Ripplesims (4366821)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (44 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Eric Lecarde Cloth by Keere
Published Dec 19, 2012
About Me
Hey everyone!
Here is Ripplesims,a group of energetic creators from China.
Body shop creations are uploaded for the most part,including our boasts��traditional Chinese-style stuff!
Key members:
Aioria,AHU,15,Dodo,Little white,Lan,Mr.Z,Yamama,Darklulu,
Miss U,Lusy,Sisi,Musi,Keere
Hope that our works can bring you more pleasure in the game!
BTW,it's a heinous inconvenience that TSR don't allow replies to the comments...
If there is any problems in our works or you have other requirements(want to get something in our preview image,something you'd like to see in TS2,etc),just send us a private message and we'll reply to you as fast as possible!
My Guestbook Show All
catlilapause*Jul 28, 2013
Hi!First of all let me tell you that I looove your creations! I was wondering if you could make an item from LOTR. I would absolutely adore to have Galandriel's crown in my game and I think that you are so talented that you could do it justice. Here's a picture:
mistyangelDec 20, 2012
I love your creations, I think they are fantastic!!
Screaming MustardMay 03, 2012
Hello! I love love love your creations! Welcome! : )