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Some fixed files

Hello Simmers! πŸ˜€
While working on new sets, we are here to let you know that we've fixed a few problems in some of our older TSR files.
here's the list to help you to identify:

If you have any of the fixed files in this list, please πŸ™ them πŸ€—.
We sincerely apologize for this annoying inconvenience which re-download a file is... but these files are old and had no problems at the time they were launched. Now some of their graphics look odd so, we updated them and changed some bases. They look better now (specially the peacock set πŸ˜‰ )

Thank you in advance for understanding and for redownloading!
Sweet Hugs and have a lovely weekend filled with great moments & laughs πŸ˜„

Ps. stay tuned we will have new sets for your sims soon 😎



what a blessing surprise to log in TSR today and see this huge milestone ♥ more than 250.000.000 downloads of our creations!!!  *wow*
Without your love, your appreciation, your lovely comments and support this milestone would never be possible to achieve!
We feel so blessed for having you near us :)
Please feel deeply embraced and feel also our sincere love!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for enjoying SIMcredible!

Much love in your way ...always ♥


Embraced by the joy when you realize that a set appears in all 4 versions of the game, we bring today  the 'Vogue' set, full of history and yet totally revamped ^^
It is always such a lovely feeling being a part of this great Community since sims1 ♥
Also time to thank you sincerely for being with us since then :D

Just a bit of our personal history ^^ Vogue through the years

Vogue The Sims 2 ( released September/2007 )
Vogue The Sims 1 ( released March/2009 )
Vogue The Sims 3 ( released February/2010 )
Vogue The Sims 4 ( released August 2018 )

Hope you keep enjoying our designs :)

Happy simming!







sims 4

**debug** issue fixed


After several tests and the help of friends Colleen, Danuta and Sara we were able to fix the **debug** issue.

Please, if you are unable to find the Industrial Kitchen through search box, please redownload the files.

If you downloaded our newest SIMcredible files and is having the same issue, please read here


Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

Happy simming :)

**debug** instead of object name

Hello simmers!

We don't know why since March 2018 some few people started to have cc objects showing up with name **debug** instead of the set name and object description.

Seems that March 2018 patch messed up something and now, although it shows perfect to us in our computers (both of us) some users are not seeing nor description, nor name on their game, only **debug**.

We are talking with other artists, asking friends to test our own on their machines (thanks to Danuta ♥ and Sara ♥ ) and do what we can but maybe it will delay a bit to solve it since this is a very random case.

As soon as there's a fix for this, we will fix and reupload our latest sets.

Sorry for this inconvenience.

Wish you have a happy simming!

December 2017 patch and Vacation time :D

Finally :D

It's summer here and we will be out of computer 🌞

If you have any question, sorry to say we will be answering them all only on mid-February.

All TSR pieces were fixed to work with December 13 patch. If you redownloaded and the problem persists we suggest you to follow one of these instructions to have all your downloads working again (please choose just 1):

1a - Go to

1b - Create a free account

1c- Download

1d- Follow this image tutorial:

How to fix using s4s



2a- Download TSRWorkshop 2.2.59 version clicking here

2b- Follow this image tutorial:

Fix using TSRW

Just one of these is enough to get your files working.

All of our SIMcredible files were updated. You can see the list of SIMcredible fixed files here.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful and Happy New Year!!! πŸŽ„πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ˜€


Weird shadows after Pets patch


Since Pets ep arrived many issues started to happen with cc. Seatings and beds disappearing were the first. Now, all of these files have been fixed . But still, there's a problem which is both weird and random.

Some machines are seeing a weird shadow on several objects, mostly when they are on the wall. We fixed all of our TSR files and they must have their shadows fixed at this point. But as we said it is random... some machines shows still the weird shadows and others don't. So far, all tests were made on game's ultra but seems this changes from machine to machine. Asked some friends to test and they see no problem on fixed files. However, one of our tests machine is seeing the ugly shadows. But this same machine has a sims4 incompatible graphics card so, maybe this is the reason.

Still under tests, we will be updating this blog if any other new discover regarding the weird shadow from pets patch occurs.

Happy simming!

Fix for sofas, loveseats and beds - Cats and Dogs Patch


TSR will be fixing all their content soon. For now, all staff is very busy fixing ugly shadows which are all around since the newest patch arrived. That's all we will be fixing our seatings ourselves pretty soon (we are planing to start this November 17th).

But we don't have pets ep installed. When we fix our files, we need to ask for friends with the newest ep installed for help testing them all properly and it takes time.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

By the way, for now there are 3 other ways to fix your game seatings, just in case you are in a rush to have your couches back ;)

1- Go to the world screen. Go back to your game and they should all be fixed.


2-Download newest TSR workshop version ( 2.2.56

Once you've installed it, go to start -> tools -> batchfix -> fix pets


3- Download the newest sims4 studio

and run a batch fix for Pets EP under 'tools' menu.

All these ways you don't need to wait for redownload all your files. They fix all you have installed, from any artist :)
Much easier, right?

Happy simming!


cats and dogs patch

Coastal series

When Sims4 was released and we were still creating for Sims3 game, we started to receive messages from people requesting us to bring Coastal series for Sims4. On that time we still didn't have Sims4 ourselves... long time ago indeed ^^ After that, we received some more requests for these beachy sets and around August 2016 we decided to bring Coastal back. We had 8 pieces made but since it is a large project and we were focused on other sets, we kept these few pieces saved on a flash drive. We completely forgot it.

Now, around July 2017, a person asked if we had plans to bring Coastal to Sims4. And now we said "YES! Now it's the time" :)
We will be bringing all Coastal Series slowly because our free time is sparse lately and also because our computer ( the one we use to take pictures from) is not very well.

So sorry we delayed so much to bring this series to Sims4 but still hope you enjoy it!
Happy simming :)

Funny Kitchen series

After several requests, we are bringing to your sims 4 the funny kitchen series. The first will be time to bake :)

Time to salad will be added later, we are at this moment working on it.


All Funny kitchen series objects are decor only.Why?
Because EA didn't bring in base game a working base of these items for us to clone from.

Time to bake

Hope you and your sims enjoy :) Happy simming!

Latest Headlines

Some fixed files milestone Vogue **debug** issue fixed **debug** instead of object name December 2017 patch and Vacation... Weird shadows after Pets patch Fix for sofas, loveseats and... Coastal series Funny Kitchen series
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