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RatRaceRob's Guestbook

YrS92Jun 22, 2011

I know, my hat has been hiding lately, but now that I am no longer haunted by talking mice and princesses, I can safely exit my haven and return to this lovely community, and to Gardens as well \;\) Your comment on the 50th chapter really made my day, and of course it was very nice to see you had popped by to read about my *lovely* Jo's adventures in Foxgrove \:P I am having so much fun, writing the story with April, although with Jared and Jo I'm not sure if I should feel sorry for them, or simply laugh, they deserve each other \:D Anyways, here is some French cheese for you my furry friend, hugs, Senja \:wub\:

spitzmagicJun 22, 2011

LOL stupid keyboard *grins from ear to ear* hahahahha \:D

spitzmagicJun 22, 2011

Hey (((Rob))) my bestest furry friend \:wub\: Thank yoiu for your awesome comments and complements on Silent Sunset and my new avatar pic...*grins for ear to ear*...wishing you a fab weekend...\:wub\:

fredbrennyJun 21, 2011

Oh... I heard through the grapevine you are working on the next chapter.... Can't wait my friend... Loved Jules tthere with his fish... and... I LOVED your comment on the Abnerfield... THANKS!!! that project has been a biggie... It is time I spend some time with Bubbles again! \;\)  

martoeleJun 21, 2011

Thank you Rob for your nice words on part 15 of 'Moon'. I feel I have to finish this story but there are some questions that needed more explanation, that's why I wrote more extensively about Jeremy's past. I ran out of inspiration at the moment but hope that the next part will be the finale. I hope to see the next part of your story soon. \:D

flody888Jun 13, 2011

You're so welcome, Rob! (Although, I always feel silly saying 'you're welcome' when I'm the one who feels so thankful for these stories you share with us!) I never think my words express enough praise for your skill and efforts but I hope you know how much everyone is grateful for what you do and share! (You have many fans -including me!!!- so you'd better know it! \:D) Fun times to you too!!! \:D \:rah\:

flody888Jun 8, 2011

Oops! Sorry! I misspelled Roch's name! \:eek\:

flody888Jun 8, 2011

Hi Rob! Just read your latest chapter and LOVED it!!! \:wub\: I always knew Jesse was sweet and that he was a charmer but now we all see the hows and ways!! \:D He and Gwen seem perfect for eachother! \:wub\: But, of course, I bet you and spladoum have your own hows and ways to make the story interesting! \;\) I'm reading all these mentions of Roche so I think I better go back and check what other chapters I missed! (Roche is, of course, the cutie cop from Flip!) Congrats and Many Thanks as ALWAYS!!! \:wub\:

J_andrews8081Jun 7, 2011

Hello Sir! Your newest fan swooning again...do you use poseboxes? I just cant imagine how you get some of these great shots!!

fabrizioammolloMay 31, 2011

Hello Rob! Everytime I'm reading your story I end up wanting more, but i know that only the hard and patient work let you achieve such results, so take your time my Friend (moreover I'm going on vacation the next week-end, so I wont be around even if the next chapter would be out by then :P!) Very luckily the rest of the week, at least the working one, is going to be very short, just tomorrow actually, 'cause the June 2nd is the Repubblic Day and we got friday off as well. Wishing you an amazing week, take care, F.

fabrizioammolloMay 30, 2011

Hi Rob. you Amazing Rodent! Now I realized what was that odd sensation I had in the back of my head about Roch Le Beau... How could I forget \:eek\:! So I presume that Jesse called Jono,  who told his wife, who sent in the cavalry :P! I'm sure Jesse is not going to like Gwen parents, not at all! More that likely the feeling is going to be mutual! \:D\:D\:D Take care My Friend! F.

fredbrennyMay 29, 2011

OMG!!!!! \:eek\: Roch Le Beau.... I remember him NOW!!!!!

spladoumMay 29, 2011

Hmmm.  Harley seems to have taken off on an unscheduled vacation.  When he comes back, I'll be sure to give him your message. :P

mitty560May 27, 2011

I just found it! I'm off to read.....:-)

spitzmagicMay 27, 2011

(((Rob))) good morning to you \:wub\:and thank you tons and tons for your awesome comment on ch2...the last one is in the works. There are several paths I could take it. We'll see which one my simmes choose \:D Have a great weekend \:wub\:

fredbrennyMay 27, 2011

*LOL*  Rob.... Thanks my dear rat friend! Bubbles doesn't know yet Vincent is back... I am still trying to convince Barry that going with Kenny is not a very good idea... He is still very young... but yeah... as you know, working with your own cast... it takes some energy and time to talk them into stuff... \:D  Next chapter should answer some questions I think, not raise more...\;\)  Thanks for your wonderful comment, and of course thanks for giving us your story to enjoy and cherish... Boy that was good! \:wub\:

mitty560May 25, 2011

I've heard rats are not known for their patience! If it makes your furry little self feel better, crazy people are not known for their patience either!! \;\)

spitzmagicMay 25, 2011

Hey there my furry little rat friend...thanks ofr your awesome comment on Silent Sunset..you sure made my day...\:wub\:

mitty560May 24, 2011

Hello my favoritist rat! Waiting still.....tap....tap....tap goes my foot! I'm not so good at the waiting game.  

spladoumMay 24, 2011

Jared: "You bet I do.  If you ever meet him, you'll know why I beat him up too!" :P

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