crumbles and stuff and told Bubbles he is allergic to cats, in case she is thinking of getting any when they ship them to Bridgeport this fall \;\) Thank you ((((Rob)))) Big HUGS ... Love ya!

spladoumJun 28, 2011

You ... you ... you RAT!  Sneak-a-commenting on me! \:D  I was actually looking at that screenshot and wondering when you'd slipped that one in! LOL!  Ohhhh dear, poor Hunsford has (sniffle!) malfunctioned rather badly and has been decomissioned.  Breaks my heart, I liked him. \:\(

spladoumJun 28, 2011

Well, well!  Lots of comments, I shall respond to each one singly as it deserves (and hopefully not make any spelling errors in the process!  If I see 'em I'm startin' over!  LOL!  \;\)): 1) Yes, Papa's little brats pranked him but good.  He's been pretty wise ever since.   2) Wallace is very friendly like a certain other little boy we know and love so he prolly wouldn't have cared.  3) Awesome! \:D  4) ROFTLOL. \:D  You just will not cut Renee any slack, will you? ...  5) Not every adult, but when you're Kenny Steel, welll ... :P  Though I do fully acknowledge that Jesse is probably an idiot savant on some level.  6) It was definitely Ma and Pa Steel in that treehouse. \:D  They don't have neighbors for at least three miles and wouldn't know their nearest neighbors if the folks trekked up the hill to use the phone.  LOL!

flody888Jun 27, 2011

P.S. I've always liked Whistler but it's probably for the best that Jesse finds a new direction. I'm sure whatever it is - he'll be great! Also, this just makes me wonder if WIndy will go into the family business now that Whistler will be short an employee! \:eek\:

flody888Jun 27, 2011

Hi Rob! \:\) Thank you and you're welcome! \:D Just had to let you know that I've had grilled hot dogs for three days in a row because of WttC! \;\) Way better than in the microwave - for sure! \:D Also, I just wanted to mention how amazing the contrast of the second last chapter is to the usual flow of the series. I didn't notice it on first read because I was caught up in Jesse's romantic-dream-obssession pov. But when I read the last chapter it clicked. Really brilliant! Kudos to you!

spladoumJun 26, 2011

LOL!!  Well, okay.  Jules, stay sweet. \:wub\: **offers him a pirate's hat with a gaudy feather**

spladoumJun 26, 2011

"Some" cast members? \:eek\: ... **can only think of one who should give a damn**  Oh, well, River has those muscles for a reason and she ain't above a bar brawl, so she says bring yo peeps and she'll be waiting! \;\)  LOL!  I thought you'd appreciate screen 39.  I laughed the entire time I was putting the flashback together, so much wrong concentrated in just a few screens!  No. 50 is my personal favorite.  Ehehe!

fabrizioammolloJun 25, 2011

Dear Rob, my Friend! I guessed as much! I find it very ironic that both Jono and Jesse have been charged for a kind of crime they did commit even if they are innocent of the specific one \:D! Have a fabulous week-end you too, F.

PralinesimsJun 24, 2011

♥You´re welcome!!i hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!\:wub\:\:wub\:

ShelleyBJun 22, 2011

YES, Stephen King's IT and Pennywise the Clown is exactly what I was referring to. \:ph34r\: Now, down to business. I'm hooked on your collaboration with April and she has already hinted that a new chapter is coming within a few days. Hope I won't have to wait too long to hear from your little corner of the world as well..... (????) Thanks for all the entertainment!! \:D

spladoumJun 22, 2011

How do we get from a one-night-stand to a cleavered wedding cake?  Well, ya start with some good ol' Roman Catholic parental GUILT. \:D

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